Going fishing, incantation to the spirits, in unity there is strength, the blind man and the cripple, the potter and the laundry man, the blind men and the elephant.

  • Item identifier: LA50.005
  • Date: [unspecified]
  • Contributor: James Matisoff (researcher)
  • Language: Lahu (lhu)
  • Places: Chieng Mai, Thailand; Chieng Rai, Thailand; Tak, Thailand
  • Description: Formerly numbered as 2:2. Glosses in Lahu. Lahu is spoken in northern Thailand, Yunnan province, China, Shuan State, Burma, and northwestern Laos.
  • Availability: Online access to Item number LA 50.005 by request.
  • Catalog history: Digital asset LA50.005.001.wav was formerly segment number 005_1.
  • Collection: The James Matisoff collection of Lahu sound recordings
  • Repository: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
  • Suggested citation: Going fishing, incantation to the spirits, in unity there is strength, the blind man and the cripple, the potter and the laundry man, the blind men and the elephant., LA 50.005, in "The James Matisoff collection of Lahu sound recordings", California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley, http://cla.berkeley.edu/item/21049.

Digital assets in this Item (available by request):
LA50.005.001.wav (238015534 bytes)