Result 1 – 1
- Collection identifier: 2021-10
- Primary contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Roslyn Burns (researcher); Toni Cook (researcher); Thera Crane (researcher); Rachele Delucchi (researcher); Stefanie Fauconnier (researcher); Greg Finley (researcher, donor); Nadine Grimm (researcher); Larry M. Hyman (researcher, donor); Florian Lionnet (researcher, donor); Clare S. Sandy (researcher, donor)
- Language: Abo (abb)
- Dates: Aug 2010-Apr 2011
- Historical information: This collection consists of materials produced by students of the graduate-level field methods course in the Department of Linguistics at UC Berkeley between August 2010 and April 2011 (Linguistics 240A/B). The course was taught by Prof. Larry Hyman, with then graduate student Thera Crane as assistant, and the language consultant was Achille Massoma. The students in the class were Roslyn Burns, Toni Cook, Rachele Delucchi, Stefanie Fauconnier, Greg Finley, Nadine Grimm (then Borchardt), and Florian Lionnet. Abo is also known as Bankon, and is a Bantu language of Cameroon.
- Scope and content: Audio recordings of in-class and small group elicitation sessions (Series 001), informal notes and descriptive write-ups (Series 002), and original field notes and handouts (Series 003). Descriptions in item-level metadata were extracted from a metadata spreadsheet maintained for most of the duration of the course by students.
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Achille Massoma, Roslyn Burns, Toni Cook, Thera Crane, Rachele Delucchi, Stefanie Fauconnier, Greg Finley, Nadine Grimm, Larry M. Hyman, Florian Lionnet, and Clare S. Sandy. Berkeley Field Methods: Abo, 2021-10, California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
Results 1 – 25
- Item identifier: 2021-10.001.129
- Date: 11 Feb 2011
- Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Roslyn Burns (researcher); Toni Cook (researcher); Thera Crane (researcher); Rachele Delucchi (researcher); Stefanie Fauconnier (researcher); Greg Finley (researcher); Nadine Grimm (researcher); Larry M. Hyman (researcher); Florian Lionnet (researcher); Clare S. Sandy (researcher)
- Language: Abo (abb)
- Place: Berkeley, CA
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Class elicitation session, 2021-10.001.129, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-10.001.132
- Date: 02 Mar 2011
- Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Roslyn Burns (researcher); Toni Cook (researcher); Thera Crane (researcher); Rachele Delucchi (researcher); Stefanie Fauconnier (researcher); Greg Finley (researcher); Nadine Grimm (researcher); Larry M. Hyman (researcher); Florian Lionnet (researcher); Clare S. Sandy (researcher)
- Language: Abo (abb)
- Place: Berkeley, CA
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Class elicitation session, 2021-10.001.132, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-10.001.134
- Date: 04 Mar 2011
- Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Roslyn Burns (researcher); Toni Cook (researcher); Thera Crane (researcher); Rachele Delucchi (researcher); Stefanie Fauconnier (researcher); Greg Finley (researcher); Nadine Grimm (researcher); Larry M. Hyman (researcher); Florian Lionnet (researcher); Clare S. Sandy (researcher)
- Language: Abo (abb)
- Place: Berkeley, CA
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Class elicitation session, 2021-10.001.134, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-10.001.135
- Date: 09 Mar 2011
- Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Roslyn Burns (researcher); Toni Cook (researcher); Thera Crane (researcher); Rachele Delucchi (researcher); Stefanie Fauconnier (researcher); Greg Finley (researcher); Nadine Grimm (researcher); Larry M. Hyman (researcher); Florian Lionnet (researcher); Clare S. Sandy (researcher)
- Language: Abo (abb)
- Place: Berkeley, CA
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Class elicitation session, 2021-10.001.135, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-10.001.138
- Date: 16 Mar 2011
- Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Roslyn Burns (researcher); Toni Cook (researcher); Thera Crane (researcher); Rachele Delucchi (researcher); Stefanie Fauconnier (researcher); Greg Finley (researcher); Nadine Grimm (researcher); Larry M. Hyman (researcher); Florian Lionnet (researcher); Clare S. Sandy (researcher)
- Language: Abo (abb)
- Place: Berkeley, CA
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Class elicitation session, 2021-10.001.138, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-10.001.151
- Date: 27 Apr 2011
- Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Roslyn Burns (researcher); Toni Cook (researcher); Thera Crane (researcher); Rachele Delucchi (researcher); Stefanie Fauconnier (researcher); Greg Finley (researcher); Nadine Grimm (researcher); Larry M. Hyman (researcher); Florian Lionnet (researcher); Clare S. Sandy (researcher)
- Language: Abo (abb)
- Place: Berkeley, CA
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Class elicitation session, 2021-10.001.151, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-10.001.034
- Date: 08 Oct 2010
- Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Stefanie Fauconnier (researcher); Larry M. Hyman (donor)
- Language: Abo (abb)
- Place: Berkeley, CA
- Description: 'Elegant/beautiful': prefixes.
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Class elicitation session on adjectives and prefixes, 2021-10.001.034, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-10.001.131
- Date: 25 Feb 2011
- Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Roslyn Burns (researcher); Toni Cook (researcher); Thera Crane (researcher); Rachele Delucchi (researcher); Stefanie Fauconnier (researcher); Greg Finley (researcher); Nadine Grimm (researcher); Larry M. Hyman (researcher); Florian Lionnet (researcher); Clare S. Sandy (researcher)
- Language: Abo (abb)
- Place: Berkeley, CA
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Class elicitation session on focus, adjectives, and locatives, 2021-10.001.131, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-10.001.002
- Date: 01 Sep 2010
- Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Roslyn Burns (researcher); Toni Cook (researcher); Thera Crane (researcher); Rachele Delucchi (researcher); Stefanie Fauconnier (researcher); Greg Finley (researcher); Nadine Grimm (researcher); Larry M. Hyman (researcher, donor); Florian Lionnet (researcher); Clare S. Sandy (researcher)
- Language: Abo (abb)
- Place: Berkeley, CA
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Class elicitation session on noun list (animal-day), 2021-10.001.002, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-10.001.003
- Date: 01 Sep 2010
- Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Roslyn Burns (researcher); Toni Cook (researcher); Thera Crane (researcher); Rachele Delucchi (researcher); Stefanie Fauconnier (researcher); Greg Finley (researcher); Nadine Grimm (researcher); Larry M. Hyman (researcher, donor); Florian Lionnet (researcher); Clare S. Sandy (researcher)
- Language: Abo (abb)
- Place: Berkeley, CA
- Description: 'Man', 'dog', 'drum ear', 'egg', 'elephant'; 'eye', 'fat', 'crab', 'animal', 'meat', 'fire', 'fish', 'foot'; 'friend', 'child', 'frog' (still need), 'fruit' (no general word), 'goat', 'hair'; brief recording before the break of 'arm' and 'hair' (which is the same as 'snake'); 'arm' and 'hair' repeated with discussion; 'head', 'heart', 'hoe' (same as 'market'), 'horn', 'house'/'home'; 'hunger', 'husband'/'man' (different prefixes), 'hyena', 'iron', 'knife', 'kola' (general word for 'nut'); 'leaf', 'leg' (= foot and whole leg), 'leopard', 'panther', 'lion', 'mattress' (need traditional 'mat'); 'medicine' (vs. 'dog' tones), 'money', 'monkey'; 'mother', 'name', 'navel', 'oil', 'palm tree' -- palm tree is complex and we also discussed other kinds of trees/nuts, as well as a bit of possession morphology; 'path', 'person', 'pepper', 'pig', 'pot', 'rain', 'rat'/'mouse'.
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Class elicitation session on noun list (dog-rat), 2021-10.001.003, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-10.001.035
- Date: 08 Oct 2010
- Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Stefanie Fauconnier (researcher); Larry M. Hyman (donor)
- Language: Abo (abb)
- Place: Berkeley, CA
- Description: "It's mine"; "this one/that one"; "these are my ..."; "these things/crabs/rocks".
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Class elicitation session on possessives and demonstratives, 2021-10.001.035, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-10.001.037
- Date: 08 Oct 2010
- Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Stefanie Fauconnier (researcher); Larry M. Hyman (donor)
- Language: Abo (abb)
- Place: Berkeley, CA
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Class elicitation session on pronouns in isolation, 2021-10.001.037, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-10.001.036
- Date: 08 Oct 2010
- Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Stefanie Fauconnier (researcher); Larry M. Hyman (donor)
- Language: Abo (abb)
- Place: Berkeley, CA
- Description: 'Friend'/tree'/'bamboo': noun class for singular vs plural.
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Class elicitation session on singular and plural pairs, 2021-10.001.036, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-10.001.004
- Date: 01 Sep 2010
- Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Roslyn Burns (researcher); Toni Cook (researcher); Thera Crane (researcher); Rachele Delucchi (researcher); Stefanie Fauconnier (researcher); Greg Finley (researcher); Nadine Grimm (researcher); Larry M. Hyman (researcher, donor); Florian Lionnet (researcher); Clare S. Sandy (researcher)
- Language: Abo (abb)
- Place: Berkeley, CA
- Description: Reviewing tones from Larry Hyman's arrangement of data from 27 Aug (mono and bisyllabic tone patterns). Reviewing 27 Aug data; review of singular and plural pairings; also 'rooster', 'chicken', 'man', 'monkey'.
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Class elicitation session on tone and plurality, 2021-10.001.004, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-10.001.038
- Date: 08 Oct 2010
- Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Stefanie Fauconnier (researcher); Larry M. Hyman (donor)
- Language: Abo (abb)
- Place: Berkeley, CA
- Description: Vocabulary: verbs; verbal agreement: 1st/2nd/3rd singular/plural and noun classes for past tense. Transitive paradigm: "He saw"-- 1st/2nd/3rd singular/plural and noun classes.
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Class elicitation session on verbs and verb agreement, 2021-10.001.038, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-10.002.008
- Date: 22 Sep 2010
- Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Roslyn Burns (researcher); Stefanie Fauconnier (researcher)
- Language: Abo (abb)
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Notes on adjectives, 2021-10.002.008, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-10.002.032
- Date: 10 Nov 2010
- Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Roslyn Burns (researcher); Stefanie Fauconnier (researcher)
- Language: Abo (abb)
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Notes on causatives and statives from adjectives, 2021-10.002.032, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-10.002.034
- Date: 24 Nov 2010
- Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Roslyn Burns (researcher); Stefanie Fauconnier (researcher)
- Language: Abo (abb)
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Notes on modality and causation, 2021-10.002.034, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-10.002.013
- Date: 15 Oct 2010
- Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Roslyn Burns (researcher); Stefanie Fauconnier (researcher)
- Language: Abo (abb)
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Notes on noun class prefixes, 2021-10.002.013, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-10.002.025
- Date: 27 Oct 2010
- Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Stefanie Fauconnier (researcher)
- Language: Abo (abb)
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Notes on valency reduction, 2021-10.002.025, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-10.002.019
- Date: 20 Oct 2010
- Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Roslyn Burns (researcher); Stefanie Fauconnier (researcher)
- Language: Abo (abb)
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Notes on verbal negation, 2021-10.002.019, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-10.001.006
- Date: 08 Sep 2010
- Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Stefanie Fauconnier (researcher); Larry M. Hyman (donor)
- Language: Abo (abb)
- Place: Berkeley, CA
- Description: Adjectives of quality: 'good' and 'bad'. Color adjectives: 'black', 'white', 'blue', 'yellow', 'green', 'red'. Adjectives of size: 'big' and 'small', 'tall' and 'short'. Quality terms, color terms, age terms, size terms.
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Small group elicitation session on adjectives, 2021-10.001.006, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-10.001.009
- Date: 15 Sep 2010
- Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Stefanie Fauconnier (researcher); Larry M. Hyman (donor)
- Language: Abo (abb)
- Place: Berkeley, CA
- Description: Color terms: 'black', 'black' and 'white', 'dark' and 'light red'; 'bad', 'evil', 'intelligent'; 'big', 'narrow', 'very big'; 'high hill', 'up in the sky'; water vocabulary: 'river', 'sea', 'lake', 'deep'; other vocabulary: 'book', 'clothes', 'hill'.
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Small group elicitation session on adjectives, 2021-10.001.009, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-10.001.041
- Date: 13 Oct 2010
- Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Stefanie Fauconnier (researcher); Larry M. Hyman (donor)
- Language: Abo (abb)
- Place: Berkeley, CA
- Description: Adjectives: filling out the paradigm; word order adjectives of size; word order adjectives expressing age; multiple materials and multiple adjectives; noun composition; multiple materials continued; noun composition continued.
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Small group elicitation session on adjectives and compounds, 2021-10.001.041, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-10.001.072
- Date: 10 Nov 2010
- Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Stefanie Fauconnier (researcher)
- Language: Abo (abb)
- Place: Berkeley, CA
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Small group elicitation session on causatives and statives from adjectives, 2021-10.001.072, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,