Result 1 – 1
- Collection identifier: 2014-13
- Primary contributors: Antonina Salazar Torres (consultant); Joy Salazar Torres (consultant); Emilia Sergio Salazar (consultant); Miguel Sergio Salazar (consultant, translator); Zachary O'Hagan (researcher, donor; ORCID)
- Additional contributors: Fredy Gregorio Sergio (speaker, participant); Genner Gregorio Sergio (speaker, participant); Jesús Gregorio Sergio (speaker, participant); Érica Gregorio Sergio (speaker, participant); Julio Guillermo Jívico Torres (speaker, participant); Tania Morales Gregorio (speaker, participant); Zachary O'Hagan (speaker, participant); Arcita Ríos Salazar (speaker, participant); Daniel Ríos Salazar (speaker, participant); Hilda Salazar Aguilar (speaker, participant); Carlos Salazar Pérez (speaker, participant); Pablo Salazar Salazar (speaker); Werner Salazar Salazar (speaker, participant); Adeliana Salazar Simeón (speaker, participant); Isacal Salazar Simeón (speaker, participant); Antonina Salazar Torres (singer, speaker, participant); Esequías Salazar Torres (speaker, participant); Joy Salazar Torres (singer, speaker, participant); Benjamín Salazar (speaker); Ana Sergio Salazar (speaker, participant); David Sergio Salazar (consultant, author); Emilia Sergio Salazar (speaker, participant); Jonás Sergio Salazar (speaker, participant); Miguel Sergio Salazar (speaker, participant); Yaneth Sergio Salazar (speaker, participant); Zoila Sergio Salazar (speaker, participant); Natán Sergio Vernón (speaker, participant); Virginia Simeón Salazar (speaker, participant); Remijio Taataquini Salazar (speaker, participant); Amador Taataquini Shichanti (speaker, participant); Gilcia Vásquez Franco (speaker, participant); Leonidas Portero Salazar (author, translator); Abelino Sergio Salazar (author); Juan Sergio Salazar (author, translator); Joy Swift (author); Kenneth Swift (author); Arturo Arrieta Díaz (participant); Alfonso Falla Espejo (participant); Gerson Gregorio Sergio (participant); Lizbeth Gregorio Sergio (participant); Noé Gregorio Sergio (participant); Rachel Keynton (participant); Demetrio Laurente Eslava (participant); Winny Morales Gregorio (participant); Luis Quispe Tasayco (participant); Francisco Reátegui Reátegui (participant); Isabel Salazar Aguilar (participant); Jordan Salazar Simeón (participant); Verónica Salazar Simeón (participant); Josué Sergio Ríos (translator); Gaspar Sergio Salazar (translator); Rubén Sergio Salazar (participant); David Simeón Salazar (participant); Beatriz Taataquini Salazar (participant); Delinda Taataquini Salazar (participant); Irma Taataquini Salazar (participant); Ruth Taataquini Salazar (participant); María del Castillo (participant)
- Languages: Caquinte (cot); English (eng); Matsigenka (mcb); Spanish (spa)
- Dates: 2011-
- Historical information: As of February 2020, Caquinte is a vital Nijagantsi (aka Kampa) Arawak language of southeastern Peru with 300-400 speakers spread across 7 communities located in the headwaters that feed the Tambo and Urubamba rivers in the regions of Junín and Cusco, respectively: Tsoroja, San Luis de Korinto, Taini, Kitepampani, Dios Maseca, Mashía, and Mankoriari. Other Nijagantsi languages include Ashaninka, Asheninka, Matsigenka, Nanti, and Nomatsigenga. These languages boast some of the largest speech communities of lowland Amazonia, with many tens of thousands of speakers in total. Caquintes first entered into sustained contact with non-indigenous outsiders in 1976, although they had intermittent contact both peaceful and not with neighboring Ashaninkas (katonkoniri), Matsigenkas (pacheri), and Yines (miitsiri) prior to this date.
The materials that constitute this collection were primarily developed by Zachary O'Hagan, a PhD candidate in the Department of Linguistics (Berkeley), and four native speakers of Caquinte (the primary contributors here) as part of ongoing dissertation-related field research that began in 2011 with an exploratory trip to Kitepampani, followed with sustained fieldwork there beginning in 2014.
The orthography of item titles follows the standards set by the Peruvian Ministry of Education in 2013, while that of the language name and the collection as a whole follow the standards devised by the Summer Institute of Linguistics, which are preferred by the residents of Kitepampani. All audio was recorded on an H4N Zoom digital recorder with an Audio-Technica 803B lavalier microphone. Funding for this research has come from an Oswalt Endangered Language Grant administered by the Survey of California and Other Indian Languages in the Department of Linguistics at the University of California, Berkeley (2014, 2015), from the Endangered Languages Documentation Programme (ELDP) at SOAS, London (2016, 2017, 2018), and from the Indigenous Languages of Latin America Travel Fund, administered by the Center for Latin American Studies at Berkeley (2019). - Scope and content: Audio and video recordings of elicitation sessions and texts; field notes; derivative materials
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Antonina Salazar Torres, Joy Salazar Torres, Emilia Sergio Salazar, Miguel Sergio Salazar, and Zachary O'Hagan. Caquinte Field Materials, 2014-13, California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Associated materials: Materials dating from 2014 to 2018 are additionally archived with Endangered Languages Archive (ELAR) at SOAS, London, and available online here:
Results 1 – 3
- Item identifier: 2014-13.040
- Date: 27 Jun 2016 to 03 Sep 2016
- Contributors: Arturo Arrieta Díaz (participant); Alfonso Falla Espejo (participant); Fredy Gregorio Sergio (participant); Genner Gregorio Sergio (participant); Jesús Gregorio Sergio (participant); Noé Gregorio Sergio (participant); Érica Gregorio Sergio (participant); Julio Guillermo Jívico Torres (participant); Rachel Keynton (participant); Demetrio Laurente Eslava (participant); Tania Morales Gregorio (participant); Winny Morales Gregorio (participant); Zachary O'Hagan (participant; ORCID); Luis Quispe Tasayco (participant); Francisco Reátegui Reátegui (participant); Arcita Ríos Salazar (participant); Daniel Ríos Salazar (participant); Hilda Salazar Aguilar (participant); Isabel Salazar Aguilar (participant); Carlos Salazar Pérez (participant); Werner Salazar Salazar (participant); Adeliana Salazar Simeón (participant); Isacal Salazar Simeón (participant); Jordan Salazar Simeón (participant); Verónica Salazar Simeón (participant); Antonina Salazar Torres (participant); Joy Salazar Torres (participant); Ana Sergio Salazar (participant); Emilia Sergio Salazar (participant); Jonás Sergio Salazar (participant); Miguel Sergio Salazar (participant); Rubén Sergio Salazar (participant); Yaneth Sergio Salazar (participant); Zoila Sergio Salazar (participant); Natán Sergio Vernón (participant); David Simeón Salazar (participant); Virginia Simeón Salazar (participant); Irma Taataquini Salazar (participant); Remijio Taataquini Salazar (participant); Ruth Taataquini Salazar (participant); Amador Taataquini Shichanti (participant); Gilcia Vásquez Franco (participant); María del Castillo (participant)
- Languages: Caquinte (cot); Matsigenka (mcb); Spanish (spa)
- Place: Kitepámpani, Megantoni, La Convención, Cusco, Peru
- Description: Held with various representatives of Repsol during summer 2016: informational meetings and negotiation of compensation for construction and production of natural gas pipeline
- Availability: Restricted. (Access to Item number 2014-13.040 requires depositor permission. Email to inquire.)
- Collection: Caquinte Field Materials
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Repsol meeting videos, 2014-13.040, in "Caquinte Field Materials", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
Digital assets in this Item (available by request):
video_cot_2016.06.27_repsol_reunion_1.MP4 (1486159 bytes)
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video_cot_2016.07.14_repsol_reunion_1.MP4 (1358910034 bytes)
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video_cot_2016.07.15_repsol_reunion_1.MP4 (346905047 bytes)
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video_cot_2016.07.15_repsol_reunion_5.MP4 (173875377 bytes)
video_cot_2016.08.12_repsol_reunion_1.MP4 (1514279861 bytes)
video_cot_2016.08.12_repsol_reunion_2.MPG (949717945 bytes)
video_cot_2016.08.12_repsol_reunion_3.MPG (700046519 bytes)
video_cot_2016.08.12_repsol_reunion_4.MP4 (2125717950 bytes)
video_cot_2016.08.12_repsol_reunion_5.MP4 (45462429 bytes)
video_cot_2016.09.03_repsol_reunion_1.MP4 (2125706474 bytes)
video_cot_2016.09.03_repsol_reunion_2.MP4 (1042185062 bytes)- Item identifier: 2014-13.032
- Date: 14 Aug 2016
- Contributors: Érica Gregorio Sergio (speaker); Tania Morales Gregorio (speaker); Zachary O'Hagan (speaker, researcher, donor; ORCID); Zoila Sergio Salazar (speaker); Natán Sergio Vernón (speaker); Rachel Keynton (participant)
- Languages: Caquinte (cot); Matsigenka (mcb)
- Place: Kitepámpani, Megantoni, La Convención, Cusco, Peru
- Description: Daily conversation among indicated speakers recorded at the home of ZSS; recording begins with walk to house. Codeswitching is present in the speech of ZSS. Recording is truncated due to sensitive material in Spanish.
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Caquinte Field Materials
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Visiting talk, 2014-13.032, in "Caquinte Field Materials", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2014-13.050
- Date: 10 Aug 2017
- Contributors: Jesús Gregorio Sergio (speaker); Érica Gregorio Sergio (speaker); Zachary O'Hagan (speaker, researcher, donor; ORCID); Antonina Salazar Torres (speaker); Miguel Sergio Salazar (speaker); Yaneth Sergio Salazar (speaker); Zoila Sergio Salazar (speaker); Virginia Simeón Salazar (speaker); Gilcia Vásquez Franco (speaker)
- Languages: Caquinte (cot); Spanish (spa)
- Place: Kitepámpani, Megantoni, La Convención, Cusco, Peru
- Description: Participants are watching videos of environmental monitoring and then a documentary featuring their relatives who live in the community of Tsoroja; recorded in the community center
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Caquinte Field Materials
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Visiting talk, 2014-13.050, in "Caquinte Field Materials", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,