Result 1 – 1
- Collection identifier: Maps
- Contributors: Robert Carneiro (consultant); Geoffrey Conrad (consultant); William Crocker (consultant); Betty Meggers (consultant); Elmer Miller (consultant); William Sturtevant (consultant, compiler); Gordon Willey (consultant); Carolyn Anderson (author, researcher); Carol Bittig (researcher); Elizabeth Bruner (author, researcher); Betsy Clark (researcher); Richard Darley (researcher, editor); Roland Burrage Dixon (researcher); Ives Goddard (researcher); John Goetz (researcher); Jan Holderness (researcher); David Jeffery (author); Alfred L. Kroeber (researcher, compiler); Barbara McConnell (researcher); Edward Sapir (researcher); William Shipley (researcher); Gene Stuart (author); John Reed Swanton (researcher); Cliff Tarpy (author); Sol Tax (researcher); Anonymous (compiler, illustrator); Rosemary Beam de Azcona (compiler); J Bendix (compiler); Timothy Carter (compiler); David Cook (editor); John Cooper (compiler); John Dorr (compiler); Harold Driver (compiler); Lázaro Díaz Pacheco (compiler); Mary R. Haas (annotator); Kenneth Hale (compiler); James M. Kari (compiler); Paul Kirchoff (compiler); Christopher Klein (illustrator); Michael E. Krauss (compiler); Bruce MacLachlan (compiler); William Massey (compiler); Norman McQuown (compiler); Robert Northrop (illustrator); Geoffrey O'Grady (compiler); William Peele (editor); Laura Pritchard (compiler); Dorothy Rainier (compiler); Myron Rosenberg (compiler); Claude Schaeffer (compiler); John Shupe (editor); Leslie Spier (compiler); Samuel Stanley (compiler); George Stuart (illustrator); Cameron Suttles (compiler); Robert Thomas (compiler); Tibor Toth (illustrator); Lloyd Townsend (illustrator); Juan Valdés (compiler); Charles Voegelin (compiler); Erminie Voegelin (compiler); Florence Voegelin (compiler); Robert Watt (illustrator); J Westfall (illustrator); M Wixman (illustrator); Sherry Wolf (illustrator); Stephen Wurm (compiler)
- Languages: Aleut (ale); Algic; Algonquian; Chimakuan; Chimariko (cid); Chumashan; Coatlán-Loxicha Zapotec; Dene; Eyak-Athabaskan; Hokan; Inuit-Inupiaq-Inuktitut; Iroquoian; Kalaallisut (kal); Kutenai (kut); Lake Miwok (lmw); Miwokan; Northern Yukian (yuk); Penutian; Pomoan; Salishan; Shoshone (shh); Siouan; Spanish (spa); Tataviam; Tlingit (tli); Wakashan; Wappo (wao); Yokuts (yok); Yuman; Yupik
- Dates: 1925 - 2002
- Extent: 10.33 cubic feet (35 boxes)
- Scope and content: The Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection includes a variety of maps showing the boundaries of indigenous languages and groups as well as settlement locations. Included are some of the classic maps from the Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 78 by Alfred Kroeber.
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: . Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection, Maps, California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
Result 1 – 1
- Item identifier: Maps.001.010
- Date: 1974
- Contributors: William Sturtevant (consultant); Gordon Willey (consultant); Carolyn Anderson (author, researcher); Carol Bittig (researcher); Elizabeth Bruner (author, researcher); Betsy Clark (researcher); Richard Darley (researcher); Gene Stuart (author); David Cook (editor); John Dorr (compiler); Robert Northrop (illustrator); William Peele (editor); George Stuart (illustrator); Tibor Toth (illustrator); Sherry Wolf (illustrator)
- Languages: [unspecified]
- Description: One map per side, both in color and published by the National Geographic Society for the National Geographic Magazine. One side is titled "Indians of North America" and shows the boundaries of tribes, e.g. "Wiyot", and tribal groupings, e.g. "Costanoan". Map covers all of North America and shows ethnographic images of some Native American individuals from the groups labeled. Other side is titled "North America Before Columbus" and shows some major Native American settlements.
- Availability: Materials for Item number Maps.001.010 are not digitized. Please email us at to schedule a visit, or to see if we can digitize them for you.
- Extent: 1 sheet (37.25" x 32.5")
- Collection: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: [Indians of North America and North America Before Columbus], Maps.001.010, in "Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,