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 Results 14

    • Collection identifier: LA251
    • Primary contributors: Salome Bartlett Alcantra (consultant); Sidney Parrish (consultant); Gretchen S. Hillard (researcher, donor)
    • Language: Central Pomo (poo)
    • Dates: 1975
    • Extent: 15 7" reels, 8 5" reels
    • Historical information: These recordings were made by Gretchen S. Hillard in August and September of 1975 with two different speakers of Central Pomo (a Pomoan language), Salome Bartlett Alcantra (1909-1991) and Sidney Parrish (1907-1978), and deposited with the Survey of California and Other Indian Languages on April 3, 2006. The boxes that contain the reels that were digitized include some metadata, which is quoted verbatim in the Description field of individual items. Metadata that was added by the Survey worker is included in brackets. Page numbers in the metadata refer to the notebooks housed in the Survey and referenced under Associated Materials.
    • Scope and content: Twenty nine WAV files digitized from twenty two reels; extensive elicitation of lexical items and sentences targeting various grammatical domains; some narrative texts
    • Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
    • Suggested citation: Salome Bartlett Alcantra, Sidney Parrish, and Gretchen S. Hillard. Gretchen S. Hillard Sound Recordings of the Central Pomo Language, LA 251, California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
    • Associated materials: See the Gretchen S. Hillard Papers on the Central Pomo Language.
    • Collection identifier: PHM55
    • Primary contributors: Essie Parrish (consultant); Sidney Parrish (consultant); Robert L. Oswalt (researcher)
    • Additional contributors: Elizabeth Sheridan (consultant); Johnny Smith (consultant); Essie Parrish (recorder)
    • Language: Kashaya (kju)
    • Dates: 1957-1958
    • Scope and content: Linguistic field recordings: songs/chants
    • Repository: Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology
    • Suggested citation: Essie Parrish, Sidney Parrish, and Robert L. Oswalt. The Robert L. Oswalt collection of Kashaya Pomo sound recordings, PHM 55, Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley,

 Results 118

    • Item identifier: LA98.108
    • Date: Jun 1958
    • Contributors: Jesse Frank (consultant); Essie Parrish (consultant); Sidney Parrish (consultant); Robert L. Oswalt (researcher)
    • Language: Kashaya (kju)
    • Description: Glosses in English for some. Recorded at Point Arerna. Box #1. Side B.
    • Availability: Online access
    • Catalog history: Digital asset LA98.108.001.wav was formerly segment number 106_2.
    • Collection: The Robert Oswalt collection of Pomo sound recordings
    • Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
    • Suggested citation: Capay Valley songs., LA 98.108, in "The Robert Oswalt collection of Pomo sound recordings", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
    • Item identifier: 24-145
    • Date: Jul 1958
    • Contributors: Essie Parrish (consultant, recorder); Sidney Parrish (consultant); Robert L. Oswalt (researcher)
    • Language: Kashaya (kju)
    • Description: Copy of a recording made at a dance on the night of July 3, 1958, Kashaya reservation. Recorded by Essie Parrish, The Dream of Kashia group of Maru Ceremony. This copy made later by Mr. Oswalt of the Department of Linguistics. This tape was recorded live during ceremonial events in the roundhouse. This tape is not voice cued, nor is there clear separation between events recorded. The original was recorded at half-track at 3.3/4 ips. Items on side A are separated by considerable gaps on tape.
    • Availability: Online access to Item number 24-145 by request.
    • Collection: The Robert L. Oswalt collection of Kashaya Pomo sound recordings
    • Repository: Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology
    • Suggested citation: Kashaya Songs, 24-145, in "The Robert L. Oswalt collection of Kashaya Pomo sound recordings", Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley,

    Digital assets in this Item (available by request):
    24-145.wav (1189032180 bytes)

    • Item identifier: LA251.020
    • Date: 23 Sep 1975
    • Contributors: Sidney Parrish (consultant); Gretchen S. Hillard (researcher, donor)
    • Language: Central Pomo (poo)
    • Description: Finish Proto Pomo [i.e., lexical elicitation based on list]; some controlled deletion-Keenan; vocabulary; III 74-79
    • Availability: Online access
    • Catalog history: Formerly WAV file '20_1'
    • Collection: Gretchen S. Hillard Sound Recordings of the Central Pomo Language
    • Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
    • Suggested citation: Lexical and sentence elicitation, LA 251.020, in "Gretchen S. Hillard Sound Recordings of the Central Pomo Language", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
    • Item identifier: LA251.019
    • Date: 22 Sep 1975
    • Contributors: Sidney Parrish (consultant); Gretchen S. Hillard (researcher, donor)
    • Language: Central Pomo (poo)
    • Description: Proto-Pomo A > stink, to [i.e., based on list]
    • Availability: Online access
    • Catalog history: Formerly WAV file '19_1'
    • Collection: Gretchen S. Hillard Sound Recordings of the Central Pomo Language
    • Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
    • Suggested citation: Lexical elicitation, LA 251.019, in "Gretchen S. Hillard Sound Recordings of the Central Pomo Language", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
    • Item identifier: LA251.022
    • Date: 24 Sep 1975
    • Contributors: Sidney Parrish (consultant); Gretchen S. Hillard (researcher, donor)
    • Language: Central Pomo (poo)
    • Availability: Online access
    • Catalog history: Formerly WAV file '22_1'
    • Collection: Gretchen S. Hillard Sound Recordings of the Central Pomo Language
    • Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
    • Suggested citation: Lexical elicitation, LA 251.022, in "Gretchen S. Hillard Sound Recordings of the Central Pomo Language", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
    • Item identifier: LA251.018
    • Date: 21 Sep 1975
    • Contributors: Sidney Parrish (consultant); Gretchen S. Hillard (researcher, donor)
    • Language: Central Pomo (poo)
    • Description: 1. Phonetic contrasts: 1) vowel length; 2) initial stops, manner; 3) Vw-V:. 2. Pronouns: ʔa series, to series [<t> has carrot underneath], khɛ series [<h> is superscripted]. 3. Simplex sentences (Keenan pp. 1-3). [Lexical elicitation of (near-)minimal pairs, followed by sentence elicitation.]
    • Availability: Online access
    • Catalog history: Formerly WAV file '18_1'
    • Collection: Gretchen S. Hillard Sound Recordings of the Central Pomo Language
    • Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
    • Suggested citation: Phonological and sentence elicitation, LA 251.018, in "Gretchen S. Hillard Sound Recordings of the Central Pomo Language", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
    • Item identifier: LA251.016
    • Date: 17 Sep 1975
    • Contributors: Sidney Parrish (consultant); Gretchen S. Hillard (researcher, donor)
    • Language: Central Pomo (poo)
    • Availability: Online access
    • Catalog history: Formerly WAV file '16_1'
    • Collection: Gretchen S. Hillard Sound Recordings of the Central Pomo Language
    • Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
    • Suggested citation: Sentence elicitation, LA 251.016, in "Gretchen S. Hillard Sound Recordings of the Central Pomo Language", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
    • Item identifier: LA251.017
    • Date: 20 Sep 1975
    • Contributors: Sidney Parrish (consultant); Gretchen S. Hillard (researcher, donor)
    • Language: Central Pomo (poo)
    • Availability: Online access
    • Catalog history: Formerly WAV file '17_1'
    • Collection: Gretchen S. Hillard Sound Recordings of the Central Pomo Language
    • Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
    • Suggested citation: Sentence elicitation, LA 251.017, in "Gretchen S. Hillard Sound Recordings of the Central Pomo Language", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
    • Item identifier: LA251.021
    • Date: 23 Sep 1975
    • Contributors: Sidney Parrish (consultant); Gretchen S. Hillard (researcher, donor)
    • Language: Central Pomo (poo)
    • Description: III pp. 79-85 vocabulary
    • Availability: Online access
    • Catalog history: Formerly WAV file '21_1'
    • Collection: Gretchen S. Hillard Sound Recordings of the Central Pomo Language
    • Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
    • Suggested citation: Sentence elicitation, LA 251.021, in "Gretchen S. Hillard Sound Recordings of the Central Pomo Language", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
    • Item identifier: 24-148
    • Date: undated
    • Contributors: Stephen Knight (consultant); Essie Parrish (consultant); Sidney Parrish (consultant); Anonymous (researcher)
    • Languages: Kashaya (kju); Pomoan
    • Description: All tracks were distributed on California Indian Music Project, North-central region, tape 15, side B.
      (1) 'The story of the Bloody Island Massacre': Pomo story (see 24-126): The story of the Bloody Island Massacre, at the northern end of Clear Lake, in 1850. Discussion of the reservations at Fort Bragg and round Valley. Performed by Stephen Knight. Museum catalog includes the following note: "Remainder of Frank Quinn tapes are at UC Davis," suggesting that this item, like 24-126, was collected by Quinn.
      (2) 'Kashaya song': Alternating vocal solos by male and female (Sidney and Essie Parrish) with accompaniment by male chorus (clapsticks and whistles also used).
      (3) 'Kashaya song': Alternating vocal solos by male and female (Sidney and Essie Parrish) with accompaniment by male chorus (clapsticks and whistles also used). Note how Essie begins softly by herself, as if improvising.
      (4) 'Kashaya song': Alternating vocal solos by male and female (Sidney and Essie Parrish) with accompaniment by male chorus (clapsticks and whistles also used). A quicker tempo than 24-148, songs 1 through 3.
      (5) 'Perhaps another song': Alternating vocal solos by male and female (Sidney and Essie Parrish) with accompaniment by male chorus, but perhaps a continuation after a break in recording. In Kashaya.
      (6) 'Kashaya song': Female vocal solo (Essie) with accompaniment by male chorus and light hand-clapping (in constant 8th notes).
      (7) 'Sermon or prayer by Essie': In Pomo.
    • Availability: Online access to Item number 24-148 by request.
    • Collection: Miscellaneous sound recordings from the Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology
    • Repository: Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology
    • Suggested citation: Various Kashaya and Pomo narratives and songs, 24-148, in "Miscellaneous sound recordings from the Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology", Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley,

    Digital assets in this Item (available by request):
    24-148.wav (1172656908 bytes)

    • Item identifier: 24-133
    • Date: 03 Jul 1957
    • Contributors: Essie Parrish (consultant); Sidney Parrish (consultant); Elizabeth Sheridan (consultant); Johnny Smith (consultant); Robert L. Oswalt (researcher)
    • Language: Kashaya (kju)
    • Description: Performers for 24-133 are Essie Parrish, Sid Parrish, Johnnie Smith, and Liz Sheridan, but the museum catalog does not identify which performers appear in each item.
      24-133_A tracks were distributed on California Indian Music Project, North-central region, tape 11, side A.
      24-133_B tracks were distributed on California Indian Music Project, North-central region, tape 11, side B.
      24-133_A Tracks:
      (1) 'Kashaya song'
      (2) 'Kashaya song': Male vocal solo with clapping (6/8).
      (3) 'Kashaya song': Vocal duet of male and female with clapsticks (Gea hano).
      (4) 'Kashaya song': Female lead vocal with male chorus chanting rhythm and clapsticks.
      (5) 'Kashaya song': Male lead vocal with clapping.
      (6) 'Kashaya song': Male lead vocal with female vocal accompaniment and clapping.
      (7) 'Kashaya song': Vocal duet of male and female with clapping.
      (8) 'Kashaya song': Male vocal lead with other men chanting rhythm, clapping, and using whistles.
      (9) 'Kashaya song': Male vocal lead (slower song) with other men chanting rhythm, clapping and using whistles.
      (10) 'Kashaya song': Male vocal lead (quicker tempo) with accompaniment like preceding tracks.
      (11) 'Speech by announcer in the round house': The announcer discusses (1) presence of the recordist, (2) the importance of being "clean" in the round house, and (3) the naure of the Feather Dance and how it was done traditionally.
      (12) 'Kashaya song': Male and female vocal ensemble (Hey yo honna) with clapping.
      (13) 'Kashaya song': Female vocal lead (Essie Parrish) with males chanting rhythm, clapping, and using whistles.
      (14) 'Kashaya song': Song for male and female (alternating solos) with clapping and whistles.
      (15) 'Kashaya song': Song for male and female (alternating solos) with clapping and whistles.
      (16) 'Kashaya song': Song for male and female (alternating solos) with clapping and whistles.
      24-133_B Tracks:
      (1) 'Kashaya song': Song for male and female (alternating solos) with other males chanting rhythm, clapping, and using whistles.
      (2) 'Kashaya song': Song for male and female (alternating solos) with accompaniment as in preceding track (slow 2/4).
      (3) 'Kashaya song': Song for male and female (alternating solos) with accompaniment as in previous tracks.
      (4) 'Kashaya song': Song for male and female (alternating solos) with accompaniment as in previous tracks.
      (5) 'Kashaya song': Song for male and female (alternating solos) with accompaniment as in previous tracks. At one point Essie Parrish instructs dancers to "Join hands now."
      (6) 'Kashaya song': Song for male and female (alternating solos) with accompaniment as in previous songs.
      (7) 'Doctoring Song': Beginning solo. This is a doctoring song sung by Essie Parrish and an assumed patient.
      (8) 'Doctoring Song': This is a doctoring song sung by Essie Parrish and an assumed patient. This song ends with a distinct sibilant sighing sound as a characteristic closing pattern.
      (9) 'Doctoring Song': Sung "to clear our voice". This is a doctoring song sung by Essie Parrish and an assumed patient. This song ends with a distinct sibilant sighing sound as a characteristic closing pattern.
      (10) 'Kashaya song': Song sung when she lays her hands on the patient. This is a doctoring song sung by Essie Parrish and an assumed patient.
      (11) 'Two songs sung "to suck out pain"'
      (12) 'Song with name and text, "This is my power."': This is a doctoring song sung by Essie Parrish and an assumed patient.
      (13) 'Spoken information on doctoring': Essie Parrish only. This is a doctoring song sung by Essie Parrish and an assumed patient.
      (14) 'Song given to Essie by another doctor': This is a doctoring song sung by Essie Parrish and an assumed patient.
      (15) 'Song through which she received power from another doctor': Essie Parrish only. This is a doctoring song sung by Essie Parrish and an assumed patient.
    • Availability: Online access to Item number 24-133 by request.
    • Collection: The Robert L. Oswalt collection of Kashaya Pomo sound recordings
    • Repository: Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology
    • Suggested citation: Various Kashaya songs, 24-133, in "The Robert L. Oswalt collection of Kashaya Pomo sound recordings", Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley,

    Digital assets in this Item (available by request):
    24-133_A.wav (2170056656 bytes)
    24-133_B.wav (2215800176 bytes)

    • Item identifier: Oswalt.001.022
    • Date: 1957, 1966
    • Contributors: Violet Parrish Chapelle (consultant); Essie Parrish (consultant); Sidney Parrish (consultant); Robert L. Oswalt (researcher); Oswalt family (donor)
    • Languages: Central Pomo (poo); Kashaya (kju)
    • Description: Central Pomo vocabulary (numbers, kin terms, body parts) and Kashaya vocabulary, morphology, and texts. Labeled "S. W. Pomo Book 3".
      (The digital files associated with this Item include a series of scanned images from original physical objects. These images are aggregated at lower resolution in the file Oswalt.001.022.pdf. The original full resolution scans are collected in Metadata pertaining to each scanned image is compiled in the tab-separated text file Oswalt.001.022-image_metadata.txt.)
    • Availability: Online access
    • Extent: 1 notebook
    • Collection: Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages
    • Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
    • Suggested citation: [Central Pomo and Kashaya field notebook], Oswalt.001.022, in "Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
    • Item identifier: Oswalt.001.070
    • Date: [undated]
    • Contributors: Salome Bartlett Alcantra (consultant); Sidney Parrish (consultant); Clara Williams (consultant); Robert L. Oswalt (researcher); Oswalt family (donor)
    • Language: Central Pomo (poo)
    • Description: Photocopy of a field notebook, with hand annotations. Contains vocabulary, phrases, sentences, and texts, dated 1965 October 5-1968 June 27.
      (The digital files associated with this Item include a series of scanned images from original physical objects. These images are aggregated at lower resolution in the file Oswalt.001.070.pdf. The original full resolution scans are collected in Metadata pertaining to each scanned image is compiled in the tab-separated text file Oswalt.001.070-image_metadata.txt.)
    • Availability: Online access
    • Extent: 1 folder
    • Collection: Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages
    • Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
    • Suggested citation: [Central Pomo field notebook], Oswalt.001.070, in "Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
    • Item identifier: Oswalt.005.026
    • Date: 1966 to 1968
    • Contributors: Elsie Allen (consultant); Salome Bartlett Alcantra (consultant); Sidney Parrish (consultant); F. Scarioni (consultant); Clara Williams (consultant); Robert L. Oswalt (researcher); Oswalt family (donor)
    • Language: Central Pomo (poo)
    • Description: Morphology fileslips.
    • Availability: Materials for Item number Oswalt.005.026 are not digitized. Please email us at to schedule a visit, or to see if we can digitize them for you.
    • Extent: 1 box
    • Collection: Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages
    • Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
    • Suggested citation: [Central Pomo morphological elements], Oswalt.005.026, in "Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
    • Item identifier: Oswalt.001.060
    • Date: 1957
    • Contributors: Sidney Parrish (consultant); Robert L. Oswalt (researcher); Oswalt family (donor)
    • Language: Central Pomo (poo)
    • Place: Healdsburg, CA
    • Description: California vocabulary list.
    • Availability: Materials for Item number Oswalt.001.060 are not digitized. Please email us at to schedule a visit, or to see if we can digitize them for you.
    • Extent: 1 folder
    • Collection: Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages
    • Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
    • Suggested citation: [Central Pomo vocabulary list], Oswalt.001.060, in "Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
    • Item identifier: Oswalt.006.005
    • Date: [1981 October]
    • Contributors: Arthur Anderson (participant); Martha Anderson (participant); Peter Kalifornsky (participant); James M. Kari (participant); Oswalt family (donor); Robert L. Oswalt (participant); Essie Parrish (participant); Sidney Parrish (participant)
    • Languages: [unspecified]
    • Description: Reprinted photographs, with negatives.
      (The digital files associated with this Item include a series of scanned images from original physical objects. These images are aggregated at lower resolution in the file Oswalt.006.005.pdf. The original full resolution scans are collected in Metadata pertaining to each scanned image is compiled in the tab-separated text file Oswalt.006.005-image_metadata.txt.)
    • Availability: Online access
    • Extent: 1 folder
    • Collection: Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages
    • Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
    • Suggested citation: [Photographs of Oswalt's consultants], Oswalt.006.005, in "Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
    • Item identifier: Oswalt.001.064
    • Date: [undated]
    • Contributors: Elsie Allen (consultant); Salome Bartlett Alcantra (consultant); Elizabeth Dollar (consultant); Sidney Parrish (consultant); Clara Williams (consultant); Robert L. Oswalt (researcher); Ramon Billy Jr. (donor); Oswalt family (donor)
    • Languages: Central Pomo (poo); Kashaya (kju); Southern Pomo (peq)
    • Description: Typed transcripts, in English, of interviews with Central Pomo, Kashaya, and Southern Pomo speakers, dated 1965 and 1968. Audio recordings of Elizabeth Dollar telling "The Flea and the Louse" story in English and in Southern Pomo are included as .mp3 files, donated by Ramon Billy on June 6, 2018. The English version of the story is transcribed on pages 1 and 2 of Elizabeth Dollar's interview.
    • Availability: Online access
    • Extent: 1 folder
    • Collection: Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages
    • Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
    • Suggested citation: [Pomo interviews], Oswalt.001.064, in "Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,