Results 1 – 3
- Collection identifier: 2021-10
- Primary contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Roslyn Burns (researcher); Toni Cook (researcher); Thera Crane (researcher); Rachele Delucchi (researcher); Stefanie Fauconnier (researcher); Greg Finley (researcher, donor); Nadine Grimm (researcher); Larry M. Hyman (researcher, donor); Florian Lionnet (researcher, donor); Clare S. Sandy (researcher, donor)
- Language: Abo (abb)
- Dates: Aug 2010-Apr 2011
- Historical information: This collection consists of materials produced by students of the graduate-level field methods course in the Department of Linguistics at UC Berkeley between August 2010 and April 2011 (Linguistics 240A/B). The course was taught by Prof. Larry Hyman, with then graduate student Thera Crane as assistant, and the language consultant was Achille Massoma. The students in the class were Roslyn Burns, Toni Cook, Rachele Delucchi, Stefanie Fauconnier, Greg Finley, Nadine Grimm (then Borchardt), and Florian Lionnet. Abo is also known as Bankon, and is a Bantu language of Cameroon.
- Scope and content: Audio recordings of in-class and small group elicitation sessions (Series 001), informal notes and descriptive write-ups (Series 002), and original field notes and handouts (Series 003). Descriptions in item-level metadata were extracted from a metadata spreadsheet maintained for most of the duration of the course by students.
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Achille Massoma, Roslyn Burns, Toni Cook, Thera Crane, Rachele Delucchi, Stefanie Fauconnier, Greg Finley, Nadine Grimm, Larry M. Hyman, Florian Lionnet, and Clare S. Sandy. Berkeley Field Methods: Abo, 2021-10, California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Collection identifier: 2020-01
- Primary contributors: Anna Gonari (consultant); Hélène Nimbaye (consultant); Moïse Pwaili (consultant); Michel Tutugoro (consultant); Jean-Claude Vaiadimoin (consultant); Aman X (consultant); Florian Lionnet (researcher, donor)
- Languages: Cèmuhî (cam); Nemi (nem); Paicî (pri)
- Dates: 2017-
- Historical information: Cette collection consiste en plusieurs séances d'enregistrement d'élicitation linguistique sur trois langues kanak de Nouvelle Calédonie: le paicî [ISO pri], le cèmuhî [ISO cam], et le nemi [ISO nem]. Les données enregistrées consistent en listes de mots et de phrases simples illustrant les propriétés linguistiques suivantes: 1) le système tonal du paicî, 2) la nasalité en paicî et nemi (consonnes et voyelles nasales, propagation du trait de nasalité), dont des mesures aérodynamiques de flux d'air nasal et oral, et 3) des phénomènes de coarticulation entre consonnes et voyelles en cèmuhî. Les séances de travail ont eu lieu lors de deux terrains, le premier en décembre-janvier 2017 (paicî et cèmuhî), le second de septembre à décembre 2019 (paicî et nemi). Les deux terrains ont été financés par l'Université de Princeton (Etats-Unis). Chercheur: Florian Lionnet. Langue de contact: français (langue officielle et véhiculaire en Nouvelle Calédonie)
This collection contains recordings of linguistic elicitation sessions in three Kanak languages of New Caledonia: Paicî [ISO pri], Cèmuhî [ISO cam], and Nemi [ISO nem]. The collected data consist mostly of word lists and simple sentences, illustrating 1) the tone system of Paicî, 2) nasality (nasal vowels and consonants, nasal spread) in Paicî and Nemi (with nasal/oral airflow measurements), and 3) consonant-vowel coarticulation in Cèmuhî. The data were collected during two field trips: three weeks in December 2017-January 2018 (Paicî and Cèmuhî), and September-December 2019 (Paicî and Nemi). Both fieldtrips were funded by Princeton University. Researcher: Florian Lionnet. Contact language: French (official and vehicular in New Caledonia). - Scope and content: Sound recordings and associated ELAN/TextGrid files of elicitation and for measurements of oral/nasal airflow
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Anna Gonari, Hélène Nimbaye, Moïse Pwaili, Michel Tutugoro, Jean-Claude Vaiadimoin, Aman X, and Florian Lionnet. Linguistic Materials on Languages of New Caledonia, 2020-01, California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Collection identifier: 2021-17
- Primary contributors: Christophère Ngolele (consultant); Larry M. Hyman (researcher, donor); Florian Lionnet (researcher, donor)
- Language: Teke (teg)
- Dates: 2016-2018
- Historical information: Independent research conducted in Berkeley when Lionnet was a graduate student (2016), and later by Lionnet in Princeton (2018).
- Scope and content: Sound recordings of elicitation sessions; field notes. Lionnet's field notes are segmented and grouped as PDF files within separate file bundles; Hyman's field notes are in file bundle 2021-17.015.
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Christophère Ngolele, Larry M. Hyman, and Florian Lionnet. Teke Field Materials, 2021-17, California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
Results 1 – 25
- Item identifier: 2021-10.001.129
- Date: 11 Feb 2011
- Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Roslyn Burns (researcher); Toni Cook (researcher); Thera Crane (researcher); Rachele Delucchi (researcher); Stefanie Fauconnier (researcher); Greg Finley (researcher); Nadine Grimm (researcher); Larry M. Hyman (researcher); Florian Lionnet (researcher); Clare S. Sandy (researcher)
- Language: Abo (abb)
- Place: Berkeley, CA
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Class elicitation session, 2021-10.001.129, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-10.001.132
- Date: 02 Mar 2011
- Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Roslyn Burns (researcher); Toni Cook (researcher); Thera Crane (researcher); Rachele Delucchi (researcher); Stefanie Fauconnier (researcher); Greg Finley (researcher); Nadine Grimm (researcher); Larry M. Hyman (researcher); Florian Lionnet (researcher); Clare S. Sandy (researcher)
- Language: Abo (abb)
- Place: Berkeley, CA
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Class elicitation session, 2021-10.001.132, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-10.001.134
- Date: 04 Mar 2011
- Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Roslyn Burns (researcher); Toni Cook (researcher); Thera Crane (researcher); Rachele Delucchi (researcher); Stefanie Fauconnier (researcher); Greg Finley (researcher); Nadine Grimm (researcher); Larry M. Hyman (researcher); Florian Lionnet (researcher); Clare S. Sandy (researcher)
- Language: Abo (abb)
- Place: Berkeley, CA
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Class elicitation session, 2021-10.001.134, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-10.001.135
- Date: 09 Mar 2011
- Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Roslyn Burns (researcher); Toni Cook (researcher); Thera Crane (researcher); Rachele Delucchi (researcher); Stefanie Fauconnier (researcher); Greg Finley (researcher); Nadine Grimm (researcher); Larry M. Hyman (researcher); Florian Lionnet (researcher); Clare S. Sandy (researcher)
- Language: Abo (abb)
- Place: Berkeley, CA
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Class elicitation session, 2021-10.001.135, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-10.001.138
- Date: 16 Mar 2011
- Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Roslyn Burns (researcher); Toni Cook (researcher); Thera Crane (researcher); Rachele Delucchi (researcher); Stefanie Fauconnier (researcher); Greg Finley (researcher); Nadine Grimm (researcher); Larry M. Hyman (researcher); Florian Lionnet (researcher); Clare S. Sandy (researcher)
- Language: Abo (abb)
- Place: Berkeley, CA
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Class elicitation session, 2021-10.001.138, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-10.001.151
- Date: 27 Apr 2011
- Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Roslyn Burns (researcher); Toni Cook (researcher); Thera Crane (researcher); Rachele Delucchi (researcher); Stefanie Fauconnier (researcher); Greg Finley (researcher); Nadine Grimm (researcher); Larry M. Hyman (researcher); Florian Lionnet (researcher); Clare S. Sandy (researcher)
- Language: Abo (abb)
- Place: Berkeley, CA
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Class elicitation session, 2021-10.001.151, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-10.001.131
- Date: 25 Feb 2011
- Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Roslyn Burns (researcher); Toni Cook (researcher); Thera Crane (researcher); Rachele Delucchi (researcher); Stefanie Fauconnier (researcher); Greg Finley (researcher); Nadine Grimm (researcher); Larry M. Hyman (researcher); Florian Lionnet (researcher); Clare S. Sandy (researcher)
- Language: Abo (abb)
- Place: Berkeley, CA
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Class elicitation session on focus, adjectives, and locatives, 2021-10.001.131, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-10.001.056
- Date: 29 Oct 2010
- Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Rachele Delucchi (researcher); Larry M. Hyman (researcher, donor); Florian Lionnet (researcher)
- Language: Abo (abb)
- Place: Berkeley, CA
- Description: Verbs (and other vocab): 'bark', 'bend', 'give birth', 'blow with mouth', 'blow nose', 'become blind', 'blind person', 'come back', 'return something'; vocab: 'burn', 'fry', "it burned", "I burned", "it is burned"; vocab discussed: 'carry', 'clean', 'dawn', "the day is waking up", 'wake up', 'crawl', 'clear away', 'cross', 'cut', "I'm cutting the grass", 'grass', "this grass", 'release'; 'deceive', 'divide', 'drip', 'drive away', 'dry', 'eat meat', (bite/chew), 'exchange', 'exit', 'take out', 'cultivate', 'fear', 'look for', 'find', 'want', "I saw it", "I want it"; 'dig', "I'm digging a hole", 'fold', 'wrap', 'cover' (with lid, cloth, etc.), 'open', 'uncover', 'take off something', 'groan' (='to tie your face'), 'growl' (maybe just 'bark'?), 'harvest', 'hate', "I hate him", 'heat (verb)', 'advice', 'hot day'; 'grasp'/'catch'/'hold', 'be heavy', 'make heavy', "don't make that bag heavy", "it became heavy", 'imitate', 'injure', 'get injured', "I gave him an injury", 'make fall', "I made him fall", 'injury', "I injured him"; 'jump', 'take care of
(care for, be a parent to), 'knee', 'raise'. - Availability: Online access
- Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Class elicitation session on lexicon, 2021-10.001.056, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-10.001.019
- Date: 24 Sep 2010
- Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Florian Lionnet (researcher); Larry M. Hyman (donor)
- Language: Abo (abb)
- Place: Berkeley, CA
- Description: "Big friend," "a friend that is big"; "big friend", "my friend"; "this friend", "this child"; "this chief", "friends", "these friends", "my friends", "my friend"; "this big friend", "this friend who is big"; "fall", "fall down", "ground/earth", "my friend fell", "my friend ate"; "my elephant(s)", "this/that elephant"; "these/those elephants"; "that elephant over there"; "this/that/these/those chicken(s)", "chicken(s)"; "this/that banana"; "I want to eat", "I want food", "I want to fall", "send"; numerals: "ten", "twenty", "hundred", "thousand"; "one friend", "one child", "some friends"; "which friend(s)".
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Class elicitation session on modifiers, 2021-10.001.019, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-10.001.002
- Date: 01 Sep 2010
- Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Roslyn Burns (researcher); Toni Cook (researcher); Thera Crane (researcher); Rachele Delucchi (researcher); Stefanie Fauconnier (researcher); Greg Finley (researcher); Nadine Grimm (researcher); Larry M. Hyman (researcher, donor); Florian Lionnet (researcher); Clare S. Sandy (researcher)
- Language: Abo (abb)
- Place: Berkeley, CA
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Class elicitation session on noun list (animal-day), 2021-10.001.002, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-10.001.003
- Date: 01 Sep 2010
- Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Roslyn Burns (researcher); Toni Cook (researcher); Thera Crane (researcher); Rachele Delucchi (researcher); Stefanie Fauconnier (researcher); Greg Finley (researcher); Nadine Grimm (researcher); Larry M. Hyman (researcher, donor); Florian Lionnet (researcher); Clare S. Sandy (researcher)
- Language: Abo (abb)
- Place: Berkeley, CA
- Description: 'Man', 'dog', 'drum ear', 'egg', 'elephant'; 'eye', 'fat', 'crab', 'animal', 'meat', 'fire', 'fish', 'foot'; 'friend', 'child', 'frog' (still need), 'fruit' (no general word), 'goat', 'hair'; brief recording before the break of 'arm' and 'hair' (which is the same as 'snake'); 'arm' and 'hair' repeated with discussion; 'head', 'heart', 'hoe' (same as 'market'), 'horn', 'house'/'home'; 'hunger', 'husband'/'man' (different prefixes), 'hyena', 'iron', 'knife', 'kola' (general word for 'nut'); 'leaf', 'leg' (= foot and whole leg), 'leopard', 'panther', 'lion', 'mattress' (need traditional 'mat'); 'medicine' (vs. 'dog' tones), 'money', 'monkey'; 'mother', 'name', 'navel', 'oil', 'palm tree' -- palm tree is complex and we also discussed other kinds of trees/nuts, as well as a bit of possession morphology; 'path', 'person', 'pepper', 'pig', 'pot', 'rain', 'rat'/'mouse'.
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Class elicitation session on noun list (dog-rat), 2021-10.001.003, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-10.001.055
- Date: 29 Oct 2010
- Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Rachele Delucchi (researcher); Florian Lionnet (researcher); Larry M. Hyman (donor)
- Language: Abo (abb)
- Place: Berkeley, CA
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Class elicitation session on reciprocals, statives, and causatives, 2021-10.001.055, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-10.001.004
- Date: 01 Sep 2010
- Contributors: Achille Massoma (consultant); Roslyn Burns (researcher); Toni Cook (researcher); Thera Crane (researcher); Rachele Delucchi (researcher); Stefanie Fauconnier (researcher); Greg Finley (researcher); Nadine Grimm (researcher); Larry M. Hyman (researcher, donor); Florian Lionnet (researcher); Clare S. Sandy (researcher)
- Language: Abo (abb)
- Place: Berkeley, CA
- Description: Reviewing tones from Larry Hyman's arrangement of data from 27 Aug (mono and bisyllabic tone patterns). Reviewing 27 Aug data; review of singular and plural pairings; also 'rooster', 'chicken', 'man', 'monkey'.
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Berkeley Field Methods: Abo
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Class elicitation session on tone and plurality, 2021-10.001.004, in "Berkeley Field Methods: Abo", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-17.014
- Date: 27 Apr 2018
- Contributors: Christophère Ngolele (consultant); Florian Lionnet (researcher)
- Language: Teke (teg)
- Place: Princeton, NJ
- Description: 4 WAV files, 1 PDF file. PDF file is scan of corresponding pages from Lionnet's field notes (pp. 27-33, notebook 2).
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Teke Field Materials
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Elicitation session: Metatony, 2021-17.014, in "Teke Field Materials", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-17.007
- Date: 14 Apr 2016
- Contributors: Christophère Ngolele (consultant); Larry M. Hyman (researcher); Florian Lionnet (researcher)
- Language: Teke (teg)
- Place: Berkeley, CA
- Description: 10 WAV files, 1 PDF file. PDF file is scan of corresponding pages from Lionnet's field notes (pp. 115-133). See related file bundle for Hyman field notes.
- Relations to this item: 2021-17.015 references this Item
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Teke Field Materials
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Elicitation session: Negatives and argument structure, 2021-17.007, in "Teke Field Materials", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-17.002
- Date: 03 Mar 2016
- Contributors: Christophère Ngolele (consultant); Larry M. Hyman (researcher); Florian Lionnet (researcher)
- Language: Teke (teg)
- Place: Berkeley, CA
- Description: 24 WAV files, 1 PDF file. Includes possessors, demonstratives, numerals. Word list from French 'abattre' to 'ecraser.' PDF file is scan of corresponding pages from Lionnet's field notes (pp. 18-41). See related file bundle for Hyman field notes.
- Relations to this item: 2021-17.015 references this Item
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Teke Field Materials
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Elicitation session: Nominal modifiers and verbs, 2021-17.002, in "Teke Field Materials", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-17.009
- Date: 05 May 2016
- Contributors: Christophère Ngolele (consultant); Larry M. Hyman (researcher); Florian Lionnet (researcher)
- Language: Teke (teg)
- Place: Berkeley, CA
- Description: 8 WAV files, 1 PDF file. PDF file is scan of corresponding pages from Lionnet's field notes (pp. 148-166). See related file bundle for Hyman field notes.
- Relations to this item: 2021-17.015 references this Item
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Teke Field Materials
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Elicitation session: Noun classes, numerals, relative clauses, 2021-17.009, in "Teke Field Materials", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-17.001
- Date: 25 Feb 2016
- Contributors: Christophère Ngolele (consultant); Larry M. Hyman (researcher); Florian Lionnet (researcher)
- Language: Teke (teg)
- Place: Berkeley, CA
- Description: 8 WAV files, 1 PDF file. Elicitation of nouns (French alphabetical order, from 'parent,' files 01 to 07) and possessive paradigm (file 09). Recorded by Lionnet. Recorder: Marantz PMD661 MKII (16bit, 44.1kHz). Microphone: files 01-05, built-in microphone, stereo; files 06-08, external microphone (Rode NTG2), mono. PDF file is scan of corresponding pages from Lionnet's field notes (pp. 1-18). See related file bundle for Hyman field notes.
- Relations to this item: 2021-17.015 references this Item
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Teke Field Materials
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Elicitation session: Nouns and possessive phrases, 2021-17.001, in "Teke Field Materials", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-17.008
- Date: 20 Apr 2016
- Contributors: Christophère Ngolele (consultant); Larry M. Hyman (researcher); Florian Lionnet (researcher)
- Language: Teke (teg)
- Place: Berkeley, CA
- Description: 10 WAV files, 1 PDF file. Includes reciprocal, reflexive, anticausative. PDF file is scan of corresponding pages from Lionnet's field notes (pp. 134-147). See related file bundle for Hyman field notes.
- Relations to this item: 2021-17.015 references this Item
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Teke Field Materials
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Elicitation session: Numerals, valence alterations, 'with' and 'and', 2021-17.008, in "Teke Field Materials", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-17.010
- Date: 10 May 2016
- Contributors: Christophère Ngolele (consultant); Larry M. Hyman (researcher); Florian Lionnet (researcher)
- Language: Teke (teg)
- Place: Berkeley, CA
- Description: 8 WAV files, 1 PDF file. Includes past, present, future, past progressive, perfect. PDF file is scan of corresponding pages from Lionnet's field notes (pp. 166-). See related file bundle for Hyman field notes.
- Relations to this item: 2021-17.015 references this Item
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Teke Field Materials
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Elicitation session: Object pronouns, relative clauses, tense-aspect, 2021-17.010, in "Teke Field Materials", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-17.011
- Date: 12 May 2016
- Contributors: Christophère Ngolele (consultant); Larry M. Hyman (researcher); Florian Lionnet (researcher)
- Language: Teke (teg)
- Place: Berkeley, CA
- Description: 9 WAV files, 1 PDF file. PDF file is scan of corresponding pages from Lionnet's field notes (pp. 1-19, notebook 2). See related file bundle for Hyman field notes.
- Relations to this item: 2021-17.015 references this Item
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Teke Field Materials
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Elicitation session: Relative clauses, negatives, questions, 2021-17.011, in "Teke Field Materials", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-17.006
- Date: 06 Apr 2016
- Contributors: Christophère Ngolele (consultant); Larry M. Hyman (researcher); Florian Lionnet (researcher)
- Language: Teke (teg)
- Place: Berkeley, CA
- Description: 12 WAV files, 1 PDF file. PDF file is scan of corresponding pages from Lionnet's field notes (pp. 100-114). See related file bundle for Hyman field notes.
- Relations to this item: 2021-17.015 references this Item
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Teke Field Materials
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Elicitation session: Transitive and ditransitive verbs, 2021-17.006, in "Teke Field Materials", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-17.005
- Date: 31 Mar 2016
- Contributors: Christophère Ngolele (consultant); Larry M. Hyman (researcher); Florian Lionnet (researcher)
- Language: Teke (teg)
- Place: Berkeley, CA
- Description: 8 WAV files, 1 PDF file. PDF file is scan of corresponding pages from Lionnet's field notes (pp. 83-99). See related file bundle for Hyman field notes.
- Relations to this item: 2021-17.015 references this Item
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Teke Field Materials
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Elicitation session: Verb tenses and subject pronouns, 2021-17.005, in "Teke Field Materials", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-17.003
- Date: 10 Mar 2016
- Contributors: Christophère Ngolele (consultant); Larry M. Hyman (researcher); Florian Lionnet (researcher)
- Language: Teke (teg)
- Place: Berkeley, CA
- Description: 12 WAV files, 1 PDF file. Word list based from French 'elever' to 'rappeler.' PDF file is scan of corresponding pages from Lionnet's field notes (pp. 42-61). See related file bundle for Hyman field notes.
- Relations to this item: 2021-17.015 references this Item
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Teke Field Materials
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Elicitation session: Verbs, 2021-17.003, in "Teke Field Materials", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: 2021-17.004
- Date: 17 Mar 2016
- Contributors: Christophère Ngolele (consultant); Larry M. Hyman (researcher); Florian Lionnet (researcher)
- Language: Teke (teg)
- Place: Berkeley, CA
- Description: 10 WAV files, 1 PDF file. PDF file is scan of corresponding pages from Lionnet's field notes (pp. 63-82). See related file bundle for Hyman field notes.
- Relations to this item: 2021-17.015 references this Item
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Teke Field Materials
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Elicitation session: Verbs and nominal modifiers, 2021-17.004, in "Teke Field Materials", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,