Results 1 – 4
- Collection identifier: MISC
- Contributors: A-he-ba-tu (consultant); John Abel (consultant); John Albert (consultant); Marcos Alejo (consultant); Adeline Alfred (consultant); Henry S. Alfred (consultant); Aspa-sakam (consultant); Ima Bahnsen (consultant); Grace Barnes (consultant); Haynes Bateman (speaker); Sam Batwi (consultant); Jasper Bell (consultant); Ned Belles (consultant); Dandy Bill (consultant); Garland Blaine (consultant); Ramsey Blake (consultant); Carrie Bluejacket (consultant); Mamie Boland (consultant); Billy Bowlegs (consultant); Molly Brainerd (consultant); Ellen Brazille Grant (consultant); Susan Brazille (consultant); Fanny Brown (consultant); Jim Brown (consultant); Sam Brown (consultant); Joseph Brunell (consultant); William Bruner (consultant); Hilabi Bullet (consultant); Irene Butterfly (consultant); Jim Calico (consultant); Captain Spott (consultant); Alex Catfish (consultant); Pedro Cawewas (consultant); Bebo Chaska (consultant); Florence Chaska (consultant); Chiyerekavasuk (consultant); Hattie Christie (consultant); Irene Clark (consultant); Henry Clay (consultant); Chas. Coachman (consultant); Judson Dwight (J.D.) Collins (consultant); María de los Ángeles Colós (consultant); Daniel Cook (consultant); Coquille Thompson (consultant); Juan Cortés García (consultant); Pascual Cortés López (consultant); Rafael Cortés Vásquez (consultant); Croft (consultant); Jenny Curl (consultant); Billy Daniels Sr. (consultant); Frank Daugherty (consultant); Dora Davis (consultant); Grace Davis (consultant); Madeline Davis (consultant); Depot Charley (consultant); Doctor of Pekwon (consultant); Domingo (consultant); Frank Douglas (consultant); Lázaro Díaz Pacheco (consultant, researcher, translator); Christine Edgar (consultant); Murray B. Emeneau (speaker); Eneati (consultant); Colusio Esteban (consultant); Peter Ewing (consultant); Baldwin Fairchild (consultant); Isom Field (consultant); Aileen Figueroa (consultant); Jane Flippo (consultant); Celso Flores (consultant); Erin Forrest (consultant); Gordon Francis (consultant); Concepción Francisco Márquez (consultant); Rosie Fred (consultant); William Freeman (consultant); Galice Creek Jim (consultant); Marco Antonio García Cabrera (consultant); María Agustina García Cortés (consultant); Luis García García (consultant); George (consultant); Dewey George (consultant); Sara Jane Gonzales (consultant); Emily Gordon (speaker); E. Gouge (consultant); Government George (consultant); Frank Gray (consultant); Joseph Gray (consultant); Adam Grayson (consultant); José Guzmán (consultant); Mary R. Haas (speaker, author, researcher, donor); Willie Haney (consultant); August Hanson (consultant); Julia Hanson (consultant); Achora Hanyava (consultant); Anna Harnois (consultant); Redwood Henry (consultant); Edmundo Palomec Hernández (consultant); Dan Hill (consultant); Jim Hill (consultant); Tom Hill (consultant); Suzanne Moore Holder (consultant); Ishi (consultant); Frances Jack (consultant); Jimmy Jack (consultant); Ned Jackson (consultant, speaker); Jimmy Jensan (consultant); Kitty Jensan (consultant); Miguel Jerónimo Laureano (consultant); Francisco John (consultant); Lena Johnson (consultant); Lo-leet Johnson (consultant); John Ned Jones (consultant); Dan Jordan (consultant); William Joseph (consultant); Effie Kelsey (consultant); John Kelsey (consultant); Saxey Kidd (consultant); Carolyn Knife Chief (consultant); John Knight (consultant); Stephen Knight (consultant); Selena LaMarr (consultant); Shem Lafayette (consultant); George Lamb (consultant); Nadlon Lamb (consultant); Julian Lang (consultant); Antonio Laureano Jerónimo (consultant); Luz Laureano Márquez (consultant); Peggy Leaf (consultant); Lucy Leo (consultant); Philip Lesourd (consultant); Mekko Lewis (consultant); Richard Lewis (consultant); Maria Antonia Leyvas (speaker); Larkey Logan (consultant); Isaías López García (consultant); Regina López Jerónimo (consultant); Marian Makpin (consultant); Tom Many Guns (consultant); Fred Marquez (consultant); Sadie Marsh (consultant); T. Marshall (consultant); Oscar McDaniel (consultant); Bill McDaniels (consultant); Grace McKibbin (consultant, singer); Isabel Meadows (consultant); Fanny Melcher (consultant); Bill Merritt (consultant); Skye Mitchell (consultant); William Mitchum (consultant); Pedro Monjarás (consultant); Lucy Montgomery (consultant); Dollie Moore (consultant); Alberto Mosoline Mogica (consultant); Liberato Mosoline Mogica (consultant); Peter Muggins (consultant); Frank Muree (consultant); Domingo Márquez Andrés (consultant); Lucas Márquez López (consultant); Sergio Méndez (consultant); Alec "Chino" Naredo (consultant); Gilbert Natches (consultant, author); Jo Nelson (consultant); Sally Noble (consultant); Roscinda Nolasquez (consultant); Ella Norris (consultant); Henry North (consultant); Captain Dave Numana (consultant); Hattie Oach (consultant); Old Man Dude (consultant); Georgia Orchid (consultant); Santiago Ortiz (consultant); Jake Orton (consultant); Stephen Parish (consultant); Paskofa (consultant); Harry Pastian (consultant); Peter Paul (consultant); Florence Payoli (consultant); Pekwon Jim (consultant); Chester Pepper (consultant); Johnny Pepper (consultant); Hieronymo Peraza (consultant); Bernie Pilcher (consultant); Taylor Postoak (consultant); Della Prince (consultant); T. Proctor (consultant); Melba Rakow (consultant); Arthur E. Ralford (consultant); P. Ralford (consultant); L. Ramírez (consultant); Nancy Raven (consultant); Nettie Reuben (consultant); Carrie Roberts (consultant); Jake Rooney (consultant); Alex Ross (consultant); Salvador (consultant); Clifford Salvador (consultant); Martin Sam (consultant); Sargent Sambo (speaker); Leslie N. Sanchee (consultant); José Santiago Francisco (consultant); Miguel Santiago Francisco (consultant); Manuela Santiago Gaona (consultant); Ángela Santiago Juárez (consultant); Josefa Santiago Ramos (consultant); José Santos Velásquez (consultant); Edward Sapir (consultant, researcher); Nannie Scott (consultant); Minnie Scovel (consultant); Florence Shaughnessy (consultant); Charles Shellhead (consultant); Dorothy Shepherd (consultant); Reuben Shoulder (consultant); Anita Silva (consultant); William Simpson (consultant); Lucia Sisco (consultant); Nicolas Sisco (consultant); Nancy Sky (consultant); Smith River John (consultant); Soloman (speaker); Ascención Solórsano (consultant); Laura Somersal (consultant); Alice Spear (consultant); Jim Spear (consultant); Speck (consultant); Alice Spott (consultant); Robert Spott (consultant); Nancy Stand (consultant); Dorothy Stanley (consultant); D. Starr (consultant); Julia Starritt (speaker); Norman Strong (consultant); William Strong (consultant); Alec Sulphur (consultant); Fannie Sulphur (consultant); Violet Super (consultant); Harden Sylestine (consultant); Rusber Tangoa Ríos (consultant); Ollie Tanyan (consultant); Wesley Tanyan (consultant); Mary Tapia (consultant); Fran Tate (consultant); Tatelatun (consultant); Bill Taylor (consultant); Albert Thomas (consultant); John Thompson (consultant); Michael Thompson (consultant); Santa Tobar (consultant); John Toney (consultant); Josefa Velásquez (consultant); Rocío Vásquez Márquez (consultant); Manuel Vásquez Santiago (consultant); Pedro Vásquez Vásquez (consultant); Janetta Walker (consultant); Mabel Walloupe (consultant); James Warner Sr. (consultant); Sam Watt (consultant); Billy Werk (consultant); Charley Williams (consultant); Thomas Williams (consultant); Bill Wilson (consultant); Clara Wix (speaker); Fred Wix (speaker); Maggie Woho (consultant); Josephine Wolfin (consultant); Mary J. Yee (consultant); Fred Yelkes (consultant); Anastasia de Majel (consultant); G.H. Abbott (researcher); E.T. Adne (author); American Philosophical Society (researcher); A.C. Anderson (researcher, annotator); Manuel Jose Andrade (researcher); Anonymous (researcher, collector, compiler, transcriber); Richard B. Applegate (researcher); Felipe Arroyo de la Cuesta (researcher); Donald Baker (researcher); Francisco Antonio Barbastro (researcher); Muhammad Abd-al-Rahman Barker (researcher); Homer Barnett (researcher); W.H. Barnhardt (researcher); John R. Bartlett (researcher); Burt Bascom (researcher); Rosemary Beam de Azcona (researcher); Madison Beeler (researcher); Joe Benton (researcher); Brent Berlin (researcher); Howard Berman (researcher); Francis Berton (researcher); Kaj Birket-Smith (researcher); George R. Bissell (researcher); Franz Boas (researcher); Karen M. Booker (author, transcriber); Randy Bouchard (author, researcher); Luc Bouquiaux (researcher); William Bright (researcher); Susan Britsch (researcher); Donna Britton (author); H.B. Brown (researcher); Catherine A. Callaghan (author, researcher, compiler); Elliott Canonge (researcher); Yen-ling Chen (researcher); Serena Chow (researcher); Amy Cohn (researcher); Howard Collard (researcher); Thomas L. Collord (author); Andrew Cowell (author); James Mack Crawford Jr. (author); Judith G. Crawford (author); Don Crook (researcher); George Crook (researcher); Coca Cross (researcher); K.J. Crowe (author); Jeremiah Curtin (researcher); Joseph Orville Davidson Jr. (researcher); John H. Davis (researcher); Jon P. Dayley (researcher); John Dedrick (researcher); Roland Burrage Dixon (researcher); James Owen Dorsey (researcher, annotator); Jacob Dunn (researcher); Martin Durald (researcher); Phillip Eichorn (author); Jonathan Ekstrom (researcher); C. Douglas Ellis (researcher); William Elmendorf (author, researcher); Fr. Encinas (researcher); Monte Dean Espinoza (author, researcher); Willis E. Everette (researcher); Maria Teresa Fernandez de Miranda (researcher); James Fidelholtz (author); Mary L. Foster (author); Leo Joachim Frachtenberg (researcher); David A. Francis (author); John M. Francis (author); Donald Frantz (researcher); L.S. Freeland (researcher, editor); Ben Friday Sr. (author); Roey Gafter (researcher); Michael Galant (researcher); Brent Galloway (researcher); Geoffrey Gamble (author); J. Paul Garvin (researcher); L.G. Gates (researcher); Albert S. Gatschet (researcher); Orin Gensler (researcher); George Gibbs (author, researcher, collector); Jules Gillieron (researcher); Ives Goddard (author); Victor Golla (author, researcher, annotator); D.A. Good (researcher); G.H. Gould (researcher); Anthony P. Grant (researcher); Jacques Gravier (researcher); Philip John Greenfeld (author); George Grekoff (researcher); Joseph Evans Grimes (researcher); Diane Guilfoy (researcher); Francis T. Haggadorn (researcher); Patrick Hall (researcher); Alexander S. Hamilton (researcher); Gene Hammel (researcher); John Peabody Harrington (researcher); Alfred S. Hayes (researcher); William Babcock Hazen (researcher); Jeffrey Heath (author); Lt. Heintzelmann (researcher); Robert F. Heizer (researcher); Henry W. Henshaw (researcher); Charles Hockett (researcher); Margaret Hoffmann (author); Lorenzo Hubbard (researcher); J.W. Hudson (researcher); Bruce Husband (researcher); Melville Jacobs (researcher); Roderick Jacobs (author, researcher); Julianne (Strong Woman) Jennings (author); Sverre Johnsen (researcher); Terrence Kaufman (researcher); August Valentine Kautz (researcher); Charles Keeler (researcher); Dorothy I. D. Kennedy (author); Eun Joo Kim (researcher); Yuni Kim (researcher); Kathryn A. Klar (author); Terry J. Klokeid (researcher); Alfred L. Kroeber (researcher, annotator); Susumu Kuno (author); Robin T. Lakoff (author); Margaret Langdon (researcher); Frank Latta (researcher); Kathy LeBlanc (author); Jean Baptiste LeBoulanger (researcher); Robert M. Leavitt (author); Dorothy Lee (researcher); Lloyd Leland (author); Ricardo Lezama (researcher); Charles Li (researcher); Anna L. Linberg (researcher); Hugh Littlejohn (researcher); Oscar Loew (researcher); Herb Luthin (researcher); Walter L. Marsden (researcher, creator, editor); J. Alden Mason (researcher); Madeleine Mathiot (researcher); David McClintock Grubb (author); Ursula McConnel (researcher); Teresa McFarland (researcher, donor); Linda McLane (author); Sally McLendon (author, researcher); C. Hart Merriam (researcher); Duane Metzger (author); T. Michelson (researcher, annotator); John J. Milhau (researcher); Wick R. Miller (researcher); Randall Milliken (researcher); Marianne Mithun (author, researcher); Mauricio J. Mixco (researcher); Julius Moshinsky (author, researcher); Alonzo Moss (author); Pamela Munro (researcher); Hyejin Nah (researcher); Bruce E. Nevin (researcher, compiler); Stanley Newman (researcher); Michael P. Nichols (author, researcher, translator); Francis Joseph (Moondancer) O'Brien Jr. (author); David Olmsted (author, researcher); Bruno Olsson (researcher); Takatsugu Oyakawa (author); Douglas R. Parks (researcher); Mary Paster (researcher); Scott Patterson (researcher); Bruce L. Pearson (researcher); David Pentland (author); Les Peterson (author, researcher); Archie Phinney (researcher); A.L. Pinart (researcher); John Wesley Powell (researcher); Stephen Powers (researcher); William Preston (researcher); Paul Proulx (researcher); Wallace Pyawasit (author); Paul Radin (researcher); Kumaraswami Raja (researcher); Margaret Richmond (author); R. Ridgway (researcher); Bruce Rigsby (researcher); Victor Riste (researcher); John Ritter (researcher); R. H. (Robert Henry) Robins (researcher); June Rumery (author); Joseph Ryus (researcher, compiler); Margarida Salomão (author); Zdenek Salzmann (researcher); Olivia N. Sammons (researcher); Merceline Sanapaw (author); Jesse O. Sawyer (author, researcher); Pedro Miguel Say (author); Joan R. Scheffreen (author); Madge Schwede (researcher); Hansjakob Seiler (researcher); Alan Shaterian (author); David Leedom Shaul (researcher); George C. Shaw (researcher); Alice Shepherd (author, researcher, donor); William Shipley (researcher, donor); Frank T. Siebert Jr. (author); Shirley Silver (author); Michael Silverstein (author); Brian Sinclair (author); Roy Siniard (researcher); Martin Slate (author); Jane Sokolow (author); Richard Stanley (researcher); Morris Swadesh (author, researcher); John Reed Swanton (researcher); John Sylak-Glassman (researcher); Laszlo Szabo (author); Lone Takeuchi (author); Allan R. Taylor (author, researcher); Karl V. Teeter (author, researcher, annotator, compiler, donor); Jacqueline M.C. Thomas (researcher); Laurence C. Thompson (researcher); Sandra Thompson (researcher); A.H. Timberlake (author); Mary W. Toynbee (author); Alfred M. Tozzer (researcher); Katherine Turner (researcher, donor); Nancy J. Turner (author); Guy Tyler (researcher); Hans Jørgen Uldall (researcher); Donald Ultan (researcher); Russell Ultan (author, researcher); Matthias Urban (researcher); Dr. Platon M.G. Vallejo (researcher); Dale Valory (researcher); H.V. Velton (researcher); Agnes Vera (author); Matt Vera (author); Charles Voegelin (researcher); Günter Wagner (researcher); Willard Walker (author); Janet L. Warne (author); Suzanne M. Wash (researcher); Thomas T. Waterman (author, researcher); William F. Weigel (researcher); Marlys Wendell (author); Pat Wenger (author); Alva Wheeler (author); Lt. Whipple (researcher); Kenneth W. Whistler (author, researcher); Allen White (researcher); Daniel Winocour (author); Linnie Marsh Wolfe (researcher); Ruth Wood (researcher); Oliviana Zakaria (researcher); Jaime de Angulo (researcher); Frederica de Laguna (researcher); Alejandro de Ávila (researcher); K.H. von Gursky (researcher); Zuzana Čengerová (researcher); Laura Buszard-Welcher (collector, donor, transcriber); David J. Costa (donor); Amy Dahlstrom (donor); Steve Emanuels (donor); BillyHawk Enos (illustrator); Lisa Enos (editor, translator); Virves García (illustrator); Andrew Garrett (interviewer); Kenneth Hale (translator); Arthur Harrington (recorder); Leanne Hinton (donor, interviewer); Christian Hoecken (translator); Larry M. Hyman (interviewer); Kevin Jones (illustrator); Jeff Leer (compiler); Lise Menn (donor); James Mooney (annotator); Charles Munroe (illustrator); William J. O'Hair (editor, translator); Robert L. Oswalt (donor); Robert Pennell (donor); Fernando Peñalosa (translator); Harvey Pitkin (transcriber); Richard Rhodes (interviewer); Benigro Robles Reyo (recorder); F.L.O. Roehrig (compiler); Mauricio Sandoval (illustrator); Eero Vihman (transcriber); Helene Boas Yampolsky (editor)
- Languages: Abenaki; Achumawi (acv); Acjachemem; Alabama (akz); Algic; Algonquian; Algonquin (alq); Alsea; Alsea (aes); Alutiiq (ems); Apache; Applegate; Arapaho; Arapaho (arp); Arikara (ari); Atakapa (aqp); Atsugewi (atw); Awaswas; Aymara; Barbareño (boi); Beaver (bea); Blackfoot (bla); Caddo (cad); Cahita; Cahuilla (chl); Central Pomo (poo); Central Sierra Miwok (csm); Chalon; Chasta Costa; Chatino (ctp); Chawchila; Chetco (ctc); Chickasaw (cic); Chilula; Chimakuan; Chimariko (cid); Chinook Jargon (chn); Chipewyan (chp); Chippewa (ciw); Chiricahua Apache (apm); Chitimacha (ctm); Choapan Zapotec (zpc); Chochenyo; Choctaw (cho); Choynimni; Chukchansi; Chumashan; Chunut; Coast Miwok (csi); Coast Yuki; Coatlán-Loxicha Zapotec; Cochimí (coj); Cocopa (coc); Coicoyan Mixtec (jmx); Comanche (com); Coosan (csz); Cree (cre); Creek; Crow (cro); Cruzeño (crz); Cupan; Cupeño (cup); Dakota (dak); Delaware (del); Dene; Ditidaht (noo); Dumna; Eastern Ojibwa (ojg); Eastern Pomo (peb); English (eng); Eskimo; Esselen (esq); Euchre Creek; Eyak (eya); Filomeno Mata-Coahuitlán Totonac (tlp); Gabrielino; Galice; Gashowu; Gros Ventre (ats); Heiltsuk-Oowekyala (hei); Hill Patwin; Hitchiti; Hopi (hop); Hualapai (yuf); Huave (hue); Huchnom; Huichol (hch); Hupa; Isthmus Zapotec (zai); K'iche'; Kalapuyan (kyl); Kansa (ksk); Karankawa; Karkin; Karuk (kyh); Kashaya (kju); Kato (ktw); Kickapoo (kic); Kiliwa (klb); Kiowa; Kiowa (kio); Kitanemuk; Klamath; Klamath-Modoc (kla); Koasati (cku); Konkow (mjd); Konomihu; Koso Shoshone; Koyeti; Kumeyaay (dih); Kutenai (kut); Kwak'wala (kwk); Kwalhioqua-Tlatskanie; Kwtsaan (yum); Lake Miwok (lmw); Lakota (lkt); Lower Umpqua; Luiseño (lui); Maidu (nmu); Makah (myh); Malecite-Passamaquoddy (pqm); Maricopa (mrc); Massachusett (wam); Mattole (mvb); Mayo (mfy); Máíhĩ̵̀kì (ore); Menominee (mez); Mesquakie (sac); Miami (mia); Micmac (mic); Miwokan; Mixtec; Modoc; Mojave (mov); Molalla (mbe); Mono (mnr); Montagnais (moe); Muskogean; Mutsun (css); Nahuatl; Natchez (ncz); Navajo (nav); Nez Perce (nez); Ngäbere (gym); Nisenan (nsz); Nomlaki (nol); Northeastern Pomo (pef); Northern Paiute (pao); Northern Pomo (pej); Northern Sierra Miwok (nsq); Northern Tepehuan (ntp); Northern Yana; Northern Yukian (yuk); Numic; Nuu-chah-nulth (noo); Obispeño (obi); Ohlone; Ojibwa; Omaha-Ponca (oma); Opata (opt); Oregon Athabaskan; Osage (osa); Otomí; Owens Valley Paiute; Paipai (ppi); Panamint (par); Patwin (pwi); Pawnee (paw); Pawnee; Penutian; Piro (pie); Plains Miwok (pmw); Pomoan; Popolocan; Potawatomi (pot); Purisimeño (puy); Q'anjob'al (kjb); Quapaw (qua); Quechuan; Quileute (qui); Ramaytush; Rarámuri (tar); River Patwin; Rumsen (css); Sahaptian; Saint Lucian Creole French (acf); Salinan (sln); Salishan; Samala (inz); San Agustín Mixtepec Zapotec (ztm); San Blas Kuna (cuk); Sarsi (srs); Sechelt (sec); Seminole; Seri (sei); Severn Ojibwa (ojs); Shasta (sht); Shastan; Shawnee (sjw); Shoshone (shh); Sierra de Juárez Zapotec (zaa); Sierra Miwok; Siouan; Sioux; Siuslaw (sis); Siuslaw-Lower Umpqua (sis); Sixes; Sliammon; Southeastern Pochutla Zapotec; Southeastern Pomo (pom); Southern Paiute; Southern Pomo (peq); Southern Tutchone (tce); Southern Wakashan; Squamish (squ); Suisun Patwin; Tachi; Takelma (tkm); Tamyen; Tewa; Tewa (tew); Tillamook (til); Tohono O'odham; Tolowa (tol); Tongva (xgf); Tonkawa (tqw); Tubatulabal (tub); Tucanoan; Tunica (tun); Tututni; Unami (unm); Upper Coquille (coq); Upper Umpqua; Upriver Halkomelem; Utian; Uto-Aztecan; Ventureño (veo); Wakashan; Wappo (wao); Washo (was); Wayuu (guc); Western Apache (apw); Western Keres (kjq); Wichita (wic); Wintu (wnw); Wintuan; Wiyot (wiy); Wukchumni; Yahi; Yana (ynn); Yaqui (yaq); Yawelmani; Yokuts (yok); Yucatec; Yuchi (yuc); Yuki; Yuman; Yurok (yur); Zapotec; Zuni (zun)
- Scope and content: A collection for items from the Survey of California and Other Indian Languages that are not associated with any other collection.
The purpose of the Collection is so that an otherwise unaffiliated item is associated with the SCOIL repository.
This Collection should not be displayed in the public catalog, and items belonging to this Collection should not refer to their membership in this Collection when displayed in the public catalog (i.e. should not display its title or identifier). - Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: . Miscellaneous papers from the Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, MISC, California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Collection identifier: LA106
- Relations to this Collection: 2014-07 has this Collection as an alternative version
- Primary contributors: Oscar McDaniel (consultant); Donald Ultan (researcher)
- Language: Hill Patwin
- Dates: 1961
- Extent: 6 master reels
- Historical information: This collection contains digitized versions of the mastered versions of original reel-to-reel tapes. The mastering process, originally done by the Berkeley Language Center, involved segmenting original recordings into tracks. In this collection each such track constitutes a single file bundle.
- Scope and content: Sound recordings of lexical elicitation (some for phonemic contrasts) and texts.
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Oscar McDaniel and Donald Ultan. The Donald Ultan Collection of Hill Patwin Sound Recordings, LA 106, California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Associated materials: For the original reel-to-reel tapes, see collection 2014-07 (; for associated field notes, see UltanD.m001 ( Collection LA151 contains recordings of Hill Patwin made the subsequent year.
- Collection identifier: 2014-07
- Relations to this Collection: LA 106 and LA 151 are versions of this Collection
- Primary contributors: Sara Jane Gonzales (consultant); Oscar McDaniel (consultant); Donald Ultan (researcher)
- Languages: Hill Patwin; River Patwin
- Dates: 1961-1962
- Extent: 4 reel-to-reel tapes
- Historical information: This collection contains the digitized versions of original reel-to-reel tapes. Prior to the creation of this collection, the master reels had been digitized and organized into collections LA106 and LA151.
- Scope and content: Sound recordings of lexical elicitation (some for phonemic contrasts) and texts.
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Sara Jane Gonzales, Oscar McDaniel, and Donald Ultan. The Donald Ultan Collection of Patwin Sound Recordings, 2014-07, California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Associated materials: For mastered versions, see collections LA106 ( and LA151 (; for associated field notes, see UltanD.m001 (
- Collection identifier: LA151
- Relations to this Collection: 2014-07 has this Collection as an alternative version
- Primary contributors: Sara Jane Gonzales (consultant); Donald Ultan (researcher)
- Language: River Patwin
- Dates: 1962
- Extent: 1 master reel
- Historical information: This collection contains the digitized version of the mastered version of the original reel-to-reel tape. The mastering process, originally done by the Berkeley Language Center, involved segmenting original recordings into tracks. This collection results from separating one track of River Patwin from a remaining set of Hill Patwin recordings.
- Scope and content: Sound recording of text.
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Sara Jane Gonzales and Donald Ultan. The Donald Ultan Collection of River Patwin Sound Recordings, LA 151, California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Associated materials: For the original reel-to-reel tapes, see collection 2014-07 (; for associated field notes, see UltanD.m001 ( Collection LA106 contains recordings of Hill Patwin made the previous year.
Results 1 – 25
- Item identifier: LA106.020
- Date: 1961
- Contributors: Oscar McDaniel (consultant); Donald Ultan (researcher)
- Language: Hill Patwin
- Relations to this item: 2014-07.004 has this Item as an alternative version
- Availability: Online access
- Catalog history: Digital asset LA106.020.001.wav was formerly segment number 020_1.
- Collection: The Donald Ultan Collection of Hill Patwin Sound Recordings
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Contrasts, for example "hunt/food/drink", LA 106.020, in "The Donald Ultan Collection of Hill Patwin Sound Recordings", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: LA106.023
- Date: 1961
- Contributors: Oscar McDaniel (consultant); Donald Ultan (researcher)
- Language: Hill Patwin
- Relations to this item: 2014-07.004 has this Item as an alternative version
- Availability: Online access
- Catalog history: Digital asset LA106.023.001.wav was formerly segment number 023_1.
- Collection: The Donald Ultan Collection of Hill Patwin Sound Recordings
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Elicitation of vocabulary, including "deaf, blind," some color and some food terms, LA 106.023, in "The Donald Ultan Collection of Hill Patwin Sound Recordings", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: LA106.022
- Date: 1961
- Contributors: Oscar McDaniel (consultant); Donald Ultan (researcher)
- Language: Hill Patwin
- Relations to this item: 2014-07.004 has this Item as an alternative version
- Availability: Online access
- Catalog history: Digital asset LA106.022.001.wav was formerly segment number 022_1.
- Collection: The Donald Ultan Collection of Hill Patwin Sound Recordings
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Elicitation of vocabulary, including some family terms and some animal terms, LA 106.022, in "The Donald Ultan Collection of Hill Patwin Sound Recordings", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: LA106.021
- Date: 1961
- Contributors: Oscar McDaniel (consultant); Donald Ultan (researcher)
- Language: Hill Patwin
- Relations to this item: 2014-07.004 has this Item as an alternative version
- Availability: Online access
- Catalog history: Digital asset LA106.021.001.wav was formerly segment number 021_1.
- Collection: The Donald Ultan Collection of Hill Patwin Sound Recordings
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Elicitation of vocabulary, mainly verbs like "talk, forget, hit," and some short phrases, LA 106.021, in "The Donald Ultan Collection of Hill Patwin Sound Recordings", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2014-07.001
- Date: 1961
- Contributors: Oscar McDaniel (consultant); Donald Ultan (researcher)
- Language: Hill Patwin
- Relations to this item: LA 106.001, LA 106.002, LA 106.003, and LA 106.004 are versions of this Item
- Availability: Online access
- Extent: 1 reel-to-reel tape
- Collection: The Donald Ultan Collection of Patwin Sound Recordings
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Phonemic contrasts, 2014-07.001, in "The Donald Ultan Collection of Patwin Sound Recordings", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2014-07.002
- Date: 1961
- Contributors: Oscar McDaniel (consultant); Donald Ultan (researcher)
- Language: Hill Patwin
- Relations to this item: LA 106.005, LA 106.006, LA 106.007, LA 106.008, LA 106.009, and LA 106.010 are versions of this Item
- Availability: Online access
- Extent: 1 reel-to-reel tape
- Collection: The Donald Ultan Collection of Patwin Sound Recordings
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Phonemic contrasts, 2014-07.002, in "The Donald Ultan Collection of Patwin Sound Recordings", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2014-07.003
- Date: 1961
- Contributors: Oscar McDaniel (consultant); Donald Ultan (researcher)
- Language: Hill Patwin
- Relations to this item: LA 106.011 is a version of this Item
- Availability: Online access
- Extent: 1 reel-to-reel tape
- Collection: The Donald Ultan Collection of Patwin Sound Recordings
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Phonemic contrasts, 2014-07.003, in "The Donald Ultan Collection of Patwin Sound Recordings", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: LA106.011
- Date: 1961
- Contributors: Oscar McDaniel (consultant); Donald Ultan (researcher)
- Language: Hill Patwin
- Relations to this item: 2014-07.003 has this Item as an alternative version
- Availability: Online access
- Catalog history: Digital asset LA106.011.001.wav was formerly segment number 011_1.
- Collection: The Donald Ultan Collection of Hill Patwin Sound Recordings
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Phonemic contrasts, for example "a yellow jacket/hair or fur", LA 106.011, in "The Donald Ultan Collection of Hill Patwin Sound Recordings", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: LA106.004
- Date: 1961
- Contributors: Oscar McDaniel (consultant); Donald Ultan (researcher)
- Language: Hill Patwin
- Relations to this item: 2014-07.001 has this Item as an alternative version
- Availability: Online access
- Catalog history: Digital asset LA106.004.001.wav was formerly segment number 004_1.
- Collection: The Donald Ultan Collection of Hill Patwin Sound Recordings
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Phonemic contrasts, for example "bitten/bite", LA 106.004, in "The Donald Ultan Collection of Hill Patwin Sound Recordings", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: LA106.006
- Date: 1961
- Contributors: Oscar McDaniel (consultant); Donald Ultan (researcher)
- Language: Hill Patwin
- Relations to this item: 2014-07.002 has this Item as an alternative version
- Availability: Online access
- Catalog history: Digital asset LA106.006.001.wav was formerly segment number 006_1.
- Collection: The Donald Ultan Collection of Hill Patwin Sound Recordings
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Phonemic contrasts, for example "choose something/I'm choosing", LA 106.006, in "The Donald Ultan Collection of Hill Patwin Sound Recordings", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: LA106.001
- Date: 1961
- Contributors: Oscar McDaniel (consultant); Donald Ultan (researcher)
- Language: Hill Patwin
- Relations to this item: 2014-07.001 has this Item as an alternative version
- Availability: Online access
- Catalog history: Digital asset LA106.001.001.wav was formerly segment number 001_1.
- Collection: The Donald Ultan Collection of Hill Patwin Sound Recordings
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Phonemic contrasts, for example "free/wood", LA 106.001, in "The Donald Ultan Collection of Hill Patwin Sound Recordings", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: LA106.005
- Date: 1961
- Contributors: Oscar McDaniel (consultant); Donald Ultan (researcher)
- Language: Hill Patwin
- Relations to this item: 2014-07.002 has this Item as an alternative version
- Availability: Online access
- Catalog history: Digital asset LA106.005.001.wav was formerly segment number 005_1.
- Collection: The Donald Ultan Collection of Hill Patwin Sound Recordings
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Phonemic contrasts, for example "ghost/white oak", LA 106.005, in "The Donald Ultan Collection of Hill Patwin Sound Recordings", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: LA106.007
- Date: 1961
- Contributors: Oscar McDaniel (consultant); Donald Ultan (researcher)
- Language: Hill Patwin
- Relations to this item: 2014-07.002 has this Item as an alternative version
- Availability: Online access
- Catalog history: Digital asset LA106.007.001.wav was formerly segment number 007_1.
- Collection: The Donald Ultan Collection of Hill Patwin Sound Recordings
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Phonemic contrasts, for example "owl/eel", LA 106.007, in "The Donald Ultan Collection of Hill Patwin Sound Recordings", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: LA106.002
- Date: 1961
- Contributors: Oscar McDaniel (consultant); Donald Ultan (researcher)
- Language: Hill Patwin
- Relations to this item: 2014-07.001 has this Item as an alternative version
- Availability: Online access
- Catalog history: Digital asset LA106.002.001.wav was formerly segment number 002_1.
- Collection: The Donald Ultan Collection of Hill Patwin Sound Recordings
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Phonemic contrasts, for example "sore/creeping vine", LA 106.002, in "The Donald Ultan Collection of Hill Patwin Sound Recordings", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: LA106.003
- Date: 1961
- Contributors: Oscar McDaniel (consultant); Donald Ultan (researcher)
- Language: Hill Patwin
- Relations to this item: 2014-07.001 has this Item as an alternative version
- Availability: Online access
- Catalog history: Digital asset LA106.003.001.wav was formerly segment number 003_1.
- Collection: The Donald Ultan Collection of Hill Patwin Sound Recordings
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Phonemic contrasts, for example "stretch/horns", LA 106.003, in "The Donald Ultan Collection of Hill Patwin Sound Recordings", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: LA106.009
- Date: 1961
- Contributors: Oscar McDaniel (consultant); Donald Ultan (researcher)
- Language: Hill Patwin
- Relations to this item: 2014-07.002 has this Item as an alternative version
- Availability: Online access
- Catalog history: Digital asset LA106.009.001.wav was formerly segment number 009_1.
- Collection: The Donald Ultan Collection of Hill Patwin Sound Recordings
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Phonemic contrasts, for example "to dip into something/to belch", LA 106.009, in "The Donald Ultan Collection of Hill Patwin Sound Recordings", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: LA106.010
- Date: 1961
- Contributors: Oscar McDaniel (consultant); Donald Ultan (researcher)
- Language: Hill Patwin
- Relations to this item: 2014-07.002 has this Item as an alternative version
- Availability: Online access
- Catalog history: Digital asset LA106.010.001.wav was formerly segment number 010_1.
- Collection: The Donald Ultan Collection of Hill Patwin Sound Recordings
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Phonemic contrasts, for example "tobacco/red bud/root", LA 106.010, in "The Donald Ultan Collection of Hill Patwin Sound Recordings", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: LA106.008
- Date: 1961
- Contributors: Oscar McDaniel (consultant); Donald Ultan (researcher)
- Language: Hill Patwin
- Relations to this item: 2014-07.002 has this Item as an alternative version
- Availability: Online access
- Catalog history: Digital asset LA106.008.001.wav was formerly segment number 008_1.
- Collection: The Donald Ultan Collection of Hill Patwin Sound Recordings
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Phonemic contrasts, starting with "flour", LA 106.008, in "The Donald Ultan Collection of Hill Patwin Sound Recordings", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: LA106.018
- Date: 1961
- Contributors: Oscar McDaniel (consultant); Donald Ultan (researcher)
- Language: Hill Patwin
- Relations to this item: 2014-07.004 has this Item as an alternative version
- Availability: Online access
- Catalog history: Digital asset LA106.018.001.wav was formerly segment number 018_1.
- Collection: The Donald Ultan Collection of Hill Patwin Sound Recordings
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Song, LA 106.018, in "The Donald Ultan Collection of Hill Patwin Sound Recordings", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: LA106.013
- Date: 1961
- Contributors: Oscar McDaniel (consultant); Donald Ultan (researcher)
- Language: Hill Patwin
- Relations to this item: 2014-07.004 has this Item as an alternative version
- Availability: Online access
- Catalog history: Digital asset LA106.013.001.wav was formerly segment number 013_1.
- Collection: The Donald Ultan Collection of Hill Patwin Sound Recordings
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Text: Cakatu and Coyote, LA 106.013, in "The Donald Ultan Collection of Hill Patwin Sound Recordings", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: LA106.014
- Date: 1961
- Contributors: Oscar McDaniel (consultant); Donald Ultan (researcher)
- Language: Hill Patwin
- Relations to this item: 2014-07.004 has this Item as an alternative version
- Availability: Online access
- Catalog history: Digital asset LA106.014.001.wav was formerly segment number 014_1.
- Collection: The Donald Ultan Collection of Hill Patwin Sound Recordings
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Text: Catching Fish, LA 106.014, in "The Donald Ultan Collection of Hill Patwin Sound Recordings", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: LA106.012
- Date: 1961
- Contributors: Oscar McDaniel (consultant); Donald Ultan (researcher)
- Language: Hill Patwin
- Relations to this item: 2014-07.004 has this Item as an alternative version
- Availability: Online access
- Catalog history: Digital asset LA106.012.001.wav was formerly segment number 012_1.
- Collection: The Donald Ultan Collection of Hill Patwin Sound Recordings
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Text: Creation of The World, LA 106.012, in "The Donald Ultan Collection of Hill Patwin Sound Recordings", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: LA151.001
- Date: 1962
- Contributors: Sara Jane Gonzales (consultant); Donald Ultan (researcher)
- Language: River Patwin
- Relations to this item: 2014-07.004 has this Item as an alternative version
- Availability: Online access
- Catalog history: Digital asset LA151.001.001.wav was formerly segment number 001_1.
- Collection: The Donald Ultan Collection of River Patwin Sound Recordings
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Text: Creation of the World, LA 151.001, in "The Donald Ultan Collection of River Patwin Sound Recordings", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: LA106.019
- Date: 1961
- Contributors: Oscar McDaniel (consultant); Donald Ultan (researcher)
- Language: Hill Patwin
- Relations to this item: 2014-07.004 has this Item as an alternative version
- Availability: Online access
- Catalog history: Digital asset LA106.019.001.wav was formerly segment number 019_1.
- Collection: The Donald Ultan Collection of Hill Patwin Sound Recordings
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Text: Making Acorn Bread, LA 106.019, in "The Donald Ultan Collection of Hill Patwin Sound Recordings", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: LA106.017
- Date: 1961
- Contributors: Oscar McDaniel (consultant); Donald Ultan (researcher)
- Language: Hill Patwin
- Relations to this item: 2014-07.004 has this Item as an alternative version
- Availability: Online access
- Catalog history: Digital asset LA106.017.001.wav was formerly segment number 017_1.
- Collection: The Donald Ultan Collection of Hill Patwin Sound Recordings
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Text: Napa (Bemmen) (Story from Snow Mountain), LA 106.017, in "The Donald Ultan Collection of Hill Patwin Sound Recordings", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,