Picture-matching task
- Item identifier: 2019-01.002
- Date: 24 Oct 2011 to 19 Nov 2011
- Contributors: María del Rosario Cervantes Guerrero (consultant); Rosa Isela Chaparro Gardea (consultant); Miguel Ángel Fuentes Díaz (consultant); Reyes Fuentes Guerrero (consultant); Bertha Fuentes Loya (consultant); Yeni Fuentes Loya (consultant); Guillermina Fuentes Moreno (consultant); Valentina Fuentes Moreno (consultant); Vicente Fuentes Moreno (consultant); Giltro Fuentes Palma (consultant); Rocío Guerrero Fuentes (consultant); Teresa Guerrero Herrera (consultant); Luz Elena León Ramírez (consultant); Jesusita Loya Guerra (consultant); Francisco Moreno Fuentes (consultant); Gabriela Caballero (researcher, creator, donor); Lucien Carroll (researcher)
- Language: Rarámuri (tar)
- Place: Choguita, Guachochi, Chihuahua, Mexico
- Description: A picture-matching task designed to elicit tonal targets in different intonational contexts. Original .wav audio files and one .eaf transcription file. See 2019-01.076 for detailed metadata.
- Relations to this item: 2019-01.076 references this Item; 2019-01.006 relates to this Item
- Availability: Online access
- Collection: Materials of the Choguita Rarámuri Language Project
- Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
- Suggested citation: Picture-matching task, 2019-01.002, in "Materials of the Choguita Rarámuri Language Project", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley, http://cla.berkeley.edu/item/26180.
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