[Hupa vocabulary and grammatical elements]

  • Item identifier: Golla.003.009
  • Date: 2008 to 2009
  • Contributors: Louisa Jackson (consultant); Ned Jackson (consultant); Victor Golla (researcher)
  • Language: Hupa
  • Description: Digital images of file slips summarizing (a) data from Golla's field notebooks and (b) archival data collected by Edward Sapir. Box 9 of 9. Original slips dated 1963 to approximately 1970.
    (The digital files associated with this Item include a series of scanned images from original physical objects. These images are aggregated at lower resolution in the file Golla.003.009.pdf. The original full resolution scans are collected in Golla.003.009.part1.zip and Golla.003.009.part2.zip. Metadata pertaining to each scanned image is compiled in the tab-separated text file Golla.003.009-image_metadata.txt.)
  • Availability: Online access
  • Extent: 1965 digital images (TIFF), approximately 15.5 GB
  • Collection: Victor Golla Papers on the Hupa Language
  • Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
  • Suggested citation: [Hupa vocabulary and grammatical elements], Golla.003.009, in "Victor Golla Papers on the Hupa Language", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley, http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.7297/X2X92877.

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