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 Results 12

    • Collection identifier: 2021-10
    • Primary contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Roslyn Burns (researcher); Toni Cook (researcher); Thera Crane (researcher); Rachele Delucchi (researcher); Stefanie Fauconnier (researcher); Greg Finley (researcher, donor); Nadine Grimm (researcher); Larry M. Hyman (researcher, donor); Florian Lionnet (researcher, donor); Clare S. Sandy (researcher, donor)
    • Language: Abo (abb)
    • Dates: Aug 2010-Apr 2011
    • Historical information: This collection consists of materials produced by students of the graduate-level field methods course in the Department of Linguistics at UC Berkeley between August 2010 and April 2011 (Linguistics 240A/B). The course was taught by Prof. Larry Hyman, with then graduate student Thera Crane as assistant, and the language consultant was Achille Massoma. The students in the class were Roslyn Burns, Toni Cook, Rachele Delucchi, Stefanie Fauconnier, Greg Finley, Nadine Grimm (then Borchardt), and Florian Lionnet. Abo is also known as Bankon, and is a Bantu language of Cameroon.
    • Scope and content: Audio recordings of in-class and small group elicitation sessions (Series 001), informal notes and descriptive write-ups (Series 002), and original field notes and handouts (Series 003). Descriptions in item-level metadata were extracted from a metadata spreadsheet maintained for most of the duration of the course by students.
    • Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
    • Suggested citation: Achille Massoma, Roslyn Burns, Toni Cook, Thera Crane, Rachele Delucchi, Stefanie Fauconnier, Greg Finley, Nadine Grimm, Larry M. Hyman, Florian Lionnet, and Clare S. Sandy. Berkeley Field Methods: Abo, 2021-10, California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
    • Collection identifier: 2013-02
    • Primary contributors: Christine Beier (donor); Stephanie Farmer (data_inputter, donor); Greg Finley (donor); Elizabeth Goodrich (donor); Lev Michael (donor); Kelsey Neely (donor); Grace Neveu (donor); Amalia Horan Skilton (data_inputter, donor); John Sylak (donor)
    • Additional contributors: Michael Gilmore (speaker); Lizardo Gonzáles Flores (speaker, author, participant, research_participant); Federico López Algoba (speaker, research_participant); Pedro López Algoba (speaker, research_participant); Soraida López Algoba (consultant, speaker, research_participant); Otilia López Gordillo (speaker, research_participant); Lev Michael (speaker, author, researcher, data_inputter, recorder, transcriber); Marcelina Mogica Pacaya (speaker, research_participant); Elena Mogica Ríos (speaker, research_participant); Elvio Mogica Ríos (speaker, research_participant); Alberto Mosoline Mogica (speaker, participant, research_participant); Amelia Mosoline Mogica (consultant, speaker); Jesusa Mosoline Mogica (speaker, research_participant); Liberato Mosoline Mogica (speaker, author, participant, research_participant); Neyda Mosoline Mogica (speaker, research_participant); Hermelinda Mosoline Ríos (speaker, research_participant, signer); Victoria Mozombite Ríos (speaker, research_participant); Blanca Mozombite Tapullima (speaker, research_participant); Gilberto Perez Navarro (speaker, research_participant); Lindaura Pinedo Ríos (speaker, participant, research_participant); Emerson Ríos Tapullima (speaker, research_participant); Enrique Ríos Díaz (speaker, research_participant); Trujillo Ríos Díaz (speaker, research_participant); Samuel Ríos Flores (speaker, research_participant); Julián Ríos Mogica (speaker, research_participant); Nancy Ríos Ochoa (speaker, research_participant); Romero Ríos Ochoa (speaker, research_participant); Sebastián Ríos Ochoa (speaker, participant, research_participant); Severino Ríos Ochoa (speaker, research_participant); Marco Ríos Pinedo (speaker, research_participant); Rosario Ríos Ríos (speaker, research_participant); Adriano Ríos Sánchez (consultant, speaker, research_participant); Abilio Ríos Tapullima (speaker); Beti Ríos Tapullima (speaker); Celia Ríos Tapullima (speaker); Erlinda Ríos Tapullima (speaker); Juan Ríos Tapullima (speaker); Wilson Ríos Tapullima (speaker); Romero Ríos Ushiñahua (speaker); Isabel Tamayo Tapullima (speaker); Jorge Tamayo Tapullima (speaker); Marcos Tamayo Tapullima (speaker, research_participant); Robertina Tamayo Tapullima (speaker, research_participant); Semira Tamayo Tapullima (speaker, research_participant); Teodora Tamayo Tapullima (speaker, author, participant, research_participant); Rusber Tangoa Ríos (speaker, author, interpreter, participant, research_participant); Luciano Tapullima Navarro (speaker, research_participant); Mamerto Tapullima Tamayo (speaker); Christine Beier (author, researcher, compiler, data_inputter, photographer, recorder, transcriber); Stephanie Farmer (author, researcher, collector, compiler, participant, photographer, recorder, transcriber); Greg Finley (author, researcher, data_inputter, developer, participant, recorder, transcriber); Elizabeth Goodrich (author); Juan Marcos Mercier (author); Kelsey Neely (author, researcher, photographer, recorder, transcriber); Grace Neveu (author, researcher, transcriber); Amalia Horan Skilton (author, researcher, photographer, recorder, responder, transcriber); John Sylak (author, researcher, recorder, transcriber); Grapulio Mogica Ríos (participant); Segundo Ríos Tapullima (participant); Everest Ríos Vaca (participant); John Sylak-Glassman (data_inputter)
    • Languages: Máíhĩ̵̀kì (ore); Secoya (sey)
    • Dates: 2009-2015
    • Historical information: Máíhĩ̵̀kì is a highly endangered Western Tukanoan language spoken (in 2015) by around 80 individuals primarily along the Yanayacu, Sucusari, Algodón, and Putumayo rivers in northern Peru.
      The data archived herein were collected beginning in 2006 on a fieldtrip by Christine Beier and Lev Michael to the Máíhùnà community of Sucusari. In 2009, Beier (adjunct faculty member in the UC Berkeley Department of Linguistics since 2016) and Michael (faculty member in the UC Berkeley Department of Linguistics since 2008) returned to lay the foundation for the Máíhĩ̵̀kì Project, which from 2010 through 2015 involved the collaborative research efforts of Beier, Michael, and UC Berkeley linguistics graduate students Stephanie Farmer, Greg Finley, Kelsey Neely, Amalia Skilton (initially affiliated with Yale University), and John Sylak-Glassman, and UC Berkeley undergraduates Elizabeth Goodrich and Grace Neveu. This phase of the Máíhĩ̵̀kì Project was funded by National Science Foundation grant BCS-1065621 (PI Michael).
      Materials in this collection include those collected in solo fieldwork by Stephanie Farmer in the winter (January and February) of 2013 and the summer (July and August) of 2014, with funding from the Robert L. Oswalt Graduate Student Support Endowment for Endangered Language Documentation. Other materials in this collection were gathered by Amalia Skilton between June 2013 and June 2014 with funding from a Parker Huang Undergraduate Travel Fellowship from Yale University, and subsequently in May and June 2015. Other materials were gathered by Christine Beier and Lev Michael during intermittent fieldwork trips subsequent to 2015.
      The Máíhĩ̵̀kì Project is carried out primarily in the community of Nueva Vida, located on the Yanayacu River. Exceptions include brief trips to the communities of Puerto Huamán, Sucusari, and San Pablo de Totolla for annual meetings of FECONAMAI (the Máíhùnà indigenous federation), and prolonged fieldtrips by Amalia Skilton to the communities of Sucusari and San Antonio del Estrecho. Sucusari is located on the Sucusari River and San Antonio del Estrecho is the major administrative center for the Peruvian portion of the Putumayo River basin.
      Stephanie Farmer was responsible, with the consultation of Lev Michael, Christine Beier, and Amalia Skilton, for prearchiving the majority of this collection (including materials collected through September 2014) between 2013 and 2015. Amalia Skilton was responsible for the prearchiving, in September 2015, of materials collected in May and June 2015. Christine Beier was responsible for archiving after 2015.
    • Scope and content: This collection includes primary materials (e.g., audio and video recordings), derived products (e.g., transcriptions and translations), and linguistic analyses of Máíhĩ̵̀kì produced by the Máíhĩ̵̀kì Project, which was launched in June 2010, and is currently ongoing (as of 2023). File bundle 2013-02.141 contains an index that indicates the file bundle location of each media file and each of its associated annotation files through September 13, 2015.
    • Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
    • Suggested citation: Christine Beier, Stephanie Farmer, Greg Finley, Elizabeth Goodrich, Lev Michael, Kelsey Neely, Grace Neveu, Amalia Horan Skilton, and John Sylak. Materials of the Berkeley Máíhĩ̵̀kì Project, 2013-02, California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
    • Associated materials: Field notebook of John Sylak-Glassman (Sylak-Glassman.001) from 2011 is archived separately with the California Language Archive.

 Results 125

    • Item identifier: 2021-10.001.003
    • Date: 01 Sep 2010
    • Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Roslyn Burns (researcher); Toni Cook (researcher); Thera Crane (researcher); Rachele Delucchi (researcher); Stefanie Fauconnier (researcher); Greg Finley (researcher); Nadine Grimm (researcher); Larry M. Hyman (researcher, donor); Florian Lionnet (researcher); Clare S. Sandy (researcher)
    • Language: Abo (abb)
    • Place: Berkeley, CA
    • Description: 'Man', 'dog', 'drum ear', 'egg', 'elephant'; 'eye', 'fat', 'crab', 'animal', 'meat', 'fire', 'fish', 'foot'; 'friend', 'child', 'frog' (still need), 'fruit' (no general word), 'goat', 'hair'; brief recording before the break of 'arm' and 'hair' (which is the same as 'snake'); 'arm' and 'hair' repeated with discussion; 'head', 'heart', 'hoe' (same as 'market'), 'horn', 'house'/'home'; 'hunger', 'husband'/'man' (different prefixes), 'hyena', 'iron', 'knife', 'kola' (general word for 'nut'); 'leaf', 'leg' (= foot and whole leg), 'leopard', 'panther', 'lion', 'mattress' (need traditional 'mat'); 'medicine' (vs. 'dog' tones), 'money', 'monkey'; 'mother', 'name', 'navel', 'oil', 'palm tree' -- palm tree is complex and we also discussed other kinds of trees/nuts, as well as a bit of possession morphology; 'path', 'person', 'pepper', 'pig', 'pot', 'rain', 'rat'/'mouse'.
    • Availability: Online access
    • Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
    • Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
    • Suggested citation: Class elicitation session on noun list (dog-rat), 2021-10.001.003, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
    • Item identifier: 2021-10.001.005
    • Date: 03 Sep 2010
    • Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Greg Finley (researcher); Larry M. Hyman (donor)
    • Language: Abo (abb)
    • Place: Berkeley, CA
    • Availability: Online access
    • Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
    • Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
    • Suggested citation: Class elicitation session on possessive nouns and numerals (river-time), 2021-10.001.005, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
    • Item identifier: 2021-10.001.004
    • Date: 01 Sep 2010
    • Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Roslyn Burns (researcher); Toni Cook (researcher); Thera Crane (researcher); Rachele Delucchi (researcher); Stefanie Fauconnier (researcher); Greg Finley (researcher); Nadine Grimm (researcher); Larry M. Hyman (researcher, donor); Florian Lionnet (researcher); Clare S. Sandy (researcher)
    • Language: Abo (abb)
    • Place: Berkeley, CA
    • Description: Reviewing tones from Larry Hyman's arrangement of data from 27 Aug (mono and bisyllabic tone patterns). Reviewing 27 Aug data; review of singular and plural pairings; also 'rooster', 'chicken', 'man', 'monkey'.
    • Availability: Online access
    • Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
    • Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
    • Suggested citation: Class elicitation session on tone and plurality, 2021-10.001.004, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
    • Item identifier: 2013-02.016
    • Date: 2012
    • Contributors: Christine Beier (author); Stephanie Farmer (compiler); Greg Finley (developer)
    • Language: Máíhĩ̵̀kì (ore)
    • Place: Nueva Vida, Mazán, Maynas, Loreto, Peru
    • Description: All documents associated with the creation of the Máíhĩ̵̀kì dictionary, typeset by Farmer using a script created by Finley, with front matter written by Beier.
    • Availability: Online access
    • Collection: Materials of the Berkeley Máíhĩ̵̀kì Project
    • Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
    • Suggested citation: Dictionary creation year 3, 2013-02.016, in "Materials of the Berkeley Máíhĩ̵̀kì Project", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
    • Item identifier: 2013-02.081
    • Date: 2014
    • Contributors: Christine Beier (author); Stephanie Farmer (compiler); Greg Finley (developer)
    • Language: Máíhĩ̵̀kì (ore)
    • Description: Documents associated with the creation of a draft of the Máíhɨ̃̀kì Dictionary in 2014: typeset by Farmer using a script written by Finley, with front matter written by Beier.
    • Availability: Online access
    • Collection: Materials of the Berkeley Máíhĩ̵̀kì Project
    • Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
    • Suggested citation: Dictionary creation year 5, 2013-02.081, in "Materials of the Berkeley Máíhĩ̵̀kì Project", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
    • Item identifier: 2021-10.003.004
    • Date: 22 Aug 2010 to 21 Jan 2011
    • Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Greg Finley (researcher, donor)
    • Language: Abo (abb)
    • Place: Berkeley, CA
    • Availability: Online access
    • Extent: 1 composition notebook
    • Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
    • Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
    • Suggested citation: Field notebook I, 2021-10.003.004, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
    • Item identifier: 2021-10.003.005
    • Date: 26 Jan 2011 to 04 May 2011
    • Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Greg Finley (researcher, donor)
    • Language: Abo (abb)
    • Place: Berkeley, CA
    • Availability: Online access
    • Extent: 1 composition notebook
    • Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
    • Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
    • Suggested citation: Field notebook II, 2021-10.003.005, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
    • Item identifier: 2013-02.073
    • Date: 2010
    • Contributors: Christine Beier (researcher); Stephanie Farmer (researcher); Greg Finley (researcher); Lev Michael (researcher)
    • Language: Máíhĩ̵̀kì (ore)
    • Place: Nueva Vida, Mazán, Maynas, Loreto, Peru
    • Description: This file bundle contains the digitized notebooks of all 4 linguists, Christine Beier, Stephanie Farmer, Greg Finley, and Lev Michael, from year 1 of the Máíhɨ̱̀kì Project. These notebooks contain primarily grammatical elicitation.
    • Availability: Online access
    • Collection: Materials of the Berkeley Máíhĩ̵̀kì Project
    • Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
    • Suggested citation: Field notes year 1, 2013-02.073, in "Materials of the Berkeley Máíhĩ̵̀kì Project", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
    • Item identifier: 2021-10.002.038
    • Date: 15 Feb 2011
    • Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Rachele Delucchi (researcher); Greg Finley (researcher)
    • Language: Abo (abb)
    • Availability: Online access
    • Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
    • Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
    • Suggested citation: Notes on conditionals, 2021-10.002.038, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
    • Item identifier: 2021-10.002.039
    • Date: 11 Feb 2011
    • Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Greg Finley (researcher)
    • Language: Abo (abb)
    • Availability: Online access
    • Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
    • Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
    • Suggested citation: Notes on future tense, 2021-10.002.039, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
    • Item identifier: 2021-10.002.004
    • Date: 18 Sep 2010
    • Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Greg Finley (researcher)
    • Language: Abo (abb)
    • Availability: Online access
    • Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
    • Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
    • Suggested citation: Notes on numerals, 2021-10.002.004, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
    • Item identifier: 2021-10.002.018
    • Date: 19 Oct 2010
    • Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Rachele Delucchi (researcher); Greg Finley (researcher)
    • Language: Abo (abb)
    • Availability: Online access
    • Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
    • Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
    • Suggested citation: Notes on numerals, 2021-10.002.018, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
    • Item identifier: 2021-10.002.026
    • Date: 03 Nov 2010
    • Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Rachele Delucchi (researcher); Greg Finley (researcher)
    • Language: Abo (abb)
    • Availability: Online access
    • Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
    • Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
    • Suggested citation: Notes on stative and hortative verbs, 2021-10.002.026, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
    • Item identifier: 2021-10.002.031
    • Date: 18 Nov 2010
    • Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Rachele Delucchi (researcher); Greg Finley (researcher)
    • Language: Abo (abb)
    • Availability: Online access
    • Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
    • Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
    • Suggested citation: Notes on stative and hortative verbs, 2021-10.002.031, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,