Description of how to make a pura ("belt")/Descripción de cómo hacer una pura ("faja")

  • Item identifier: 2019-01.022
  • Date: 30 Oct 2006
  • Contributors: Gabriela Caballero (researcher, creator, donor); Bertha Fuentes Loya (author)
  • Language: Rarámuri (tar)
  • Place: Choguita, Guachochi, Chihuahua, Mexico
  • Description: Original .wav file with .eaf transcription file
  • Availability: Online access
  • Collection: Materials of the Choguita Rarámuri Language Project
  • Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
  • Suggested citation: Description of how to make a pura ("belt")/Descripción de cómo hacer una pura ("faja"), 2019-01.022, in "Materials of the Choguita Rarámuri Language Project", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,

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