Result 1 – 1
- Collection identifier: Hinton
- Primary contributor: Leanne Hinton (researcher, donor)
- Additional contributors: Delphene Adson (consultant); Roy Albert (consultant); Kathy Begay (consultant); Jo Bender (consultant, author); Lee Bone (consultant); Wallen Burro (consultant); Leroy Cameron (consultant); Ralph Cameron (consultant); Luciano Cortés Nicolás (consultant); Ervin Crook (consultant); Ditri Daza (consultant); Ione Dock (consultant); Flora W. Evans (consultant); Molly Fasthorse (consultant, author, translator); Celso Flores Romero (consultant, researcher); Craven Gibson (consultant); Fred Hamidreek (consultant); Claudina Hanna (consultant); Dan Hanna (consultant, author, translator); Effie Hanna (consultant, author); Henry Hanna (consultant, author); Mabel Hanna (consultant, author); Mamie Harper (consultant); Charlie Huck (consultant); Duke Iditicava (consultant); Ida Iditicava (consultant, author); Lina Iditicava (consultant); Ishi (consultant); Janette Jackson (consultant); Maude Jones (consultant); Ustad Keramatullah Khan (consultant); Adolph Kessler (consultant); Alfred Kiyana (consultant); Josie Manakaja (consultant, author); Elnora Mapatis (consultant, author); Edwin Margo (consultant); Marina (consultant); Lee Marshall (consultant); Tim McGee (consultant); Grace Mitchell (consultant); Johnney Montoya (consultant); Arthur Mullens (consultant); Sergio Méndez (consultant, researcher); Bob Namoki (consultant); Grace Nelson (consultant); Santos Nic (consultant); Rufino Ochurte (consultant); Susan Park (consultant); Rafael Pascual (consultant); Doris Paya (consultant); Lemuel Paya (consultant, translator); Yvonne Paya (consultant); Martin Polk (consultant); Edith Putesoy (consultant, author, compiler, translator); Martín Pérez (consultant); Laura Runi (consultant); Bertha Russell (consultant); Emory Seqequapkwa (consultant); Mehdi Sheikholeslami (consultant); Vida Shephard (consultant); Frances Short (consultant); Supai Shorty (consultant); Harriet Sinyella (consultant, author); Lorenzo Sinyella (consultant, author, translator); Melvin Speegle (consultant); Paul Tilousi (consultant); Rex Tilousi (consultant, author); Isa Uqualla (consultant, author); Dickie Watahomigie (consultant); Ladonna Watahomigie (consultant); Irene Wilema (consultant); Ben Williams (consultant); Adina Abadi (author); Mary Abbott (author); June Abenally (author); Michel Achard (author); Andrés Acosta Félix (author); Igue Akanni Mamoud (author); R.V. Allen (author); Sally Allendorff (author); Diane Allison (author); Ruth Almstedt (researcher); Barry Alpher (author); Elizabeth Alto (author); Mariscela Amador-Hernández (researcher); Peggy Ames (author); Russell Ames (author); Jonathan Amith (author); Patricia Amlin (author); Estibaliz Amorrotu (author); John Anderson (author); Lloyd B. 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Callaghan (author); Lyle Campbell (author); Stephen Cape (author); Nancy Caputo (author); Harvey Carlson (author, researcher); Philip Carpenter (author); Penny Carter (author); Claudia Cate (author); Joseph Cerny (author); Martín Chacach Cutzal (author); Wallace L. Chafe (author); Brian Chamberlain (author); Eugene Chan (author); Paul Chapin (author); Melinda Chen (researcher); G. Tucker Childs (author); Serena Chow (author, researcher); Ronald Choy (author); Carol Christ (author); Sandra Chung (author, researcher); Xanthe Cobb (author); Narciso Cojtí Macario (author); Charles Coker (author); Martin Coleman (author); James Colgrove (author); David Collier (author); Joan Collignon (author); Helen Collins (author); Lisa Conathan (author); Margaret Conkey (author); Dale Conner (author); Mara Conner (author); Greg Connor (author); Adolfo Constenla (author); Neville Cook (author); Rhoby Cook (author); David J. 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Kroeber (author); Karl Kroeber (author); Theodora Kroeber (author); Paul Kroskrity (author); Toshiyuki Kumashiro (author); Stephanie Kwasigroch (author); Oran LaPointe (author); George Lakoff (author); Jessica Lamb (author); Marlene Lambert (author); Louise Lamphere (author); Barbara Land (author); Ronald Langacker (author); Margaret Langdon (author); Trinnie Lapahie (author); Richard Larrabee (author); Thomas Larsen (researcher); Ursula Le Guin (author); Jenny Lederer (researcher); Eloise Lee (author); Jean Luce Lee (author); Myra Lee (author); Britt Leggett (author); Leona Lente (author); Marion Lentz (author); Wesley Leonard (author, compiler); Joan Leopold (author); Jeanie Lerner (researcher); Jules Levin (author); Brian Levy (author); Carole Lewis (author); Charles Li (author); Lily Liaw (researcher); Scott Lidell (researcher); Marie-Louise Liebe-Harkot (author); Dan Lieberman (researcher); Joanne Linder (author); Victoria Lindsay Levine (author); Frank Lobo (author); Patricia Locke (author); Dianna Loercher (author); Daniel Lopez (author); Floyd Lounsbury (author); Tamara Lucas (author); Kristin Luker (author); Herb Luthin (author, researcher, editor); Nancy Lutkehaus (author); Ellen Lutz (author); Tom Lynch (author); Roy Lyons (author); U.J. 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Thompson (author); M. Terry Thompson (author); Richard Thompson (author); Leisy Thornton Wyman (author); James Thrasher (author); Laura Tillotson (author); Carletta Tilousi (author); John Tippeconnic (author); James Tobias (researcher); Rudolph Troike (author); Sau-Lim Tsang (author); Katherine Turner (author); Wayne Ude (author); Russell Ultan (author); Delmer Uqualla Jr. (author); Anita Uqualla (author); Delmer Uqualla (author); Nijel Uqualla (author); Hilaire Valiquette (author); Judith Vander (author); Ione Vasconcelos (author); Thomas Vennum Jr. (author); David Vigil (author); Joy Viveros (author); Charles Voegelin (author); Janet Voorhees (author); Hein van der Voort (author); Bonnie Wade (author); Yoel Walbe (author); Evann Walker (author); Willard Walker (author); Christophe Wall-Romana (author); David Wallace (author); Gregory Ward (author); Sandra Warlie (author); Sam Warner (author); Kim Warren (author); Suzanne M. Wash (author); Hilda Watahomigie (author); Joel Watahomigie (author); Lucille Watahomigie (author); Missy Watahomigie (author); Mona Watahomigie (author); Philbert Watahomigie (author); Viola Waterhouse (author); Laurel Watkins (author); Linda Waugh (author); Marie Webner (author); Raymond Weff (author); William F. Weigel (author, researcher); Joyce Wendell (author); R. Wenkam (author); Suzanne Wertheim (researcher); Suzanne Weryackwe (author, editor); Gloria Wescogame (author); Roger Wescott (author); Ava Whatoname (author); Michelle Whatoname (author); Wilfred Whatoname (author); Donald Whereat (author); Kenneth W. Whistler (author, researcher, editor); Rose Anne White (author); Anne Whiteside (researcher); Karie Wilcox (author); Peter Wild (author); Joanna Wilder (author); Rainbow Willard (researcher); Jeff Williams (author); Lisa Williams (author); Randy Williams (author); MaryAnn Willie (author); Henry Willis (author); Darryl Wilson (author); William Wilson (author); Michael Winkelman (author); Werner Winter (author, collector); Carolyn Winters (author); Laina Wong (author); Esther Wood (author); Lindsay Wood (author); Anne Woodard (author); Sheaver Woodfaulk (author); Sara Wubben (author); Shelly Wyatt (author); Jeni Yamada (author); Akira Yamamoto (author); Gloria Yang (researcher); Pam Yosca (author); Jeanette Zemeke (author); Ofelia Zepeda (author, editor); Hester Zimmerman (author); Jaime de Angulo (author); William de Reuse (author); Alejandro de Ávila (author, researcher); Marie-José van de Loo (author); Anita Álvarez de Williams (author); Mabel Dogka (transcriber); Mick Fedullo (editor); Sam Hinton (compiler); Amos Key Jr. (editor); Arlene Kingery (editor); Gertrude Milligan (interviewer); Josepha Miskella (interviewer); Joan Phoenix (editor); Bruce Russel (interviewer); Florence Shipek (editor); Effie Starr (transcriber); Jessica Weems (interviewer); Elsie West (interviewer); Catherine Willmound (translator); Christopher Winters (editor)
- Languages: Achumawi (acv); Alsea; Ashaninka (cni); Barbareño (boi); Caddo (cad); Cahuilla (chl); Catawba (chc); Central Pomo (poo); Central Siberian Yupik (ess); Central Yana; Cherokee (chr); Cheyenne (chy); Chickasaw (cic); Chilula; Chimariko (cid); Chipewyan (chp); Chippewa (ciw); Choctaw (cho); Chukchansi; Chumashan; Classical Nahuatl (nci); Coahuilteco; Coast Yuki; Cocopa (coc); Coicoyan Mixtec (jmx); Comanche (com); Cruzeño (crz); Cupeño (cup); Eastern Pomo (peb); Farsi (pes); Havasupai (yuf); Hawaiian (haw); Highland Chontal (chd); Hindi (hin); Hokan; Hopi (hop); Hualapai (yuf); Hupa; Jamul; K'ichean; Kandozi (cbu); Karuk (kyh); Kashaya (kju); Kiliwa (klb); Kiowa; Kitanemuk; Klamath; Konkow (mjd); Kumeyaay (dih); Kwak'wala (kwk); Kwtsaan (yum); Lake Miwok (lmw); Luiseño (lui); Maidu (nmu); Maricopa (mrc); Mayan; Mesa Grande; Mesquakie (sac); Miami (mia); Mixtec; Mojave (mov); Muskogean; Natchez (ncz); Navajo (nav); Nez Perce (nez); Northern Pomo (pej); Northern Yana; Northern Yukian (yuk); Nuu-chah-nulth (noo); Nyambo (now); O'odham (ood); Obispeño (obi); Otomanguean; Paipai (ppi); Paraguayan Guaraní (gug); Patwin (pwi); Penutian; Pomoan; Prescott; Purisimeño (puy); Q'anjob'al (kjb); Quechuan; Quileute (qui); Rumsen (css); Salinan (sln); Salishan; Samala (inz); Sarsi (srs); Seneca (see); Shasta (sht); Shoshone (shh); Sioux; Southeastern Yavapai; Southern Sierra Miwok (skd); Southern Wakashan; Spanish (spa); Tipai; Tolkapaya; Tolowa (tol); Ventureño (veo); Verde Valley Yavpe; Wappo (wao); Washo (was); Western Apache (apw); Whilkut; Wintu (wnw); Wiyot (wiy); Yagua (yad); Yahi; Yana (ynn); Yavapai (yuf); Yawelmani; Yokuts (yok); Yucatec; Yuchi (yuc); Yuki; Yuman; Yurok (yur); Zuni (zun)
- Dates: 1972-2004
- Extent: 4.67 linear feet (11 boxes)
- Historical information: Leanne Hinton is Professor Emerita in the Department of Linguistics at the University of California, Berkeley and a former Director of the Survey of California and Other Indian Languages. She received a Ph.D. from the University of California, San Diego in 1977. Her doctoral dissertation was a study of Havasupai songs. She has done research on various languages of the Southwest, Mexico, and California, and she has been a leading figure in the study of endangered languages and language revitalization.
- Scope and content: The Papers consist primarily of Leanne Hinton's notes and related documents and recordings from linguistics field methods classes held at the University of California, Berkeley and the University of California, San Diego. This includes materials for Navajo, Quechua, Ashaninka Campa, Hopi, Q'anjob'al, K'ichean, Mixtec, Yowlumne Yokuts, Paraguayan Guaraní, and Yucatec Maya. Also included are materials related to the Yahi Translation Project.
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Leanne Hinton. Leanne Hinton Papers on Indigenous Languages of the Americas, Hinton, California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Associated materials: Audio recordings associated with the Papers are in the Berkeley Language Center, Berkeley, California (LA 161, LA 177, LA 189).
Results 1 – 2
- Item identifier: 24-377
- Date: May 1975
- Contributor: Theodora Kroeber (consultant)
- Languages: [unspecified]
- Description: Performed by Mrs. Alfred Kroeber and interviewer, by the Center for Cassette Studies. Continued on 24-378.
- Availability: Digital content is not available. Please write to Please specify as much information as possible about the recordings you are interested in, including the Item number (24-377).
- Collection: Miscellaneous sound recordings from the Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology
- Repository: Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology
- Suggested citation: Ishi in Two Worlds, Part I, 24-377, in "Miscellaneous sound recordings from the Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology", Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 24-378
- Date: May 1975
- Contributor: Theodora Kroeber (consultant)
- Languages: [unspecified]
- Description: Performed by Mrs. Alfred Kroeber and interviewer, by the Center for Cassette Studies. Continuation of 24-377.
- Availability: Digital content is not available. Please write to Please specify as much information as possible about the recordings you are interested in, including the Item number (24-378).
- Collection: Miscellaneous sound recordings from the Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology
- Repository: Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology
- Suggested citation: Ishi in Two Worlds, Part II, 24-378, in "Miscellaneous sound recordings from the Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology", Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley,