[Research background self-interview, Bagua meeting]
- Item identifier: 2016-06.008
- Date: 1970
- Contributor: Brent Berlin (researcher, donor)
- Language: Awajún (agr)
- Places: Bagua, Bagua, Bagua, Amazonas, Peru; Lima, Peru
- Description: [2016-06.008.001: Berlin speaks in English; arrive Lima 8/1 7:30AM, 8-hour flight from L.A.; "typical of many Berkeley mornings" fog; exchange rate is S/.43.38 to $1 USD; stayed at Pensión Alemana on Avenida Arequipa in Miraflores; met German botanist there, whose guide was Ramón Pereira, also Berlin's guide; went to office of Peruvian Times for maps; SIL office was on 14th floor of Ministry of Education building, closed Saturday; called Eugene Loos (then Director of SIL), who lived at Javier Prado 200, wanted appointment on Sunday concerning expedition to Aguaruna; went to Natural History Museum and gave Pereira letters from Lincoln Constance (Director of UC Berkeley Herbarium) and Oliver Pearson (Director of Museum of Vertebrate Zoology); at 9:46 changes location to Bagua; 13:06 other change with music in background. 2016-06.008.002: singing in Sp. (in Bagua?); at ~2:40 recognition of agreement for research project; Spanish lloranza and other songs sung; at ~7:20 man speaks and sings in Awajún; at 8:10 change, muttering leads to more singing in Spanish]
- Availability: Online access
- Catalog history: Formerly WAV files 10A and 10B
- Collection: Awajún Sound Recordings
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: [Research background self-interview, Bagua meeting], 2016-06.008, in "Awajún Sound Recordings", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley, http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.7297/X2M61H8C.
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