Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection
- Collection identifier: Maps
- Contributors: Robert Carneiro (consultant); Geoffrey Conrad (consultant); William Crocker (consultant); Betty Meggers (consultant); Elmer Miller (consultant); William Sturtevant (consultant, compiler); Gordon Willey (consultant); Carolyn Anderson (author, researcher); Carol Bittig (researcher); Elizabeth Bruner (author, researcher); Betsy Clark (researcher); Richard Darley (researcher, editor); Roland Burrage Dixon (researcher); Ives Goddard (researcher); John Goetz (researcher); Jan Holderness (researcher); David Jeffery (author); Alfred L. Kroeber (researcher, compiler); Barbara McConnell (researcher); Edward Sapir (researcher); William Shipley (researcher); Gene Stuart (author); John Reed Swanton (researcher); Cliff Tarpy (author); Sol Tax (researcher); Anonymous (compiler, illustrator); Rosemary Beam de Azcona (compiler); J Bendix (compiler); Timothy Carter (compiler); David Cook (editor); John Cooper (compiler); John Dorr (compiler); Harold Driver (compiler); Lázaro Díaz Pacheco (compiler); Mary R. Haas (annotator); Kenneth Hale (compiler); James M. Kari (compiler); Paul Kirchoff (compiler); Christopher Klein (illustrator); Michael E. Krauss (compiler); Bruce MacLachlan (compiler); William Massey (compiler); Norman McQuown (compiler); Robert Northrop (illustrator); Geoffrey O'Grady (compiler); William Peele (editor); Laura Pritchard (compiler); Dorothy Rainier (compiler); Myron Rosenberg (compiler); Claude Schaeffer (compiler); John Shupe (editor); Leslie Spier (compiler); Samuel Stanley (compiler); George Stuart (illustrator); Cameron Suttles (compiler); Robert Thomas (compiler); Tibor Toth (illustrator); Lloyd Townsend (illustrator); Juan Valdés (compiler); Charles Voegelin (compiler); Erminie Voegelin (compiler); Florence Voegelin (compiler); Robert Watt (illustrator); J Westfall (illustrator); M Wixman (illustrator); Sherry Wolf (illustrator); Stephen Wurm (compiler)
- Languages: Aleut (ale); Algic; Algonquian; Chimakuan; Chimariko (cid); Chumashan; Coatlán-Loxicha Zapotec; Dene; Eyak-Athabaskan; Hokan; Inuit-Inupiaq-Inuktitut; Iroquoian; Kalaallisut (kal); Kutenai (kut); Lake Miwok (lmw); Miwokan; Northern Yukian (yuk); Penutian; Pomoan; Salishan; Shoshone (shh); Siouan; Spanish (spa); Tataviam; Tlingit (tli); Wakashan; Wappo (wao); Yokuts (yok); Yuman; Yupik
- Dates: 1925 - 2002
- Extent: 10.33 cubic feet (35 boxes)
- Scope and content: The Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection includes a variety of maps showing the boundaries of indigenous languages and groups as well as settlement locations. Included are some of the classic maps from the Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 78 by Alfred Kroeber.
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: . Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection, Maps, California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
1 – 25 of 42 Results
- Item identifier: Maps.001.001
- Date: 1966
- Contributors: Charles Voegelin (compiler); Florence Voegelin (compiler)
- Languages: [unspecified]
- Description: Map showing the locations of languages and the boundaries of larger language phyla. The classification used for the map reflects the "classificatory consensus and [...] levels of confidence reported in Anthropological Linguistics vol. 6 no. 6 (1964) and vol. 7 no. 7 (1965), Languages of the World: "Native American Fascicles One and Two" and boundaries as given by Driver, Cooper, Kirchoff, Massey, Rainier and Spier, where their "Indian Tribes of North America" shows boundaries between phyla of languages which were not included in the 1944 map." Language phyla are color-coded and languages are represented by numbers placed at their approximate locations.
- Availability: Materials for Item number Maps.001.001 are not digitized. Please email us at to schedule a visit, or to see if we can digitize them for you.
- Extent: 1 sheet (38" x 36")
- Collection: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Map of North American Indian Languages, Maps.001.001, in "Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Maps.001.002
- Date: 1960
- Contributors: William Shipley (researcher); J Westfall (illustrator)
- Languages: [unspecified]
- Description: Map showing boundaries of language families with specific languages' locations approximately indicated by directly labeling them on the map. The map uses an oblique cylindric equivalent projection and is "After: Powell, Thomas, Bureau of American Ethnology." Map is mounted on scrolls.
- Availability: Materials for Item number Maps.001.002 are not digitized. Please email us at to schedule a visit, or to see if we can digitize them for you.
- Extent: 1 sheet (50" x 40.5")
- Collection: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Native Languages of North America, Maps.001.002, in "Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Maps.001.003
- Date: 1999
- Contributor: Ives Goddard (researcher)
- Languages: [unspecified]
- Description: Map indicating the boundaries of language families and specific languages of North America as far south as 20 degrees North. A revision and enlargement of the map meant to accompany the Handbook of North American Indians vol. 17, "Languages." Item includes one laminated and one unlaminated copy of the map.
- Availability: Materials for Item number Maps.001.003 are not digitized. Please email us at to schedule a visit, or to see if we can digitize them for you.
- Extent: 2 sheets (each 51.5" x 38.5")
- Collection: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Native Languages and Language Families of North America, Maps.001.003, in "Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Maps.001.004
- Date: 1944
- Contributors: Charles Voegelin (compiler); Erminie Voegelin (compiler)
- Languages: [unspecified]
- Description: Map showing the native language phyla of North America with specific languages indicated via numbering. This is the earlier version of Map.001.001, and is "Publication No. 20, American Ethnology Society." Mounted on scrolls. Hand annotations in pencil by Karl V. Teeter.
- Availability: Materials for Item number Maps.001.004 are not digitized. Please email us at to schedule a visit, or to see if we can digitize them for you.
- Extent: 1 sheet (38.5" x 35")
- Collection: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Map of North American Indian Languages, Maps.001.004, in "Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Maps.001.005
- Date: 1955
- Contributor: Norman McQuown (compiler)
- Languages: [unspecified]
- Description: Map showing the boundaries of native languages of North America from Mexico northward. Map is in black and white, and is based on George L. Trager's 1937/1945 "Map of North American Indian Languages" published in the International Journal of American Linguistics (IJAL), vol. 11(3): 186-189.
- Availability: Materials for Item number Maps.001.005 are not digitized. Please email us at to schedule a visit, or to see if we can digitize them for you.
- Extent: 1 sheet (21" x 17")
- Collection: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Tribal and Linguistic Groupings of Native North America, Maps.001.005, in "Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Maps.001.006
- Date: 08 Mar 1963
- Contributor: M Wixman (illustrator)
- Languages: Dene; Siouan
- Description: A hand-drawn map of the Athabaskan and Siouan language families on No. 202 of the Goode Base Map Series. Noted as being "After J. W. Powell, Revised 1915." Done as a class project for Linguistics 170.
- Availability: Materials for Item number Maps.001.006 are not digitized. Please email us at to schedule a visit, or to see if we can digitize them for you.
- Extent: 1 sheet (22" x 17")
- Collection: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: The Athapaskan and Siouan Language Families of N. Am., Maps.001.006, in "Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Maps.001.007
- Date: [unspecified]
- Contributor: Anonymous (illustrator)
- Language: Algic
- Description: Map shaded with crayon to show the Algic language family. The base map is "Kroeber : Cultural and Natural Areas of Native North America. [...] To accompany Univ. Calif. Publ. Am. Arch. and Ethn., Vol. 38." The base map is listed as "University of California Map Series, No. 13."
- Availability: Materials for Item number Maps.001.007 are not digitized. Please email us at to schedule a visit, or to see if we can digitize them for you.
- Extent: 1 sheet (28" x 21.75")
- Collection: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Algonkian-Ritwan, Maps.001.007, in "Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Maps.001.008
- Date: 1939
- Contributor: Alfred L. Kroeber (compiler)
- Languages: [unspecified]
- Description: The map shows the boundaries of Native American languages, and shows the outlines of rivers in blue. Small print on bottom left reads: "Kroeber : Cultural and Natural Areas of Native North America. Copyright, 1939, by The Regents of the University of California. To accompany Univ. Calif. Publ. Am. Arch. and Ethn., Vol. 38." The map is also noted as being "University of California Map Series, No. 13."
- Availability: Materials for Item number Maps.001.008 are not digitized. Please email us at to schedule a visit, or to see if we can digitize them for you.
- Extent: 1 sheet (28" x 21.75")
- Collection: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Native Tribes of North America, Maps.001.008, in "Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Maps.001.009
- Date: 1934
- Contributor: Mary R. Haas (annotator)
- Languages: [unspecified]
- Description: Map labels native tribes of North America by numbering on a North American base map showing political boundaries. Map is labeled as "University of California Map Series No. 8" and "University of California Department of Anthropology. Compiled 1919. Reprinted 1934."
- Availability: Materials for Item number Maps.001.009 are not digitized. Please email us at to schedule a visit, or to see if we can digitize them for you.
- Extent: 4 sheets (25.5" x 18")
- Collection: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Tribes of North America, Maps.001.009, in "Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Maps.001.010
- Date: 1974
- Contributors: William Sturtevant (consultant); Gordon Willey (consultant); Carolyn Anderson (author, researcher); Carol Bittig (researcher); Elizabeth Bruner (author, researcher); Betsy Clark (researcher); Richard Darley (researcher); Gene Stuart (author); David Cook (editor); John Dorr (compiler); Robert Northrop (illustrator); William Peele (editor); George Stuart (illustrator); Tibor Toth (illustrator); Sherry Wolf (illustrator)
- Languages: [unspecified]
- Description: One map per side, both in color and published by the National Geographic Society for the National Geographic Magazine. One side is titled "Indians of North America" and shows the boundaries of tribes, e.g. "Wiyot", and tribal groupings, e.g. "Costanoan". Map covers all of North America and shows ethnographic images of some Native American individuals from the groups labeled. Other side is titled "North America Before Columbus" and shows some major Native American settlements.
- Availability: Materials for Item number Maps.001.010 are not digitized. Please email us at to schedule a visit, or to see if we can digitize them for you.
- Extent: 1 sheet (37.25" x 32.5")
- Collection: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: [Indians of North America and North America Before Columbus], Maps.001.010, in "Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Maps.001.011
- Date: 1960
- Contributors: Sol Tax (researcher); Bruce MacLachlan (compiler); Myron Rosenberg (compiler); Samuel Stanley (compiler); Robert Thomas (compiler)
- Languages: [unspecified]
- Description: Map showing major contemporary population centers (primarily reservations/reserves) of Native Americans and First Nations individuals. Prepared and published by the Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago. Map formerly belonged to Karl V. Teeter.
- Availability: Materials for Item number Maps.001.011 are not digitized. Please email us at to schedule a visit, or to see if we can digitize them for you.
- Extent: 1 sheet (29" x 25.25")
- Collection: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: The North American Indians: 1950 Distribution of Descendants of the Aboriginal Population of Alaska, Canada, and the United States, Maps.001.011, in "Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Maps.001.012
- Date: 1965
- Contributor: Anonymous (compiler)
- Languages: [unspecified]
- Description: Map showing the location of Canadian First Nations bands. Major linguistics families are shaded on the map and color-coded. A note on the map states: "Information compiled by the Indian Affairs Branch[,] Department of Citizenship and Immigration."
- Availability: Materials for Item number Maps.001.012 are not digitized. Please email us at to schedule a visit, or to see if we can digitize them for you.
- Extent: 1 sheet (32.25" x 39.75")
- Collection: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Canada Showing Location of Indian Bands with Linguistic Affiliations, Maps.001.012, in "Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Maps.001.013
- Date: 1980
- Contributor: Anonymous (compiler)
- Languages: [unspecified]
- Description: Two physical maps showing the same information: one is in English, the other French. The map shows the location of all First Nations reserves with their general areas color-coded to indicate affiliation with a language family. The map is produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Ottawa, Canada.
- Availability: Materials for Item number Maps.001.013 are not digitized. Please email us at to schedule a visit, or to see if we can digitize them for you.
- Extent: 2 sheets (42.5" x 33")
- Collection: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Canada Indian and Inuit Communities and Languages, Maps.001.013, in "Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Maps.001.014
- Date: 1983
- Contributor: William Sturtevant (compiler)
- Languages: [unspecified]
- Description: Map shows the boundaries of the "linguistic stocks" of the United States. Alaska is depicted on the back side of the map. The map is listed as being from the Smithsonian Institution, 1967, but as being printed by the US Geological Survey in 1983.
- Availability: Materials for Item number Maps.001.014 are not digitized. Please email us at to schedule a visit, or to see if we can digitize them for you.
- Extent: 1 sheet (28" x 19")
- Collection: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Early Indian Tribes, Culture Areas, and Linguistic Stocks, Maps.001.014, in "Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Maps.001.015
- Date: 1973
- Contributor: Anonymous (compiler)
- Languages: [unspecified]
- Description: A commercially-produced map showing the general locations of some Native American tribes.
- Availability: Materials for Item number Maps.001.015 are not digitized. Please email us at to schedule a visit, or to see if we can digitize them for you.
- Extent: 1 sheet (18.25" x 13.75")
- Collection: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Authentic Map of Indian Tribes of the United States, Showing Basic Tribe Locations and Cultural Areas Prior to White Settlement and Present Reservations, Maps.001.015, in "Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Maps.001.016
- Date: [unspecified]
- Contributor: Anonymous (compiler)
- Languages: [unspecified]
- Description: Map showing language families and locations of specific languages in Mesoamerica from Mexico to northern Costa Rica. The map is likely from "Handbook Of Middle American Indians Volume 5: Linguistics" by Norman McQuown and Robert Wauchope, 1967, but this is not indicated on the map itself. Mounted on scrolls.
- Availability: Materials for Item number Maps.001.016 are not digitized. Please email us at to schedule a visit, or to see if we can digitize them for you.
- Extent: 1 sheet (20.25" x 26.5")
- Collection: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Linguistic Map of Middle America, Maps.001.016, in "Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Maps.001.017
- Date: 1982
- Contributors: Robert Carneiro (consultant); Geoffrey Conrad (consultant); William Crocker (consultant); Betty Meggers (consultant); Elmer Miller (consultant); Jan Holderness (researcher); David Jeffery (author); Barbara McConnell (researcher); Cliff Tarpy (author); Timothy Carter (compiler); Richard Darley (editor); John Dorr (compiler); Christopher Klein (illustrator); Laura Pritchard (compiler); John Shupe (editor); Lloyd Townsend (illustrator); Juan Valdés (compiler)
- Languages: [unspecified]
- Description: One map per side, both in color and published by the National Geographic Society for the National Geographic Magazine. One side is titled "Indians of South America" and shows the boundaries of tribes and lifestyle-determining ecological areas. Map covers all of South America and shows ethnographic images of some Native individual from the groups labeled. Other side is titled "Archaeology of South America" and shows a detailed map of settlements of the Andes with insets related to the Inca Empire, pottery, and "the growth of south American civilization."
- Availability: Materials for Item number Maps.001.017 are not digitized. Please email us at to schedule a visit, or to see if we can digitize them for you.
- Extent: 1 sheet (37" x 22.75")
- Collection: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: [Indians of South America and Archaeology of South America], Maps.001.017, in "Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Maps.001.018
- Date: [unspecified]
- Contributors: John Cooper (compiler); Harold Driver (compiler); Paul Kirchoff (compiler); William Massey (compiler); Dorothy Rainier (compiler); Leslie Spier (compiler)
- Languages: [unspecified]
- Description: Map showing the boundaries of languages and language families in all of North America including Mesoamerica. One is a hand-labeled reproduction, the other is the printed original. The first was formerly owned by Mary Haas.
- Availability: Materials for Item number Maps.001.018 are not digitized. Please email us at to schedule a visit, or to see if we can digitize them for you.
- Extent: 2 sheets (40" x 28.75")
- Collection: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Indian Tribes of North America, Maps.001.018, in "Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Maps.001.019
- Date: 1937
- Contributors: Roland Burrage Dixon (researcher); Alfred L. Kroeber (researcher); Edward Sapir (researcher); John Reed Swanton (researcher)
- Languages: [unspecified]
- Description: Map showing language families and subgroups of North America including Mesoamerica. Printed by the Museo Nacional Mexico.
- Availability: Materials for Item number Maps.001.019 are not digitized. Please email us at to schedule a visit, or to see if we can digitize them for you.
- Extent: 1 sheet (27.75" x 33")
- Collection: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Mapa lingüístico de Norte- y Centro-América según los últimos estudios de Swanton, Kroeber y Dixon, Lehmann, Schmidt, Sapir, Mendizábal y Jiménez Moreno, Maps.001.019, in "Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Maps.001.020
- Date: 1952
- Contributor: John Reed Swanton (researcher)
- Languages: [unspecified]
- Description: Four large copies of maps that appear in the Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin no. 145 "The Indian Tribes of North America." The four maps are: 1) "Map 2. - Northwestern North America (section 1 of map 1)", 2) "Map 3. - Northeastern North America (section 2 of map 1)", 3) "Map 4. - Southwestern North America (section 3 of map 1)", 4) "Map 5. - Southeastern North America (section 4 of map 1)".
- Availability: Materials for Item number Maps.001.020 are not digitized. Please email us at to schedule a visit, or to see if we can digitize them for you.
- Extent: 4 sheets
- Collection: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: [Maps from BAE Bulletin 145 "The Indian Tribes of North America"], Maps.001.020, in "Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Maps.002.001
- Date: [unspecified]
- Contributor: Anonymous (compiler)
- Languages: [unspecified]
- Description: Map showing the boundaries of the native languages of California. Map has some language families shaded with colored pencil and some hand annotation of languages names. Map is University of California Map Series No. 11. Mounted on scrolls.
- Availability: Materials for Item number Maps.002.001 are not digitized. Please email us at to schedule a visit, or to see if we can digitize them for you.
- Extent: 1 sheet (12.25" x 11")
- Collection: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Native Tribes, Groups, Dialects, and Families of California in 1770, Maps.002.001, in "Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Maps.002.002
- Date: 1988
- Contributor: Anonymous (compiler)
- Languages: [unspecified]
- Description: Map showing languages and color-coded language groups primarily in California with an inset showing them in North America. Noted as being "Published by P.W.T. [...] Folsom, CA."
- Availability: Materials for Item number Maps.002.002 are not digitized. Please email us at to schedule a visit, or to see if we can digitize them for you.
- Extent: 1 sheet (34" x 22")
- Collection: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Tribal Areas of California, Maps.002.002, in "Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Maps.002.003
- Date: 1925
- Contributor: Alfred L. Kroeber (compiler)
- Languages: [unspecified]
- Description: Map shows the boundaries of native languages of California within color-coded linguistic subgroups, and is also labeled "Indians of California, by Stocks and Tribes." The map is a large format reproduction of Plate No. 1 of the "Handbook of the Indians of California," Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 78. This item includes 17 copies of the map. Laminated copy available for examination.
- Availability: Materials for Item number Maps.002.003 are not digitized. Please email us at to schedule a visit, or to see if we can digitize them for you.
- Extent: 17 sheets (32" x 27.25")
- Collection: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Linguistic Groups of California and Their Families, Maps.002.003, in "Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Maps.002.004
- Date: 1925
- Contributor: Alfred L. Kroeber (compiler)
- Languages: Chumashan; Lake Miwok (lmw); Northern Yukian (yuk); Pomoan; Tataviam; Wappo (wao); Yokuts (yok)
- Description: Item includes Plates No. 26, 27, 36, 47, 48, 57, and 74. Each plate can be found on an individual sheet and on a poster-size sheet that includes all those plates. There are: 3 copies of the poster-size sheet; 1 copy each of Plates 26, 27, 47, 48, and 74; 4 copies of Plate 36; and 5 copies of Plate 57. Plate 26 is titled "Yukian Divisions." Plate 27 is titled "Settlements of the Wappo and Lake Miwok." Plate 36 is titled "The Pomo and Their Subdivisions." Plate 47 is titled "The Southern and Central Yokuts." Plate 48 is titled "Part of the Habitat of the Chumash and Alliklik." Plate 57 is titled "Native Sites in Part of Southern California." Plate 74 is titled "Ritual Cults of California." A laminated copy of the poster-size reproduction including all the above-mentioned plates is available for examination.
- Availability: Materials for Item number Maps.002.004 are not digitized. Please email us at to schedule a visit, or to see if we can digitize them for you.
- Extent: 17 sheets (various sizes)
- Collection: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: [BAE Bulletin 78, Plates 26, 27, 36, 47, 48, 57, 74], Maps.002.004, in "Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
- Item identifier: Maps.002.005
- Date: [unspecified]
- Contributor: Anonymous (compiler)
- Language: Chimariko (cid)
- Description: Two transparencies which, when overlaid, show the location of some Chimariko villages. Map strongly resembles those in Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 78.
- Availability: Materials for Item number Maps.002.005 are not digitized. Please email us at to schedule a visit, or to see if we can digitize them for you.
- Extent: 2 sheets (26" x 18")
- Collection: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Chimariko Villages, Maps.002.005, in "Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Map Collection", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,