Result 1 – 1
- Collection identifier: 2019-01
- Primary contributors: Rosa Isela Chaparro Gardea (consultant, author); Sebastián Fuentes Holguín (consultant, author, interviewer); Bertha Fuentes Loya (consultant, author); Guillermina Fuentes Moreno (consultant, author); Giltro Fuentes Palma (consultant, author, creator, interviewer); Luz Elena León Ramírez (consultant, author); Gabriela Caballero (researcher, donor); Lucien Carroll (researcher, annotator)
- Additional contributors: María del Rosario Cervantes Guerrero (consultant); María Guadalupe Díaz (consultant, author); Miguel Ángel Fuentes Díaz (consultant); Reyes Fuentes Guerrero (consultant, interviewer); Morales Fuentes Hernández (consultant, author); Yeni Fuentes Loya (consultant); Carlos Fuentes Moreno (consultant); Valentina Fuentes Moreno (consultant); Vicente Fuentes Moreno (consultant); Rocío Guerrero Fuentes (consultant); Teresa Guerrero Herrera (consultant); María Dolores Holguín (consultant, speaker, author); Roberto León Holguín (consultant); Jesusita Loya Guerra (consultant, author); Francisco Moreno Fuentes (consultant); Sebastián Moreno Morales (consultant); María Ignacia Valencia Nevárez (consultant); Andrés Ehécatl Aguilar (researcher); Mateo Espino (author); Cornelio Fuentes Hernández (author); José María "Chemale" Fuentes (author); Rosa Fuentes (author); Marc Garellek (researcher); Austin German (researcher, creator, annotator); Javier Holguín Fuentes (author); Vsevolod Kapatsinski (researcher); Federico León Pacheco (author); Patrick Mullen (researcher, annotator); Ana Paula Pintado Cortina (researcher); Rosesio (author); Sean Stein (researcher, annotator); Gabriela Caballero (creator, interviewer); Jorge Esteban Moreno Romero (creator)
- Language: Rarámuri (tar)
- Dates: 2003- (bulk 2011-)
- Historical information: This collection contains materials created by team members participating in the ongoing Choguita Rarámuri Language Project. This project was originally developed by Gabriela Caballero, who started fieldwork in collaboration with Choguita Rarámuri speakers in 2003, completing a dissertation on the phonology and morphology of the language at the University of California, Berkeley in 2008 (see 2019-001.014 for the dissertation). In 2010, Caballero moved to UC San Diego, at which time Lucien Carroll joined the project. Together with other students, Carroll primarily carried out annotation and analysis of field data, conducting his own in-situ fieldwork in 2014 and 2018. Other UCSD researchers, both students and faculty members, have collaborated in the analysis of morphological and phonological phenomena; and several community members have collaborated as consultants, authors, and creators of documentation and analysis. Choguita Rarámuri language experts who have have had a deeper involvement with this project in multiple roles include Luz Elena León Ramírez, Sebastián Fuentes Holguín, Bertha Fuentes Loya, Guillermina Fuentes Moreno, Giltro Fuentes Palma and Rosa Isela Chaparro Gardea.
Caballero first became involved with the study of Choguita Rarámuri as a graduate student in 2002, through contacts with researchers and community members who were interested in the language and history of the community. While the language is spoken by a relatively large number of speakers in comparison with other indigenous languages of northern Mexico, Choguita Rarámuri shows signs of increased endangerment and is undergoing rapid shift. The economic and political situation in the Sierra Tarahumara, where Choguita Rarámuri is spoken, has resulted in increased displacement of people from their communities to larger towns in the region. In these diaspora communities, transmission of the language is severely affected.
Since its inception, work on the Choguita Rarámuri Language Project has been funded by: Endangered Languages Documentation Programme Individual Graduate Scholarship (IGS) #0042 (2006-2008) and Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship (IPF) #0138 (2008-2010); UCMEXUS (2006-2008); the Hellman Fellowship Program, University of California, San Diego (2011-2012); and National Science Foundation (NSF)/Documenting Endangered Languages (DEL) award #1160672 (2012-2018). Caballero has been the PI on all of these projects. - Scope and content: The core materials of this collection are primary sound recordings made between 2011 and 2018. These materials are separated into file bundles that reflect the organization of the materials (i) as designed to either elicit specific types of data for phonological, morphological, or syntactic analysis, or (ii) as recordings of narratives in different genres and as chosen by community member collaborators. The first general category is represented by file bundles 2019-01.001 through 2019-01.014, with PDF copies of field notes in 2019-01.012 and associated published and unpublished analytical materials in 2019-01.014. These are often large bundles consisting of many digital files with abstract alphanumeric names, following project-internal file naming conventions. To interpret them, consult the master metadata spreadsheet in bundle 2019-01.076. Elicited data (bundles 2019-01.001 through 2019-01.011, and 2019-01.013) involved experimental methods to probe processing of redundant morphology and intonational patterns in the language, as well as more traditional methods to elucidate grammatical patterns for the completion of a reference grammar (in progress as of March 2019).
The second general category is represented by bundles 2019-01.015 through 2019-01.075, a set of personal, historical, and procedural narratives, conversations, interviews, prayers, and oratory, each of which is contained in its own bundle for maximal visibility of its associated metadata. Most of these bundles contain a single .wav and single .eaf file, that is, the original sound recording and an associated annotation file. Some of these bundles contain additional sound recordings of annotation sessions, with some follow-up text-based elicitation. Although all relevant metadata for these bundles has been entered into the catalog, the same metadata is also contained in the master metadata spreadsheet for comprehensiveness.
The master metadata spreadsheet (2019-01.076) is organized with one row per digital file, in 11 columns: Bundle Identifier, Bundle Title, File Name, Format, Date (of creation), Duration (when relevant), Language(s), Contributor(s), Creator(s), Description, Recording Circumstances. In order to determine the contributor(s) to any of the files in a particular bundle, it is necessary to search for the relevant file name in this spreadsheet, and then correlate the three-letter initials with the full names used in the catalog metadata. This is especially true of the larger file bundles described above. In general, annotation files have the same name as their associated sound recordings, and so are easy to track when browsing the digital files. Relevant relations between files are often mentioned in the Description column.
File bundle titles are given in English and Spanish. Descriptions are given in English, and, in bundles 2019-01.015 through 2019-01.075, include relevant details extracted from the master metadata spreadsheet. The primary speaker in a monologic text, as well as the interviewee in an interview, is listed as an author. (Interviewers are interviewers.) Speakers in elicitation recordings are listed as consultants. Other roles are transparent. Date ranges in bundles are based on the earliest and latest dates of creation of primary recordings, ignoring derivative materials such as annotation files. - Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Rosa Isela Chaparro Gardea, Sebastián Fuentes Holguín, Bertha Fuentes Loya, Guillermina Fuentes Moreno, Giltro Fuentes Palma, Luz Elena León Ramírez, Gabriela Caballero, and Lucien Carroll. Materials of the Choguita Rarámuri Language Project, 2019-01, California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Associated materials: Other non-overlapping materials related to this project are deposited at the Endangered Languages Archive (ELAR), SOAS, University of London, and are available online, here:
Results 1 – 12
- Item identifier: 2019-01.056
- Date: 22 Oct 2009
- Contributors: Gabriela Caballero (researcher, creator, donor); Giltro Fuentes Palma (author)
- Language: Rarámuri (tar)
- Place: Choguita, Guachochi, Chihuahua, Mexico
- Description: Original .wav file with .eaf transcription file
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Materials of the Choguita Rarámuri Language Project
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Description of plans for working with audio and video at school/Descripción de planes para trabajar con audio y video en la escuela, 2019-01.056, in "Materials of the Choguita Rarámuri Language Project", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2019-01.013
- Date: 30 Oct 2011 to 10 Mar 2014
- Contributors: Rosa Isela Chaparro Gardea (consultant); Sebastián Fuentes Holguín (consultant); Bertha Fuentes Loya (consultant); Giltro Fuentes Palma (consultant); Luz Elena León Ramírez (consultant); Sebastián Moreno Morales (consultant); Gabriela Caballero (researcher, creator, donor)
- Language: Rarámuri (tar)
- Place: Choguita, Guachochi, Chihuahua, Mexico
- Description: Recordings of general elicitation sessions and sessions geared toward language teaching. Original .wav audio recordings. See 2019-01.076 for detailed metadata.
- Relations to this item: 2019-01.076 references this Item
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Materials of the Choguita Rarámuri Language Project
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: General elicitation and language teaching, 2019-01.013, in "Materials of the Choguita Rarámuri Language Project", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2019-01.011
- Date: 21 Apr 2007 to 06 Mar 2014
- Contributors: Rosa Isela Chaparro Gardea (consultant); Sebastián Fuentes Holguín (consultant); Bertha Fuentes Loya (consultant); Giltro Fuentes Palma (consultant); Luz Elena León Ramírez (consultant); Gabriela Caballero (researcher, creator, donor)
- Language: Rarámuri (tar)
- Place: Choguita, Guachochi, Chihuahua, Mexico
- Description: Elicitation of morphosyntactic and syntactic structures for a reference grammar. Original .wav files. Some audio files have corresponding .eaf transcription files. See 2019-01.076 for detailed metadata.
- Relations to this item: 2019-01.076 references this Item; 2019-01.005 relates to this Item
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Materials of the Choguita Rarámuri Language Project
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Grammatical structures elicitation, 2019-01.011, in "Materials of the Choguita Rarámuri Language Project", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2019-01.006
- Date: 27 Oct 2011 to 09 Mar 2014
- Contributors: Rosa Isela Chaparro Gardea (consultant); María Guadalupe Díaz (consultant, author); Miguel Ángel Fuentes Díaz (consultant); Sebastián Fuentes Holguín (consultant, interviewer); Bertha Fuentes Loya (consultant, author); Carlos Fuentes Moreno (consultant); Guillermina Fuentes Moreno (consultant); Giltro Fuentes Palma (consultant); Luz Elena León Ramírez (consultant); Jesusita Loya Guerra (consultant, author); Francisco Moreno Fuentes (consultant); Andrés Ehécatl Aguilar (researcher); Gabriela Caballero (researcher, creator, donor, interviewer); Lucien Carroll (researcher); Marc Garellek (researcher); Patrick Mullen (researcher, annotator); Sean Stein (researcher, annotator); Austin German (annotator)
- Language: Rarámuri (tar)
- Place: Choguita, Guachochi, Chihuahua, Mexico
- Description: Elicitation of tonal targets in different intonational contexts. Some of the materials include semi-controlled data using a written script. Original .wav audio recordings and accompanying .eaf and .TextGrid transcription files. Scripts used for prompting consultants as .pdf files. See 2019-01.076 for detailed metadata.
- Relations to this item: 2019-01.076 references this Item; 2019-01.001 and 2019-01.002 relate to this Item
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Materials of the Choguita Rarámuri Language Project
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Intonation elicitation, 2019-01.006, in "Materials of the Choguita Rarámuri Language Project", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2019-01.008
- Date: 26 Oct 2011 to 30 Aug 2013
- Contributors: Rosa Isela Chaparro Gardea (consultant); Sebastián Fuentes Holguín (consultant); Bertha Fuentes Loya (consultant); Guillermina Fuentes Moreno (consultant); Giltro Fuentes Palma (consultant); Gabriela Caballero (researcher, creator, donor); Ana Paula Pintado Cortina (researcher)
- Language: Rarámuri (tar)
- Place: Choguita, Guachochi, Chihuahua, Mexico
- Description: Elicitation of landscape terms, locative roots, locative case markers and other terms of space using different methodologies. Original .wav audio recordings. See 2019-01.076 for detailed metadata.
- Relations to this item: 2019-01.076 references this Item; 2019-01.004 relates to this Item
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Materials of the Choguita Rarámuri Language Project
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Language of space elicitation, 2019-01.008, in "Materials of the Choguita Rarámuri Language Project", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2019-01.009
- Date: 30 Oct 2011 to 09 Mar 2014
- Contributors: Bertha Fuentes Loya (consultant); Guillermina Fuentes Moreno (consultant); Giltro Fuentes Palma (consultant); Gabriela Caballero (researcher, creator, donor)
- Language: Rarámuri (tar)
- Place: Choguita, Guachochi, Chihuahua, Mexico
- Description: Elicitation of contrasts of morphologically complex forms to elucidate morphophonological patterns. Original .wav audio recordings. See 2019-01.076 for detailed metadata.
- Relations to this item: 2019-01.076 references this Item; 2019-01.007 and 2019-01.010 relate to this Item
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Materials of the Choguita Rarámuri Language Project
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Morphophonological pattern elicitation, 2019-01.009, in "Materials of the Choguita Rarámuri Language Project", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2019-01.007
- Date: 31 Oct 2011 to 09 Nov 2011
- Contributors: María del Rosario Cervantes Guerrero (consultant); Rosa Isela Chaparro Gardea (consultant); Miguel Ángel Fuentes Díaz (consultant); Reyes Fuentes Guerrero (consultant); Bertha Fuentes Loya (consultant); Guillermina Fuentes Moreno (consultant); Valentina Fuentes Moreno (consultant); Vicente Fuentes Moreno (consultant); Giltro Fuentes Palma (consultant); Rocío Guerrero Fuentes (consultant); Teresa Guerrero Herrera (consultant); Luz Elena León Ramírez (consultant); Jesusita Loya Guerra (consultant); Francisco Moreno Fuentes (consultant); Gabriela Caballero (researcher, creator, donor); Vsevolod Kapatsinski (researcher)
- Language: Rarámuri (tar)
- Place: Choguita, Guachochi, Chihuahua, Mexico
- Description: Recordings of an experiment task (gating) with different speakers to elucidate multiple exponence patterns and trends in the processing of them. Associated publication: Caballero & Kapatsinski (2015). Original .wav audio recordings. See 2019-01.076 for detailed metadata.
- Relations to this item: 2019-01.076 references this Item; 2019-01.009 relates to this Item
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Materials of the Choguita Rarámuri Language Project
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Multiple exponence: gating task, 2019-01.007, in "Materials of the Choguita Rarámuri Language Project", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2019-01.002
- Date: 24 Oct 2011 to 19 Nov 2011
- Contributors: María del Rosario Cervantes Guerrero (consultant); Rosa Isela Chaparro Gardea (consultant); Miguel Ángel Fuentes Díaz (consultant); Reyes Fuentes Guerrero (consultant); Bertha Fuentes Loya (consultant); Yeni Fuentes Loya (consultant); Guillermina Fuentes Moreno (consultant); Valentina Fuentes Moreno (consultant); Vicente Fuentes Moreno (consultant); Giltro Fuentes Palma (consultant); Rocío Guerrero Fuentes (consultant); Teresa Guerrero Herrera (consultant); Luz Elena León Ramírez (consultant); Jesusita Loya Guerra (consultant); Francisco Moreno Fuentes (consultant); Gabriela Caballero (researcher, creator, donor); Lucien Carroll (researcher)
- Language: Rarámuri (tar)
- Place: Choguita, Guachochi, Chihuahua, Mexico
- Description: A picture-matching task designed to elicit tonal targets in different intonational contexts. Original .wav audio files and one .eaf transcription file. See 2019-01.076 for detailed metadata.
- Relations to this item: 2019-01.076 references this Item; 2019-01.006 relates to this Item
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Materials of the Choguita Rarámuri Language Project
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Picture-matching task, 2019-01.002, in "Materials of the Choguita Rarámuri Language Project", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2019-01.001
- Date: 22 Oct 2011 to 02 Mar 2014
- Contributors: María del Rosario Cervantes Guerrero (consultant); Rosa Isela Chaparro Gardea (consultant); Miguel Ángel Fuentes Díaz (consultant); Reyes Fuentes Guerrero (consultant); Sebastián Fuentes Holguín (consultant); Bertha Fuentes Loya (consultant); Guillermina Fuentes Moreno (consultant); Vicente Fuentes Moreno (consultant); Giltro Fuentes Palma (consultant); Roberto León Holguín (consultant); Luz Elena León Ramírez (consultant); Jesusita Loya Guerra (consultant, author); Francisco Moreno Fuentes (consultant); Sebastián Moreno Morales (consultant); María Ignacia Valencia Nevárez (consultant); Gabriela Caballero (researcher, creator, donor, interviewer); Lucien Carroll (researcher); Morales Fuentes Hernández (author); Austin German (researcher, creator, annotator); María Dolores Holguín (author)
- Language: Rarámuri (tar)
- Place: Choguita, Guachochi, Chihuahua, Mexico
- Description: Elicitation and structured conversation files focusing on lexical tonal contrasts. Original .wav audio files. Some .wav files have matching .eaf transcription files. See 2019-01.076 for detailed metadata.
- Relations to this item: 2019-01.076 references this Item; 2019-01.003, 2019-01.006, and 2019-01.010 relate to this Item
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Materials of the Choguita Rarámuri Language Project
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Tone: structured conversation and elicitation, 2019-01.001, in "Materials of the Choguita Rarámuri Language Project", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2019-01.004
- Date: 25 Oct 2011 to 26 Oct 2011
- Contributors: Giltro Fuentes Palma (consultant); Luz Elena León Ramírez (consultant); Gabriela Caballero (researcher, creator, donor)
- Language: Rarámuri (tar)
- Place: Choguita, Guachochi, Chihuahua, Mexico
- Description: Elicitation of topological forms using the BowPed stimuli designed by Bowerman & Pederson (1992) ( Original .wav audio recordings. See 2019-01.076 for detailed metadata.
- Relations to this item: 2019-01.076 references this Item; 2019-01.005 and 2019-01.008 relate to this Item
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Materials of the Choguita Rarámuri Language Project
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Topological terms, 2019-01.004, in "Materials of the Choguita Rarámuri Language Project", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2019-01.075
- Date: 20 Mar 2009 to 22 Aug 2013
- Contributors: Rosesio (author); Giltro Fuentes Palma (creator, interviewer); Jorge Esteban Moreno Romero (creator); Gabriela Caballero (donor)
- Language: Rarámuri (tar)
- Place: Choguita, Guachochi, Chihuahua, Mexico
- Description: Three digital files: original interview (.mpg), recorded outside; annotation file (.eaf); original .wav of follow-up text-based elicitation, recorded indoors
- Availability: Restricted. (Access to Item number 2019-01.075 requires depositor permission. Email to inquire.)
- Collection: Materials of the Choguita Rarámuri Language Project
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Video recording of interview about early Choguita/Grabación de video con entrevista sobre la vida en Choguita antes, 2019-01.075, in "Materials of the Choguita Rarámuri Language Project", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
Digital assets in this Item (available by request):
el1556.WAV (11460886 bytes)
JILTRO ENTREVISTA A ROSECIO.mpg (365366924 bytes)
rosesio.eaf (6977 bytes)- Item identifier: 2019-01.005
- Date: 27 Oct 2011 to 01 Sep 2018
- Contributors: Rosa Isela Chaparro Gardea (consultant); Sebastián Fuentes Holguín (consultant); Bertha Fuentes Loya (consultant); Guillermina Fuentes Moreno (consultant); Giltro Fuentes Palma (consultant); Teresa Guerrero Herrera (consultant); Luz Elena León Ramírez (consultant); Jesusita Loya Guerra (consultant); Gabriela Caballero (researcher, creator, donor)
- Language: Rarámuri (tar)
- Place: Choguita, Guachochi, Chihuahua, Mexico
- Description: Elicitation of vocabulary using translation, the Swadesh list, and other stimuli. Original .wav audio recordings. See 2019-01.076 for detailed metadata.
- Relations to this item: 2019-01.076 references this Item; 2019-01.004, 2019-01.010, and 2019-01.011 relate to this Item
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Materials of the Choguita Rarámuri Language Project
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Vocabulary elicitation, 2019-01.005, in "Materials of the Choguita Rarámuri Language Project", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,