Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages
- Collection identifier: Oswalt
- Relations to this Collection: LA 98 is referenced by this Collection
- Finding aid: Oswalt_finding_aid.pdf
- Primary contributors: Elsie Allen (consultant); Elizabeth Dollar (consultant); Edna Guerrero (consultant); Achora Hanyava (consultant); Annie Lake (consultant); Milton "Bun" Lucas (consultant); Oscar McDaniel (consultant); Sharky Moore (consultant); Essie Parrish (consultant); Bernice Scott Torrez (consultant); Clara Williams (consultant); Robert L. Oswalt (researcher)
- Additional contributors: Arthur Anderson (consultant, participant); Lowe Anderson (consultant); Lucy Andrews Macy (consultant); David Antone (consultant); Salome Bartlett Alcantra (consultant); Annie Burke (consultant, participant); Edna Campbell (consultant); Violet Parrish Chapelle (consultant); Charlie Doorman (consultant); Bill Frank (consultant); Olive Fulwider (consultant); Suzie Gomez (consultant); Gladys James Gonzales (consultant); Abraham M. Halpern (consultant, author, researcher, translator); Ralph Holder (consultant); Lula Jackson (consultant); Allen James (consultant); Herman James (consultant); Mary James (consultant); Lula Johnson (consultant); John Kelsey (consultant); Cecilia Logan (consultant); Frank Logan (consultant); Effie Mabel Luff (consultant); Frank Luff (consultant); Kate Marando (consultant); Julia Pinola Marrufo (consultant); George Moore (consultant); Ralph Moore (consultant); Guillermina Nelson-Rodrigues (consultant); Old Toby (consultant); Vana Parrish Lawson (consultant); Sidney Parrish (consultant, participant); F. Scarioni (consultant); Greene Scott (consultant); Kathryn Seller (consultant); Laura Somersal (consultant); Eben Tillotsen (consultant); Vivian Wilder (consultant); Bernard W. Aginsky (author); Dan Alford (author); Ruth Almstedt (author); S.A. Barrett (author, researcher); Eugene Buckley (author, researcher); Michelle Caisse (author); Wallace L. Chafe (author); James Clifford (author); Janice Comstock (author); Philip W. Davis (author); Victoria Dickler Kaplan (author); Cora DuBois (author); Homer Durham (author); Linda J. Farnum (author); Glenn J. Farris (author, translator); George M. Foster (researcher); David Gamon (author); James R. Gibson (author); Jennie Goodrich (author); George Grekoff (researcher); Kira Hall (author); Gretchen S. Hillard (author); Leanne Hinton (author); A. A. Istomin (author); Frances Jack (author); James M. Kari (author, participant); Mary Jean Kennedy (author); P. Kostromitonov (author); Sydney M. Lamb (researcher); Thomas Larsen (author); Charles Li (author); Kent G. Lightfoot (author); John P. Marr (author); Helen McCarthy (author); Sally McLendon (author, researcher); Randall Milliken (author); Marianne Mithun (author); Mauricio J. Mixco (author); Lawrence Morgan (author); Julius Moshinsky (author); Johanna Nichols (author); June Nieze (author); Mary Catherine O'Connor (author); Robert L. Oswalt (author, annotator, donor, participant, photographer, translator); Otis Parrish (author); Viktor Petrov (author); Ross Saunders (author); Jesse O. Sawyer (author); Ann M. Schiff (author); Bernice Scott Torrez (author, participant); Alice Shepherd (author); Shirley Silver (author); Susan Steele (author); Mary Swift (author); Louise Tanous (author); Sandra Thompson (author); Katherine Turner (author); Hans Jørgen Uldall (researcher); Eero Vihman (author); Thomas A. Wake (author); Carolyn F. Wall (author); Nancy Webb (author); Kenneth W. Whistler (author); Skip Willits (author); Biten Yasumoto (author); T. Yokomori (author); Martha Anderson (participant); Ramon Billy Jr. (donor); Peter Kalifornsky (participant); Milton "Bun" Lucas (participant); Tammy Lucas (participant); Nelda Grace Martinez (participant); Oswalt family (donor); Essie Parrish (participant, translator)
- Languages: Aleut (ale); Aztecan; Bribri (bzd); Central Pomo (poo); Chinook Jargon (chn); Chochenyo; Chumashan; Coast Miwok (csi); Cocopa (coc); Dena'ina (tfn); Eastern Pomo (peb); Esselen (esq); Havasupai (yuf); Hualapai (yuf); Huchnom; Karuk (kyh); Kashaya (kju); Kiliwa (klb); Klamath; Kumeyaay (dih); Kwtsaan (yum); Lacandon (lac); Lakota (lkt); Luiseño (lui); Maidu (nmu); Maricopa (mrc); Miwokan; Mojave (mov); Mutsun (css); Nisenan (nsz); Northeastern Pomo (pef); Northern Pomo (pej); Northern Yukian (yuk); Nuxalk (blc); Paipai (ppi); Patwin (pwi); Pomoan; Salinan (sln); Samala (inz); Southeastern Pomo (pom); Southern Pomo (peq); Tajuasohn (tja); Tonkawa (tqw); Wappo (wao); Yana (ynn); Yokuts (yok); Yuki; Yurok (yur)
- Dates: 1956-2005
- Extent: 30.2 linear feet (69 boxes)
- Historical information: Robert Louis Oswalt, Pomoan language scholar, received his Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley in 1961. His fieldwork on Kashaya (Southwestern Pomo) began in 1957 and led to his dissertation, A Kashaya Grammar, and the publication of the book Kashaya Texts in 1964. Dr. Oswalt continued to work on Pomoan languages until 2005, conducting fieldwork on Kashaya, Southern Pomo, Northeastern Pomo, Northern Pomo, and Central Pomo and exploring the historical relationships within the Pomoan family. The Kashaya, Southern Pomo, and Central Pomo dictionaries that Dr. Oswalt compiled during his decades of fieldwork on those languages were never published.
- Scope and content: These Papers document the linguistic work of Robert Oswalt, including his fieldwork on Pomoan languages and Yuki, Kru-Gbato, Aleut, and Bribri, his research on historical linguistics and other linguistic topics, and his professional activities. The papers include field notebooks containing vocabulary and elicited sentences for Kashaya, Southern Pomo, Northeastern Pomo, Northern Pomo and Central Pomo, with additional longer texts in Kashaya and Southern Pomo, vocabulary file slips for Kashaya, Southern Pomo, and Central Pomo, as well as notes on grammar and Pomoan cognates. His primary consultants for Kashaya were Essie Parrish and Bernice Scott Torrez, and his Kashaya consultants also included David Antone, Violet Parrish Chappelle, Gladys James Gonzales, Allen James, Herman James, Mary James, Milton (Bun) Lucas, Vana Lawson, Kate Marando, Julia Pinola Marrufo, Sidney Parrish, and Vivian Wilder. His primary consultants for Southern Pomo were Elsie Allen and Elizabeth Dollar and his Southern Pomo consultants also included Olive Fulwilder Effie Mabel Luff, Lucy Andrews Macy, and Laura Fish Somersall. His Northeastern Pomo consultants included Oscar McDaniel and Sharky Moore, his Northern Pomo consultants included Annie Lake and Edna Guerrero, and his Central Pomo consultants included Salome Bartlett Alcantra, Frank Luff, and Clara Williams. He conducted Aleut fieldwork with consultant Kathryn Seller and Bribri fieldwork with consultant Guillermina Nelson-Rodrigues. His consultants for Yuki included Arthur Anderson and Bill Frank. The Papers include oral histories collected from linguist Abraham Halpern and Pomoan language consultants Essie Parrish, Elizabeth Dollar, Elsie Allen as well as photocopies of Kashaya and Southern Pomo genealogical and census records and other documents and material related to Pomoan languages, ethnography, and history. Research notes and photocopies of materials on methods for historical linguistics and several other linguistic topics are also contained in the Papers. Drafts of manuscripts and conference handouts created during Dr. Oswalt's career, including incomplete drafts of his Kashaya dictionary, are also included in the collection.
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Elsie Allen, Elizabeth Dollar, Edna Guerrero, Achora Hanyava, Annie Lake, Milton "Bun" Lucas, Oscar McDaniel, Sharky Moore, Essie Parrish, Bernice Scott Torrez, Clara Williams, and Robert L. Oswalt. Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages, Oswalt, California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
1 – 25 of 439 Results
- Item identifier: Oswalt.001.001
- Date: 1965 June 14-August 4
- Contributors: Elsie Allen (consultant); Elizabeth Dollar (consultant); Effie Mabel Luff (consultant); Robert L. Oswalt (researcher); Oswalt family (donor)
- Language: Southern Pomo (peq)
- Description: Vocabulary, morphology (questions, motion and location, tense/aspect), sentences, and texts.
(The digital files associated with this Item include a series of scanned images from original physical objects. These images are aggregated at lower resolution in the file Oswalt.001.001.pdf. The original full resolution scans are collected in Metadata pertaining to each scanned image is compiled in the tab-separated text file Oswalt.001.001-image_metadata.txt.) - Availability: Online access
- Extent: 1 notebook
- Collection: Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: [Southern Pomo field notebook], Oswalt.001.001, in "Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Oswalt.001.002
- Date: 1965 June 29-1986 November 7
- Contributors: Elsie Allen (consultant); Robert L. Oswalt (researcher); Oswalt family (donor)
- Language: Southern Pomo (peq)
- Description: Vocabulary, morphology (paradigms, verbs of motion, possessives, instrumental prefixes, switch reference, personal names, causatives, directionals, body parts, "inanimate imitatives", sentences, and texts.
(The digital files associated with this Item include a series of scanned images from original physical objects. These images are aggregated at lower resolution in the file Oswalt.001.002.pdf. The original full resolution scans are collected in and Metadata pertaining to each scanned image is compiled in the tab-separated text file Oswalt.001.002-image_metadata.txt.) - Availability: Online access
- Extent: 1 notebook
- Collection: Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: [Southern Pomo field notebook], Oswalt.001.002, in "Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Oswalt.001.003
- Date: [1978-1984]
- Contributors: Elsie Allen (consultant); Laura Somersal (consultant); Robert L. Oswalt (researcher); Oswalt family (donor)
- Languages: Southern Pomo (peq); Wappo (wao)
- Description: Elicited sentences in Southern Pomo, place names in Wappo and Southern Pomo, Wappo texts.
(The digital files associated with this Item include a series of scanned images from original physical objects. These images are aggregated at lower resolution in the file Oswalt.001.003.pdf. The original full resolution scans are collected in Metadata pertaining to each scanned image is compiled in the tab-separated text file Oswalt.001.003-image_metadata.txt.) - Availability: Online access
- Extent: 1 notebook
- Collection: Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: [Southern Pomo and Wappo field notebook], Oswalt.001.003, in "Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Oswalt.001.004
- Date: 20 Aug 1992
- Contributors: Olive Fulwider (consultant); Robert L. Oswalt (researcher); Oswalt family (donor)
- Language: Southern Pomo (peq)
- Place: Santa Rosa, CA
- Description: Vocabulary (personal names),notes from listening to 1965 Elizabeth Dollar stories.
(The digital files associated with this Item include a series of scanned images from original physical objects. These images are aggregated at lower resolution in the file Oswalt.001.004.pdf. The original full resolution scans are collected in Metadata pertaining to each scanned image is compiled in the tab-separated text file Oswalt.001.004-image_metadata.txt.) - Availability: Online access
- Extent: 1 notebook
- Collection: Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: [Southern Pomo field notebook], Oswalt.001.004, in "Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Oswalt.001.005
- Date: 1965, 1986
- Contributors: Robert L. Oswalt (researcher); Oswalt family (donor)
- Language: Southern Pomo (peq)
- Description: Handwritten notes and questions for elicitation of vocabulary and morphology.
(The digital files associated with this Item include a series of scanned images from original physical objects. These images are aggregated at lower resolution in the file Oswalt.001.005.pdf. The original full resolution scans are collected in Metadata pertaining to each scanned image is compiled in the tab-separated text file Oswalt.001.005-image_metadata.txt.) - Availability: Online access
- Extent: 1 folder
- Collection: Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: [Southern Pomo fieldwork notes], Oswalt.001.005, in "Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Oswalt.001.006
- Date: 06 Nov 1986 to 16 Nov 1986
- Contributors: Elsie Allen (consultant); Robert L. Oswalt (researcher); Oswalt family (donor)
- Language: Southern Pomo (peq)
- Description: Handwritten loose pages containing vocabulary, including animal names.
(The digital files associated with this Item include a series of scanned images from original physical objects. These images are aggregated at lower resolution in the file Oswalt.001.006.pdf. The original full resolution scans are collected in Metadata pertaining to each scanned image is compiled in the tab-separated text file Oswalt.001.006-image_metadata.txt.) - Availability: Online access
- Extent: 1 folder
- Collection: Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: [Southern Pomo field notes], Oswalt.001.006, in "Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Oswalt.001.007
- Date: [undated]
- Contributors: Robert L. Oswalt (researcher); Oswalt family (donor)
- Languages: Central Pomo (poo); Kashaya (kju); Southern Pomo (peq)
- Description: (The digital files associated with this Item include a series of scanned images from original physical objects. These images are aggregated at lower resolution in the file Oswalt.001.007.pdf. The original full resolution scans are collected in Metadata pertaining to each scanned image is compiled in the tab-separated text file Oswalt.001.007-image_metadata.txt.)
- Availability: Online access
- Extent: 1 notebook
- Collection: Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: [Pomoan vocabulary], Oswalt.001.007, in "Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Oswalt.001.008
- Date: 06 Aug 1965
- Contributors: Lucy Andrews Macy (consultant); Robert L. Oswalt (researcher); Oswalt family (donor)
- Language: Southern Pomo (peq)
- Description: Partially completed "Short California Word List".
(The digital files associated with this Item include a series of scanned images from original physical objects. These images are aggregated at lower resolution in the file Oswalt.001.008.pdf. The original full resolution scans are collected in Metadata pertaining to each scanned image is compiled in the tab-separated text file Oswalt.001.008-image_metadata.txt.) - Availability: Online access
- Extent: 1 folder
- Collection: Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: [Southern Pomo vocabulary list], Oswalt.001.008, in "Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Oswalt.001.009
- Date: [undated]
- Contributors: Elizabeth Dollar (consultant); Robert L. Oswalt (researcher); Oswalt family (donor)
- Language: Southern Pomo (peq)
- Description: Handwritten morphological paradigms, comparing Halpern's notes from Annie Burke to Elizabeth Dollar.
- Availability: Materials for Item number Oswalt.001.009 are not digitized. Please email us at to schedule a visit, or to see if we can digitize them for you.
- Extent: 1 folder
- Collection: Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: [Southern Pomo morphological notes], Oswalt.001.009, in "Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Oswalt.001.010
- Date: Aug 1961
- Contributors: Elsie Allen (consultant); Robert L. Oswalt (researcher); Oswalt family (donor)
- Language: Southern Pomo (peq)
- Description: "100 words--diagnostic list".
(The digital files associated with this Item include a series of scanned images from original physical objects. These images are aggregated at lower resolution in the file Oswalt.001.010.pdf. The original full resolution scans are collected in Metadata pertaining to each scanned image is compiled in the tab-separated text file Oswalt.001.010-image_metadata.txt.) - Availability: Online access
- Extent: 1 folder
- Collection: Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: [Southern Pomo vocabulary list], Oswalt.001.010, in "Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Oswalt.001.011
- Date: Aug 1961
- Contributors: Elsie Allen (consultant); Robert L. Oswalt (researcher); Oswalt family (donor)
- Language: Southern Pomo (peq)
- Description: "100 words--supplementary list".
(The digital files associated with this Item include a series of scanned images from original physical objects. These images are aggregated at lower resolution in the file Oswalt.001.011.pdf. The original full resolution scans are collected in Metadata pertaining to each scanned image is compiled in the tab-separated text file Oswalt.001.011-image_metadata.txt.) - Availability: Online access
- Extent: 1 folder
- Collection: Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: [Southern Pomo vocabulary list], Oswalt.001.011, in "Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Oswalt.001.012
- Date: Sep 1962
- Contributors: Effie Mabel Luff (consultant); Robert L. Oswalt (researcher); Oswalt family (donor)
- Language: Southern Pomo (peq)
- Description: "100 words--diagnostic list".
(The digital files associated with this Item include a series of scanned images from original physical objects. These images are aggregated at lower resolution in the file Oswalt.001.012.pdf. The original full resolution scans are collected in Metadata pertaining to each scanned image is compiled in the tab-separated text file Oswalt.001.012-image_metadata.txt.) - Availability: Online access
- Extent: 1 folder
- Collection: Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: [Southern Pomo vocabulary list], Oswalt.001.012, in "Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Oswalt.001.013
- Date: Sep 1962
- Contributors: Effie Mabel Luff (consultant); Robert L. Oswalt (researcher); Oswalt family (donor)
- Language: Southern Pomo (peq)
- Description: "100 words--supplementary list".
(The digital files associated with this Item include a series of scanned images from original physical objects. These images are aggregated at lower resolution in the file Oswalt.001.013.pdf. The original full resolution scans are collected in Metadata pertaining to each scanned image is compiled in the tab-separated text file Oswalt.001.013-image_metadata.txt.) - Availability: Online access
- Extent: 1 folder
- Collection: Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: [Southern Pomo vocabulary list], Oswalt.001.013, in "Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Oswalt.001.014
- Date: 22 May 1985
- Contributors: Elizabeth Dollar (consultant); Robert L. Oswalt (researcher); Oswalt family (donor)
- Language: Southern Pomo (peq)
- Description: "100 words--diagnostic list".
(The digital files associated with this Item include a series of scanned images from original physical objects. These images are aggregated at lower resolution in the file Oswalt.001.014.pdf. The original full resolution scans are collected in Metadata pertaining to each scanned image is compiled in the tab-separated text file Oswalt.001.014-image_metadata.txt.) - Availability: Online access
- Extent: 1 folder
- Collection: Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: [Southern Pomo vocabulary list], Oswalt.001.014, in "Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Oswalt.001.015
- Date: 1965
- Contributors: Elizabeth Dollar (consultant); Robert L. Oswalt (researcher); Oswalt family (donor)
- Language: Southern Pomo (peq)
- Description: Mimeograph of 112 page word list, only partially completed.
(The digital files associated with this Item include a series of scanned images from original physical objects. These images are aggregated at lower resolution in the file Oswalt.001.015.pdf. The original full resolution scans are collected in Metadata pertaining to each scanned image is compiled in the tab-separated text file Oswalt.001.015-image_metadata.txt.) - Availability: Online access
- Extent: 1 folder
- Collection: Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: [Southern Pomo vocabulary list], Oswalt.001.015, in "Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Oswalt.001.016
- Date: Jan 1990 to Feb 1990
- Contributors: Elsie Allen (consultant); Robert L. Oswalt (researcher); Oswalt family (donor)
- Language: Southern Pomo (peq)
- Description: Photocopy of Oswalt.001.002 with hand annotations.
- Availability: Materials for Item number Oswalt.001.016 are not digitized. Please email us at to schedule a visit, or to see if we can digitize them for you.
- Extent: 1 folder
- Collection: Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: [Southern Pomo field notebook], Oswalt.001.016, in "Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Oswalt.001.017
- Date: 04 Feb 1982
- Contributors: Elsie Allen (consultant); Robert L. Oswalt (researcher); Oswalt family (donor)
- Language: Southern Pomo (peq)
- Description: Photocopy of typed text, with list of vocabulary. For related list of vocabulary, see Sawyer.005.
(The digital files associated with this Item include a series of scanned images from original physical objects. These images are aggregated at lower resolution in the file Oswalt.001.017.pdf. The original full resolution scans are collected in Metadata pertaining to each scanned image is compiled in the tab-separated text file Oswalt.001.017-image_metadata.txt.) - Availability: Online access
- Extent: 1 folder
- Collection: Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: [Southern Pomo text], Oswalt.001.017, in "Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Oswalt.001.018
- Date: 30 Jul 1984
- Contributors: Elsie Allen (consultant); Laura Somersal (consultant); Robert L. Oswalt (researcher, translator); Oswalt family (donor)
- Languages: Southern Pomo (peq); Wappo (wao)
- Description: Typed transcription and translation of Warm Springs Dam dedication texts, in Southern Pomo and Wappo.
(The digital files associated with this Item include a series of scanned images from original physical objects. These images are aggregated at lower resolution in the file Oswalt.001.018.pdf. The original full resolution scans are collected in Metadata pertaining to each scanned image is compiled in the tab-separated text file Oswalt.001.018-image_metadata.txt.)
(The digital files associated with this Item include a series of scanned images from original physical objects. These images are aggregated at lower resolution in the file Oswalt.001.018.pdf. The original full resolution scans are collected in Metadata pertaining to each scanned image is compiled in the tab-separated text file Oswalt.001.018-image_metadata.txt.) - Availability: Online access
- Extent: 1 folder
- Collection: Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: [Southern Pomo and Wappo texts], Oswalt.001.018, in "Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Oswalt.001.019
- Date: 1957 June 13-July 26
- Contributors: Essie Parrish (consultant); Robert L. Oswalt (researcher); Oswalt family (donor)
- Language: Kashaya (kju)
- Description: Vocabulary (kin terms, body parts, numbers, plants, animals, food, clothing, cultural terms), morphology, sentences, and texts. Labeled "S. W. Pomo Book 1".
(The digital files associated with this Item include a series of scanned images from original physical objects. These images are aggregated at lower resolution in the file Oswalt.001.019.pdf. The original full resolution scans are collected in Metadata pertaining to each scanned image is compiled in the tab-separated text file Oswalt.001.019-image_metadata.txt.) - Availability: Online access
- Extent: 1 notebook
- Collection: Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: [Kashaya field notebook], Oswalt.001.019, in "Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Oswalt.001.020
- Date: 1957 July 26-August 19
- Contributors: Violet Parrish Chapelle (consultant); Essie Parrish (consultant); Robert L. Oswalt (researcher); Oswalt family (donor)
- Language: Kashaya (kju)
- Description: Vocabulary, morphology (imperatives), sentences, and texts. Oswalt.021 was tucked between p. 122 and p. 123. Labeled "S. W. Pomo Book 2".
(The digital files associated with this Item include a series of scanned images from original physical objects. These images are aggregated at lower resolution in the file Oswalt.001.020.pdf. The original full resolution scans are collected in Metadata pertaining to each scanned image is compiled in the tab-separated text file Oswalt.001.020-image_metadata.txt.) - Availability: Online access
- Extent: 1 notebook
- Collection: Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: [Kashaya field notebook], Oswalt.001.020, in "Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Oswalt.001.021
- Date: Jul 1957
- Contributors: Essie Parrish (consultant); Robert L. Oswalt (researcher); Oswalt family (donor)
- Language: Kashaya (kju)
- Description: Vocabulary and sentences. Originally tucked between p. 122 and p. 123 of Oswalt.020.
(The digital files associated with this Item include a series of scanned images from original physical objects. These images are aggregated at lower resolution in the file Oswalt.001.021.pdf. The original full resolution scans are collected in Metadata pertaining to each scanned image is compiled in the tab-separated text file Oswalt.001.021-image_metadata.txt.) - Availability: Online access
- Extent: 1 folder
- Collection: Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: [Kashaya field notes], Oswalt.001.021, in "Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Oswalt.001.022
- Date: 1957, 1966
- Contributors: Violet Parrish Chapelle (consultant); Essie Parrish (consultant); Sidney Parrish (consultant); Robert L. Oswalt (researcher); Oswalt family (donor)
- Languages: Central Pomo (poo); Kashaya (kju)
- Description: Central Pomo vocabulary (numbers, kin terms, body parts) and Kashaya vocabulary, morphology, and texts. Labeled "S. W. Pomo Book 3".
(The digital files associated with this Item include a series of scanned images from original physical objects. These images are aggregated at lower resolution in the file Oswalt.001.022.pdf. The original full resolution scans are collected in Metadata pertaining to each scanned image is compiled in the tab-separated text file Oswalt.001.022-image_metadata.txt.) - Availability: Online access
- Extent: 1 notebook
- Collection: Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: [Central Pomo and Kashaya field notebook], Oswalt.001.022, in "Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Oswalt.001.023
- Date: 1961 to 2005
- Contributors: David Antone (consultant); Gladys James Gonzales (consultant); Essie Parrish (consultant, translator); Laura Somersal (consultant); Robert L. Oswalt (researcher); Oswalt family (donor)
- Languages: Kashaya (kju); Southern Pomo (peq)
- Description: Texts and songs; includes Southern Pomo lullaby. Labeled "Kashaya Book 10".
(The digital files associated with this Item include a series of scanned images from original physical objects. These images are aggregated at lower resolution in the file Oswalt.001.023.pdf. The original full resolution scans are collected in Metadata pertaining to each scanned image is compiled in the tab-separated text file Oswalt.001.023-image_metadata.txt.) - Availability: Online access
- Extent: 1 notebook
- Collection: Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: [Kashaya field notebook], Oswalt.001.023, in "Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Oswalt.001.024
- Date: 1989 June 15-September 5
- Contributors: Bernice Scott Torrez (consultant); Robert L. Oswalt (researcher); Oswalt family (donor)
- Language: Kashaya (kju)
- Place: Salinas, CA
- Description: Vocabulary (personal names, Spanish loanwords), morphology, texts (about naming and other ceremonies), transcription of personal letters.
(The digital files associated with this Item include a series of scanned images from original physical objects. These images are aggregated at lower resolution in the file Oswalt.001.024.pdf. The original full resolution scans are collected in Metadata pertaining to each scanned image is compiled in the tab-separated text file Oswalt.001.024-image_metadata.txt.) - Availability: Online access
- Extent: 1 notebook
- Collection: Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: [Kashaya field notebook], Oswalt.001.024, in "Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Oswalt.001.025
- Date: 1989 September 3-195 March 6
- Contributors: Violet Parrish Chapelle (consultant); Milton "Bun" Lucas (consultant); Kate Marando (consultant); Vana Parrish Lawson (consultant); Bernice Scott Torrez (consultant); Vivian Wilder (consultant); Robert L. Oswalt (researcher); Oswalt family (donor)
- Language: Kashaya (kju)
- Place: Petaluma, CA
- Description: Sentences, texts, songs, and conversations.
(The digital files associated with this Item include a series of scanned images from original physical objects. These images are aggregated at lower resolution in the file Oswalt.001.025.pdf. The original full resolution scans are collected in Metadata pertaining to each scanned image is compiled in the tab-separated text file Oswalt.001.025-image_metadata.txt.) - Availability: Online access
- Extent: 1 notebook
- Collection: Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: [Kashaya field notebook], Oswalt.001.025, in "Robert Louis Oswalt Papers on Pomoan Languages", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,