Result 1 – 1
- Collection identifier: 2018-17
- Primary contributors: Arthur Alden (consultant); Felice Big Day (consultant); Morton Big Medicine (consultant); Eugene Deputy (consultant); Calvin Jefferson III (consultant); Cyle Old Elk (consultant); Alma Real Bird (consultant); Birdie Real Bird (consultant); Jack Real Bird (consultant); Theresa Sends Part Home (consultant); Riley Singer (consultant); Lewis Walks Over Ice (consultant); Charles Yarlott Jr. (consultant); Roberta Yarlott (consultant); Edwin Ko (researcher)
- Additional contributors: Loretta Big Lake (consultant); Danetta Jane Half Holds (consultant); Chrislyn Red Star (consultant); Peggy White Wellknown Buffalo (consultant); Jem Burch (researcher); Brady Dailey (researcher); Emma Kuykendall (researcher); Tyler Lemon (researcher); Christina McDermott (researcher); Katharine Mulhern (researcher); Joan Lin (participant); Toby Mark (participant); Emily Novotny (participant); Antonio Padilla (participant); Jakob Youngblood Costa (participant)
- Languages: Crow (cro); English (eng)
- Dates: 2018-
- Historical information: Crow is a language in the Siouan language family that is spoken on the Crow Reservation in southern Montana. These materials were collected by Edwin Ko on the Crow Reservation in Montana beginning in July 2018 during his graduate studies at University of California, Berkeley. One of the goals of this project was to collect spoken texts, oral narratives, and conversations from a number of different genres. Funding for this research came from an Oswalt Endangered Language Grant administered by the Survey of California and Other Indian Languages in the Department of Linguistics at the University of California, Berkeley.
- Scope and content: Recordings of elicitation sessions, texts (including personal reminiscences and commentary about language, culture, and identity), and photographic documentation related to places on the Crow Reservation. Each file bundle contains recordings from a single speaker involving a single data type (recordings of elicitation sessions, primary texts based on interviews). Most of the texts, spoken in Crow with a translation in English, fall into one of two domains: (a) discussions about the past, present, and future of life on the Crow Reservation, and (b) personal reminiscences and stories about specific places on the Crow Reservation. All audio was recorded on a Zoom H4N Pro digital recorder and all photos were taken using the camera on an iPhone 8.
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Arthur Alden, Felice Big Day, Morton Big Medicine, Eugene Deputy, Calvin Jefferson III, Cyle Old Elk, Alma Real Bird, Birdie Real Bird, Jack Real Bird, Theresa Sends Part Home, Riley Singer, Lewis Walks Over Ice, Charles Yarlott Jr., Roberta Yarlott, and Edwin Ko. Crow (Apsáalooke) Field Materials, 2018-17, California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
Result 1 – 1
- Item identifier: 2018-17.019
- Date: 01 Aug 2018
- Contributors: Lewis Walks Over Ice (consultant); Edwin Ko (researcher)
- Languages: Crow (cro); English (eng)
- Place: Crow Agency, MT
- Description: This file bundle contains a collection of sound recordings associated with an interview with Lewis Walks Over Ice which is mostly in English. This interview session is primarily about Lewis' recollections of stories and personal experiences about specific places in Lodge Grass. In this session, Lewis is reviewing printed photographs of different places in Lodge Grass. The bundle is organized in the following way: 1) introduction and Lodge Grass photos (Lewis_080118_000.wav), 2) Lodge Grass photos (cont.) (Lewis_080118_001.wav), and 3) Lodge Grass photos (cont.) (Lewis_080118_002.wav). Photographic documentation of each site is placed in the "LodgeGrassPhotos" zip file.
- Availability: Online access
- Catalog history: Lewis_080118_003.wav is deleted per request of the consultant.
- Collection: Crow (Apsáalooke) Field Materials
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Interview with Lewis Walks Over Ice, 2018-17.019, in "Crow (Apsáalooke) Field Materials", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,