2004 Hermenegildo Díaz Cuyasa audio recordings

  • Item identifier: 2014-18.023
  • Date: Aug 2003 to Aug 2004
  • Contributors: Hermenegildo Díaz Cuyasa (consultant); Christine Beier (recorder); Marcelo Inuma Sinchija (recorder); Lev Michael (recorder)
  • Language: Iquito (iqu)
  • Place: San Antonio de Pintuyacu, Loreto, Peru
  • Description: WAV audio recordings of 7 texts in Iquito only:
    1. DMV: Iina saakɨ́ɨni iipɨ kuupɨ iitimɨra taárikɨ-jaa kusiaamɨya : La historia de las dos mujeres valientas : Story of two women who were valiant [original audio: cassette tape; low quality recording]
    (Iquito: 8m06sec; total: 8m19sec)
    2. HOA : Nuúkiika kaaya pisúuni-jina aruukiítaaja : El hombre atinga : The man who was cured with ‘atinga’ [original audio: cassette tape; low quality recording]
    (Iquito: 7m42sec; total: 8m04sec)
    3. HTT: Jɨɨ́taraata Irmíiku tarawaájuuyaárikɨ taarií-yaajaa : Cómo Hermico trabajaba muy antes : How Hermico worked a long time ago
    (Iquito: 47m33sec; total: 47m53sec)
    4. MSA: Kukwaaja : Cuento de la mujer sapita : The whistling frog (woman) [original audio: cassette tape; very low quality recording]
    (Iquito: 12m55sec; total: 13m05sec)
    5. PNI: Pɨ́-kaakɨ́ɨja niyini : El hijo de nuestro Padre : Our Father’s son
    (Iquito: 25m16sec; total: 25m21sec)
    6. SNC: Iina siimana iina ɨɨyaárikɨ-na niíya-karikuku : El médico que volaba al cielo : The shaman who flew to the heavens
    (Iquito: 32m30sec; total: 33m04sec)
    7. SSQ: Saasakíkwaa iíyuu : La purga del saasakíkwaa (toé) : Saasakíkwaa (toé, Brugmansia sp.) shamans
    (Iquito: 23m45sec; total: 23m50sec)
  • Availability: Online access
  • Collection: Materials of the Iquito Language Documentation Project
  • Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
  • Suggested citation: 2004 Hermenegildo Díaz Cuyasa audio recordings, 2014-18.023, in "Materials of the Iquito Language Documentation Project", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley, http://cla.berkeley.edu/item/23863.

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